[R.O. 2013 § 515.130; R.O. 2012 § 515.130; CC 1987 § 94.010]
Driveways on residential property within the Village of Hanley Hills may not exceed thirteen (13) feet in width at the widest point. Driveways narrower than thirteen (13) feet may be widened to that width provided that such improvement is within the limits of the resident's own property.
[R.O. 2013 § 515.140; R.O. 2012 § 515.140; CC 1987 § 94.020; Ord. No. 871 Art. 1, 7-17-2003; Ord. No. 1000 Art. I, 11-18-2010]
No person or corporation shall widen, build, construct, reconstruct or alter any driveway on residential property within the Village of Hanley Hills unless they first obtain a written permit from the Building Commissioner of the Village after submitting his/her drawings, sketches, specifications and the proposed location thereof, all of which must be first approved by the Building Commissioner. Said permit shall be issued at the charge based upon the following schedule:
Project Cost
Fee Charged
$1.00 to $999.99
$1,000.00 to $1,999.99
$2,000.00 to $2,999.99
$3,000.00 to $3,999.99
$4,000.00 to $4,999.99
$5,000.00 to $5,999.99
$6,000.00 to $6,999.99
$7,000.00 to $(infinity)
$150.00 plus an additional $30.00 for each $1,000.00 or part thereof over $7,999.99
[R.O. 2013 § 515.150; R.O. 2012 § 515.150; CC 1987 § 94.030]
All residential driveways shall be constructed of not less than four-inch thick concrete suitably reinforced and with adequate expansion joints, or asphalt on an adequate chat base.
[R.O. 2013 § 515.160; R.O. 2012 § 515.160; CC 1987 § 94.040]
In the event said drawings, sketches or specifications are not approved or disapproved within twenty-one (21) days after being submitted to the Building Commissioner, they shall be deemed approved and the Building Commissioner shall issue the permit thereafter.
[R.O. 2013 § 515.170; R.O. 2012 § 515.170; CC 1987 § 94.050]
Any person or corporation building, constructing, widening, reconstructing or altering any driveway in violation of this Chapter shall reconstruct said driveway so as to comply with this Chapter or shall remove same within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice of said violation from the Building Commissioner of the Village, and every day said driveway continues to be in violation after said fifteen-day period shall be considered a separate offense.