The type of disciplinary action taken will vary with the severity of the situation and may include the following measures: oral reprimand, written reprimand, probation, suspension without pay, and discharge.
Disciplinary action may be imposed upon an employee for conduct or actions which interfere with or prevent the Town from effectively and efficiently discharging its responsibilities to the public as well as for any improper conduct by an employee. The following shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary actions. The list is illustrative only and shall not be considered to include all reasons for disciplinary action:
Activities prohibited by the Town bylaws, rules and regulations, charter, ordinance, or state law.
Use, possession, sale, or distribution of alcohol, narcotics, or other controlled substances during working hours, on Town property or in connection with the operation of Town equipment.
Failure to meet prescribed standards of work.
Unauthorized absence or abuse of leave privileges or any other employment benefit.
Abuse or destruction of Town records, equipment, materials, or other property.
Any conduct unbecoming an employee of the Town.
Please see § 441-33.
Administration with input from Human Resources will determine whether an employee's behavior warrants discipline. Disciplinary decisions are not subject to appeal.
The decision not to reappoint an individual whose term has expired is not necessarily based on a disciplinary action and is not subject to appeal.