Employee complaints concerning the administration of these policies shall be presented as follows.
Any employee who believes s/he has a valid grievance, including any claim of mistreatment or discrimination under applicable laws, should file a grievance with Human Resources, South Hadley Town Hall, 116 Main Street, Room 103, South Hadley, MA 01075; phone: 413-538-5017 (ext.129). If Human Resources is the source of the complaint, or there are other compelling reasons that prevent bringing the problem to the attention of this individual, then the employee may report the grievance to the Town Administrator.
A grievance should be made in writing.
A grievance may be denied if it is not reasonably timely.
Human Resources will undertake such investigation as is necessary.
In conducting the investigation, Human Resources will keep information as confidential as possible, and disseminate it on a need-to-know basis only. Others involved in the investigation in any capacity must also respect the privacy of those involved by keeping information learned during the course of the investigation confidential.
After reviewing the grievance and/or conducting an investigation Human Resources will schedule a meeting with the employee making the complaint to discuss his or her concerns and, where appropriate, advise the employee of the results of the investigation.
If the employee is dissatisfied with the handling or result of the investigation, the employee should bring the matter immediately to the Town Administrator, preferably in writing, stating the reasons for that dissatisfaction.
In all cases, the decision of the Town Administrator will be final.