[R.O. 2013 § 510.140; R.O. 2012 § 510.140; CC 1987 § 46.300]
Obstruction Or Disrepair Not Permitted. Accessory structures shall not obstruct light and air of doors and windows of any dwelling unit, or obstruct a safe means of access to any dwelling unit, or create fire and safety hazards, or provide rat or vermin harborage. Accessory structures shall be functional and shall be maintained in a state of good repair and alignment. All structures must have vermin-proof floors.
Removal Of Non-Functioning Structures. All exterior appurtenances or accessory structures which serve no useful purpose and are in a deteriorated condition which are not economically repairable must be removed. Such structures shall include, but not be limited to, porches, terraces, entrance platforms, garages, driveways, carports, walls, fences, miscellaneous sheds and sidewalks.