[Adopted 1978 by Ord. No. 505 (Ch. 2.12 of the 1979 Code)]
[Amended 1984 by Ord. No. 583]
There is created and established the position of City Administrator. Said position shall be considered an exempt position rather than a classified position of the City.
As an exempt position, the Office of City Administrator shall not be subject to provisions of Chapter 75, Personnel Code, of the Municipal Code related to position classification and compensation.
Matters related to compensation and benefits shall be subject to annual negotiation among the Mayor, Council, and City Administrator. All salary and benefit provisions shall be upon the recommendation of the Mayor, subject to Council concurrence.
[Amended 4-30-2009 by Ord. No. 887]
Qualifications. The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to specific professional education for, actual experience in, and knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the administration of local government and to the duties of the office as specified below. The appointment shall be made without consideration of the candidate's race, sex, politics, or religious beliefs. At the time of appointment, he/she need not be a resident of the City, but shall establish such residence within 90 days from appointment. Neither the Mayor nor any member of the City Council shall receive such appointment during their term of office or within two years after the expiration of that term.
Employment contract; term. The City Administrator shall be employed by contract, the terms of which shall be agreed upon by both the City Administrator and a majority of the corporate authorities of the City. The term of the City Administrator shall be for no less than one year and no longer than the term of the Mayor holding office at the time the contract is entered into.
Compensation. The rate of compensation of the City Administrator shall be set by the Mayor and members of the City Council and may be adjusted from time to time as the City Council deems appropriate. Subject to the terms and conditions of state law and this section, the City Council and the Administrator shall enter into an employment contract which specifies in writing the level of compensation and other appropriate agreements describing the working relationship between the Administrator and the City Council.
Removal. The City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and the City Council. The Administrator may be removed from office by the Mayor with the advice and consent of four members of the City Council, subject, however, to the terms of any employment contract in existence between the City Administrator and the City of El Paso.
[Amended 1979 by Ord. No. 533; 4-30-2009 by Ord. No. 887]
The City Administrator, under and subject to the direction of the Mayor and the City Council, shall be the chief administrator of the City and shall be responsible to the Mayor and the City Council for the proper administration of the affairs of the City. The City Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the City in dealings with citizens, service vendors, civic groups and other governmental agencies and shall act as the principal intermediary between the Mayor and Council and all City employees. The City Administrator shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
Provide for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the City.
Create the agenda for and attend all meetings of the City Council and other official City boards and commissions as directed by the City Council; attend all meetings of the City Council except those from which the City Council determines attendance is not required because of a conflict or other reason. The City Administrator shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the City Council or other official City boards and commissions, but shall have no right to vote. The City Administrator shall be entitled to notice of all special and regular meetings of the City Council.
Recommend to the City Council such measures as, in his or her judgment, he or she deems to be in the best interest of the City.
Supervise and direct the day-to-day operations of the City's departments and personnel, including without limitation the Director of Public Service; the Chief of Police; the water collector; and all other municipal employees and to consult with the City Clerk, the City Treasurer and the City Attorney.
[Amended 2-6-2017 by Ord. No. 994]
Carry out and implement the policy direction established by the Mayor and City Council.
Recruit, screen and evaluate all candidates for employment with the City; employ, discipline, suspend and terminate any and all City employees, except when otherwise provided by law or contract and to the extent permitted by law and subject to the City Administrator's discretion and direct supervision, to delegate to any employee any of these powers with respect to any subordinates of that employee.
Establish plans and schedule work for City work forces and supervise the implementation of those plans by the City's supervisory staff.
Propose to the Mayor and City Council such personnel rules and regulations as the City Administrator deems necessary to manage the personnel of the City.[1] These rules may cover procedures and policies to govern the following:
Administration of the position description, classification and pay plans.
Recruitment, selection, promotion, evaluation, transfer, discipline and separation of City personnel.
Establishment of hours of work, attendance, leave regulations and working conditions.
Rules covering the outside employment, nepotism and political activity of City personnel.
Maintenance and use of necessary records and forms.
System of handling all grievances.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 75, Personnel Code.
Receive and investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the City and the services maintained by the public utilities in the City and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed.
When authorized and appointed by the City Council, serve as the City's Zoning Officer, with the duties and responsibilities prescribed for that officer in Chapter 315, Zoning, of the City Code.
[Amended 2-6-2017 by Ord. No. 994]
Serve as the City's chief administrative officer approving accounts payable, payroll, and City investments.[2]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection L, regarding the Administrator's authority to serve as the Director of Public Works, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 2-6-2017 by Ord. No. 994.
Purchase all materials, supplies and equipment, subject to and pursuant to directives of the City Council and within the bounds of the appropriations. These purchases shall be subject to and conform with the law as set forth in the statutes of the State of Illinois, especially those laws pertaining to the creation of liabilities against the City and pertaining to the expenditure of monies appropriated by the City. The City Administrator shall make all necessary purchases of supplies and equipment for all departments of the City and for that purpose is authorized to make expenditures of up to $10,000 without preliminary authorization of the City Council. All expenditures are subject to the confirmation or approval of the City Council and must be limited to the budget or special appropriation. The City Administrator may propose rules and regulations governing requisitions and the transaction of the business of purchasing between the heads of departments, officers and employees of the City.
[Amended 8-7-2023 by Ord. No. 1067]
Sign on behalf of the City any contract authorized by the City Council except where the City Council or state statutes direct that some other officer shall do so. It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to ensure that all franchises granted by, and all contracts with, the City are faithfully kept and performed by all parties thereto.
Prepare and submit to the Mayor and City Council by the date set by the City Council a recommended annual budget for City operations and recommended capital programs, and administer the approved budget after adoption; prepare written reports and documents at the direction of the Mayor and City Council; and evaluate and report to the Council no less frequently than monthly on the operation of the various City departments.
Cause to be prepared grant and/or loan applications on behalf of the City; administer grant and/or loan funds and cause the preparation of relevant reports to the corporate authorities and all appropriate agencies.
Evaluate City/village projects, programs, agreements and services and make recommendations on modifications and improvements thereto.
Devote his or her entire time to the discharge of his or her official duties.
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor and City Council consistent with state statutes and the ordinances of the City.
[Amended 2-6-2017 by Ord. No. 994]