The Public Works Director is hereby designated as the Floodplain Administrator for the Village of Hanley Hills, Missouri.
The Floodplain Administrator shall be responsible for the implementation of this administrative procedure set forth herein and the duties of the Floodplain Administrator shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Review all applications for floodplain development permits to ensure that sites are reasonably safe from flooding and that the floodplain development permit requirements of this Chapter have been satisfied;
Review all floodplain development permits for proposed development to ensure that all necessary permits have been obtained from those Federal, State or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required by Federal, State or local law;
Review all subdivision proposals and other proposed new development, including manufactured home parks or subdivisions, to determine whether such proposals will be reasonably safe from flooding;
Issue floodplain development permits for all approved applications;
Notify adjacent communities and the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (MoSEMA) prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA);
Ensure that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished and shall be maintained within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse.
Verify and maintain a record of the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures;
Verify and maintain a record of the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) that the new or substantially improved non-residential structures have been floodproofed; and
When floodproofing techniques are utilized for a particular non-residential structure, the Floodplain Administrator shall require certification from a registered professional engineer or architect.
In carrying out the duties set forth in Subsection (B) above, the Floodplain Administrator shall have the practical responsibilities as follows:
Understanding the regulations governing the floodplains;
Reviewing and evaluating floodplain development permit applications and determining whether or not development will take place in the special flood hazard area;
Interpreting floodplain boundaries and providing base flood elevation (BFE) data when available;
Reviewing plans and specifications for compliance with NFIP floodplain management criteria;
Advising applicants of other State, Federal or local permits or approvals that may be necessary;
Providing required notifications of changes and existing watercourses to FEMA;
Issuing or denying floodplain development permits;
Arranging for and hiring an inspector to inspect the progress on a field check of any development location and to verify that construction is proceeding in conformance with approved plans;
Maintaining records of floodplain development, including the number of floodplain development permits granted, documentation of any variance actions and copies of elevation certificates and floodproofing certificates;
Investigating violations of floodplain management ordinance requirements and taking corrective action;
Counseling permit applicants and local officials on variance criteria;
Coordinating map appeals and revisions;
Maintaining floodplain maps, flood data and keeping updated administrative forms;
Disseminating floodplain management information; and
Appointing people qualified to perform the necessary inspections set forth herein and to contract with same on an independent contractor basis.
[R.O. 2013 § 410.230; R.O. 2012 § 410.230; Ord. No. 929 Art. II, 1-19-2006]
Permit Application Required.
Any person, firm, corporation or other entity desirous of building or developing any structure(s) or subdivision(s) within the Village of Hanley Hills shall submit a floodplain development permit application to the Floodplain Administrator. The application must be made and signed by the landowner. The floodplain development permit application shall substantially be in the form noted in Section 410.260 of this Chapter. Any floodplain development permit application must be accompanied by the documentation set forth below and shall be accompanied by the fee set for floodplain development permits provided for in the Village Code. The application itself shall provide for nothing receipt of the application fee, the date so received and the form of payment received.
All floodplain development applications shall be accompanied by a legal description of the land on which the proposed work is to be done, two (2) sets of sealed, engineered plans and specifications for proposed construction, elevation certificates, floodproof certificates, a certificate from a registered professional engineer or architect that the non-residential floodproofed structure meets the floodproofing criteria or evidence that the residential structure will be constructed outside the floodplain and/or the basement floor elevation is above base flood elevation (BFE) and all permit applications required by Village ordinance for construction of any building or structure within the Village of Hanley Hills with relative flood information.
Upon receipt of the application and review by the Floodplain Administrator, the applicant shall supply other information as reasonably may be required by the Building Commissioner [for example, requiring a statement from the applicant that they are aware that elevating or floodproofing structures above the minimum levels will result in insurance premium reduction, especially in the case of non-residential floodproofing when a minus one (-1) foot penalty is assessed at the time of rating of the structure for the policy premium].
[R.O. 2013 § 410.240; R.O. 2012 § 410.240; Ord. No. 929 Art. III, 1-19-2006]
Reviewing The Floodplain Development Permit Application.
The Floodplain Administrator shall review the permit application by using the permit application checklist to determine and ensure that the following matters have been addressed:
Application completed and signed;
Fees paid;
Type of structure/proposed use;
Blueprints/development plans submitted;
Base flood elevation (BFE) documented;
Elevation certificate submitted and complete;
Floodproofing certificate submitted and complete;
Anchoring requirements/proposed anchoring documented;
No-rise certification complete;
Openings for enclosures below lowest floor reviewed;
Topographic information included;
Floodplain and floodway boundaries shown;
Construction material/method shown;
Location of utilities shown;
Subdivision/lot boundaries/property line shown;
Encroachments shown;
Cost analysis/estimate for substantial damage/improvement documented;
Corps of Engineers permit attached or proof of application attached;
Missouri Department of Natural Resources permit attached or proof of application attached;
Proposed watercourse alterations/relocation notification to adjacent communities shown;
FEMA approval requested for proposed alteration or relocation of watercourse;
Letter of map change attached;
Historic designation made or not made;
Engineering plans submitted under seal;
Hydrologic/hydraulic calculations shown;
Loading calculations and structural design shown;
Alternate design for openings for enclosure below BFE shown;
Design of breakaway walls greater than twenty (20) pounds a square foot shown.
Upon receipt of the application and once a determination that the application is complete pursuant to all the requirements set forth heretofore, the Floodplain Administrator shall review the documentation for compliance with technical requirements of the Village of Hanley Hills floodplain management ordinance. In the event that the current Floodplain Administrator does not feel he or she has the technical background necessary for reviewing compliance with the technical requirements of the Code, then the Floodplain Administrator shall upon entry into the position contract with an architect or engineering firm to perform technical review of the permit application. The review of the application shall be completed as soon as practicable and within a reasonable time after submission to the Village thereof.
Once a determination has been made that the application technically complies with the Village's floodplain management ordinance, a copy of the completed application shall be forwarded to an engineering firm for review. The engineering firm shall be contracted for on a yearly basis with the Village of Hanley Hills, and if no such firm is currently under contract with the Village of Hanley Hills, then the Floodplain Administrator may seek bids from a minimum of three (3) engineering firms to complete the review of the application. The lowest responsible bidder shall be chosen by the Floodplain Administrator. The engineering review shall consist at a minimum of review of the NFIP requirements, the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations, loading calculations and methods of construction relative to floodproofing, alternative designs for openings below lowest floor, and design and methods of construction for breakaway walls exceeding S.O.P. loading resistance of twenty (20) pounds per square foot.
The engineering firm shall complete the review as soon as practicable and within a reasonable period of time.
Approval Or Denial Of Floodplain Development Permit Application.
Upon completion of review of the permit application, the Floodplain Administrator shall approve the permit if the review indicates that it complies with Village Code. The applicant shall be notified within seven (7) days of completion of the review of any decision by the Floodplain Administrator. In the event that reviewing the permit and the plans submitted therewith indicate that certain development conditions need to be met, then the Floodplain Administrator may conditionally approve the permit. The conditionally approved permit shall clearly indicate on all records of the floodplain development permit approval the specific conditions upon which the permit is being issued.
If the proposal fails to comply with the Village Code, then the Floodplain Administrator shall deny the application. Specific reasons for denial of the application shall be stated in such a fashion so that the applicant may make the appropriate corrections. The decision of the Floodplain Administrator shall be sent directly to the applicant, in writing. A copy of the decision of the Floodplain Administrator shall be kept with the initial application in a file to be maintained by the Village Clerk.
Any denial by the Floodplain Administrator of an application shall be appealable to the Board of Trustees. An application for appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the denial letter from the Floodplain Administrator. Receipt of the denial letter shall be presumed to be three (3) days after mailing if sent to the applicant at any address supplied by the applicant to the Village. Upon receipt of such application for appeal, the Board will set a special meeting to hear the appeal and will notify the applicant of such date within ninety (90) days of receipt of the application for appeal. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall preside at the hearing. No new evidence shall be permitted to be introduced at the appeal. The appeal will be determined upon whether or not the application as submitted complies with the Village ordinances. The applicant shall have the opportunity to address the Board on this issue alone.
Village Clerk To Keep Application. Each application shall be numbered by the Village Clerk and shall be kept in chronological order in a separate area within the Village Hall designated application for floodplain development permit. A master list of each application made and each number given thereto shall be maintained separately by the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall also keep a copy of the application in a separate file under the name of the applicant. Such separate files shall be kept in alphabetical order and shall contain therein a cross reference to the number file wherein the original is kept.
[R.O. 2013 § 410.250; R.O. 2012 § 410.250; Ord. No. 929 Art. IV, 1-19-2006]
Prior to the issuance of a floodplain development permit, an inspection of the site shall be performed to verify that the proposed site is in the floodplain and to get a general idea of where the structure will be built. All inspections shall be performed by the Floodplain Administrator or his/her designee. All inspectors shall be aware of the floodplain development requirements and shall report any suspicious activity in the floodplain to the Floodplain Administrator. No inspections set forth herein shall take place more than one hundred twenty (120) days from the last inspection. Upon issuance of a floodplain development permit, inspections of the site and construction work shall be performed on a periodic basis as the construction work progresses.
All inspections performed shall be recorded by the inspector and the original shall be kept with the file designated for the application of the permit. A copy of the inspection shall be kept by the inspector in a separate file which shall be maintained by the Village Clerk underneath the name of the applicant and such file shall be kept in alphabetical order by the Village Clerk. The inspection file may be the same file in which a copy of the original application is kept.
The inspector will relate any deficiencies to the permit holder by issuing a correction notice to the permit holder by mail as well as at the job site. A duplicate of the correction notice shall be kept in both the application for permit file and the inspection file previously noted and shall be maintained by the Village Clerk.
Construction documents shall be routinely reviewed by the inspectors prior to any inspection to verify lowest floor elevation. A registered land surveyor or engineer must submit sealed documents verifying elevations and actual location of floodplain boundaries as described in the approved set of drawings. Elevation must be verified prior to placement of the lowest floor of the structure. At or near the final inspection, several areas of flood development will be reviewed, including, but not limited to, landscaping, berms, retention areas, stormwater management and floodway encroachments.
At each inspection, the inspector shall confirm that the line between design and actual construction/development is made in compliance with the approved plans. Any deviation noted from the plans shall be noted as set forth above.
Inspection 1.
The first inspection shall be performed immediately after completion of surveyor's location of base flood elevation (BFE) and precise construction location in the field. Inspection results will be entered on the floodplain development inspection form. Permit holder will be provided with the inspection results and a copy of the inspection form at the time of inspection or at a subsequent meeting in person. The original inspection form shall be kept in the inspection file and a copy thereof shall be placed in the permit file.
At the first inspection, with plans in hand, the inspector shall determine that site identified on the proposed plans is consistent with actual ground conditions shall further verify the location of floodplain and floodway boundaries, if applicable.
Inspection 2.
The second inspection shall be performed just prior to the placement of the lowest floor of the building. The inspector shall determine at that time whether the lowest floor will be situated to the heights stipulated on the permit and construction plans, the type of foundation used is the type set forth in the construction plans and shall check floodway encroachments, if applicable. This inspection shall be performed by the inspector immediately after the foundation is formed, but prior to the placement of any concrete.
Any discrepancies discovered by the inspector shall be recorded and shall be served upon the permit holder as set forth for Inspection 1. The records of any notice of violation as well as the inspection itself shall be kept as set forth for Inspection 1.
Inspection 3. At or near the completion of the development or the construction, a third inspection shall take place by the inspector to:
Determine whether the placement of fill, if used, meets the necessary slope and protection standards contained in local regulations;
Inspect enclosures below the lowest floor to ensure adequately sized openings exist;
Check breakaway walls;
Check for floodway encroachments, if applicable; and
Check anchoring system used in securing manufactured homes.
This inspection shall be performed by the inspector after the improvements are fully completed. Any discrepancies noted by the inspector shall be served upon the permit holder in the same manner as set forth for Inspection 1. Records of the inspection and any notice of deficiencies shall be kept as set forth in Inspection 1 above.
Future Additional Inspections. No future/additional inspections shall be required unless after Inspection 3 the property does not pass inspection. Upon successfully passing Inspection 3, no scheduled inspections will take place on the property. The Village reserves the right to inspect the property from time to time to ensure compliance with the Floodplain Management Regulations. All permits issued shall specifically state that the permit is issued upon the condition that the Village of Hanley Hills may perform an inspection upon the property at any time and that the applicant consents to allowing the inspection to take place which includes allowing inspection of the Village of Hanley Hills to come onto the applicant's property. The applicant shall further be notified that the applicant must notify any subsequent landowner of this provision for the permit being issued and that same condition will run with the land and continue indefinitely until such time as the Federal Government or the State of Missouri determines that the property is no longer within a floodplain.
[R.O. 2013 § 410.260; R.O. 2012 § 410.260; Ord. No. 929 Art. V, 1-19-2006]
Any non-compliance with the approved permit or any non-compliance with the Village Floodplain Management Regulations shall constitute an ordinance violation. Any ordinance violation so noted shall be subject to the penalties set forth herein. Any person or business entity who is the permit holder shall be responsible for compliance with the Village Code and subject to the violations set forth herein. Any discrepancy found shall be a violation whether or not the permit holder knew or should have known of the violation.
The inspector shall, upon noting any violation, in addition to issuing a notice of non-compliance, seek the aid of a Police Officer within the Village of Hanley Hills to issue a summons to the permit holder for the noted violation. Said summons shall require the permit holder to appear in Municipal Court to answer to the charge made by the inspector. Any violation found by the court shall be punished by a fine from fifty dollars ($50.00) to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or from one (1) day in jail to ninety (90) days in jail or a combination of fine and jail time as the court deems appropriate.
Stop-Work Order.
If the non-compliance found by the inspector is serious or if the problem continues after follow up inspections, the inspector shall issue a stop-work order. The stop-work order shall be hand delivered in the field and followed up with a letter via certified mail. The letter will state the issue of non-compliance, refer to the ordinance so violated and allow up to thirty (30) days to correct the action. In the event that the permit holder fails to correct the violation within the time stated in the stop-work order or fails to stop work upon the project (except for work necessary to bring the project into compliance), the Village will take any legal action necessary to enforce its order as allowed by law. Such actions may include an injunction, a restraining order and/or suit for damages. Despite this Subsection, the Village shall prosecute in Municipal Court all violations of the Floodplain Management Code and of this Article.
In the event that the permit holder believes the inspector to be incorrect in his/her decision to issue a stop-work order, then the permit holder will have the right to appeal said decision to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hanley Hills. A hearing will be convened as set forth in Section 410.190, except that the permit holder and the Village will have the opportunity to present evidence at the hearing. A record of the hearing will be maintained. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the Board shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri, as provided for in Missouri Statutes for Administrative Appeals (see Sections 536.010 et seq., RSMo.).
Revocation Of Permit. Upon non-compliance with a stop-work order and failure to correct the non-compliance stated therein within the time frame specified therein, the Floodplain Administrator shall revoke the permit issued pursuant to this Article. Once revoked, the permit holder must reapply for a permit as if no permit had previously been issued. Any work done at the site after revocation of the permit shall be subject to prosecution in Municipal Court as well as any civil action for injunction and/or damages the Village deems appropriate. In the event the Municipal Court finds that the permit holder knowingly violated the stop-work order and notice of revocation of permit, the court shall sentence the permit holder to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and shall sentence the permit holder to serve a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in jail. The maximum jail time under this Section shall be fifteen (15) days. In the event that the court finds that the permit holder had previously violated this Section of this Article, the court shall sentence the permit holder to serve a minimum of two (2) days in jail and pay a minimum fine of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). The maximum jail time under this Section shall be fifteen (15) days and the maximum fine shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
[R.O. 2013 § 410.270; R.O. 2012 § 410.270; Ord. No. 929 Art. VI, 1-19-2006]
The variance procedure shall be as set forth in the current Code of the Village of Hanley Hills Section 410.130 as codified in Ordinance No. 817 which ratified Ordinance No. 668 of the Village of Hanley Hills, Missouri.
An applicant seeking a variance must file the completed application for variance from the Board of Adjustment and pay the variance request fee of seven dollars ($7.00) for residential property and one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for non-residential property. Both applications must also include an advertising fee of thirty dollars ($30.00).
[R.O. 2012 § 410.280; Ord. No. 929 Art. VI, 1-19-2006]
The Village Clerk shall maintain all records with regard to floodplain development. Application for permits and permits shall be kept as set forth in Section 410.190 which requires both a numbering system for the application as well as a copy kept under the name of the applicant and a cross-reference system. Any other documents which pertain to the permit shall be kept as follows:
The original shall go in the application file, and a copy shall be placed in the cross referenced named file of the applicant. Such documents shall include, but not be limited to, application for variance, elevations and floodproofing certificates, the findings of fact relative to variance and appeal, "no rise" certification in case of floodway development and copies of "submit for rate" on all structures built below base flood elevation. Further, a copy of all checklists and forms associated with the project/application shall be maintained in the same manner.
General Floodplain Development Documents.
The following documents shall be maintained by the Village Clerk in folders labeled Floodplain Management with a calendar year thereon: All documents for the calendar year which pertain to floodplain development, including, but not limited to, NFIP bi-annual report forms, other NFIP correspondence, floodplain management data, information regarding development pressure on the floodplain, variances issued in the floodplain which are of particular interest to FEMA, as well as copies of blank forms and checklists used during that calendar year for the purposes of the floodplain development.
The Floodplain Administrator shall be responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of FEMA maps for administrative purposes, keeping a record of all map corrections and notices of map revisions [and attaching same to the official administrative map(s)], maintaining other sources of known flood data for approximate floodplain areas, and ensuring that accurate floodplain maps are displayed in the appropriate public place.
The Floodplain Administrator shall append to the Official Village Floodplain Map for permanent record of all official revisions of the flood maps whether accomplished by a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Such revisions shall also be made as part of the FEMA maps kept for administrative purposes and available to the public.
The Floodplain Administrator shall be responsible for completing, signing and submitting the FEMA bi-annual report.
[R.O. 2013 § 410.290; R.O. 2012 § 410.290; Ord. No. 929 Art. VII, 1-19-2006]
The following appendices shall be used initially by the Floodplain Administrator and any inspector of the Village:
Floodplain development application;
Floodplain Administrator's review checklist;
Application for variance.
Amendment. Any form attached as an appendix to this Article may be changed administratively without approval of the Board of Trustees by ordinance or otherwise.