[Adopted 6-26-1945 by Ord. No. 148 (Ch. 20, Art. I, of the 1973 Borough Code)]
[Amended 2-10-1948 by Ord. No. 164; 8-18-1970 by Ord. No. 297; 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. 396; 3-2-1982 by Ord. No. 447; 11-1-1984 by Ord. No. 475; 12-5-1996 by Ord. No. 649]
The Police Department of the Borough of Mount Ephraim is hereby established and shall consist, in such numbers as shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners, of:
A Chief of Police.
One Captain of Police.
Up to a maximum of three Sergeants of Police, one of which may be a Detective Sergeant, the exact number to be determined by the Board of Commissioners.
[Amended 12-1-2005 by Ord. No. 754]
Such other officers with the rank of patrolman, the exact number to be determined by the Board of Commissioners with the recommendation of the Chief of Police, and also special police as said Board of Commissioners shall deem advisable or necessary.
The Director of Public Safety shall have power to appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners, and without pay or compensation for their services, such special officers as the Board of Commissioners may deem advisable and may further appoint such special officers as the Board of Commissioners may authorize, which special officers shall be paid only when they are actually engaged in performing their duties as such.
[Amended 1-2-1973[1]]
No person shall be hired and/or appointed to membership in the Borough of Mount Ephraim Police Department who is not a citizen of the United States; is less than 21 or more than 35 years of age; who is not of good moral character, sound of body and in good health; and who cannot read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All police officers employed in the regular and established Police Department at a fixed annual salary shall severally hold their respective offices during good behavior, efficiency and residence in the Borough or until such time as by age or disease they may become permanently incapacitated from discharging their regular duties; provided, however, that any such police officer may be removed as hereinafter provided.
[Amended 9-1-1983 by Ord. No. 459[1]]
No police officer employed in the regular and established Police Department at a fixed annual salary shall be suspended, reduced in rank, fined or removed from office or employment for political reasons or for any cause other than incapacity, misconduct or disobedience of the rules and regulations established for the government of the Police Department and then only after a written complaint is filed against the officer signed by the person or persons making said charge and filed with the Director of Public Safety; a copy of said charges shall be served upon the officer personally or by leaving the same at his usual place of abode with a member of his family over the age of 14 years, and thereafter a hearing shall be held in accordance with law.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. 396]
All regular full-time police officers shall receive an annual salary which shall be in accordance with the provisions of the annual Salary Ordinance.
All regular part-time police officers shall receive such sum per hour as may be authorized by the Board of Commissioners for each hour engaged in performing their duties, in accordance with the provisions of the annual Salary Ordinance.
Relief police officers and special officers shall receive such sum per hour as may be authorized by the Board of Commissioners for each hour engaged in performing their duties. Said sums, including the salary specified above, shall be payable semimonthly.
Editor's Note: Specific salaries included in this section by Ord. No. 148 have been deleted as no longer current. The salaries of the members of the Police Department are provided for in the annual Salary Ordinance, which is on file in the Borough offices. Police Department salaries, as contained in the Salary Ordinance, have been established from time to time by ordinance adopted pursuant to a petition signed by 20% of the legal voters and approved at general election. Ordinances of this type, such as Ord. No. 299, adopted 9-15-1970, are also on file in the Borough offices.
The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to adopt rules for the governance, regulation and equipment of the Police Department and for the management and discipline of the same; all such officers and all regular police officers shall be under the direction of the Director of Public Safety of the Borough of Mount Ephraim.
[Added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 373]
It shall be the duty of the members of the Police Department to see to the enforcement of all of the ordinances of the municipality and all of the statutes applicable therein; and to preserve order and prevent infractions of the law and arrest violators thereof.
[Added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 373]
It shall be the duty of every member of the Police Department to conduct himself in a proper and law-abiding manner at all times and to avoid the use of unnecessary force. Each member of the Department shall obey the orders and directions of his superior.
[Added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 373]
The Chief of Police shall be specifically charged with the supervision of all members of the Department and shall be held strictly responsible for the conduct and efficiency of all such members for the general good order of the Department and shall be responsible to the governing body.
He shall have regular hours of duty during each working day.
He shall have a thorough knowledge of all sections of the municipality.
The Chief of Police shall diligently inquire into all complaints and charges of laxity and misconduct in the performance of duty by members under his command and shall take such steps as are set forth in the rules and regulations or as he may deem necessary when not in conflict with the rules and regulations.
The Chief of Police shall have full power and authority to reprimand any member of the Police Department and to file charges against him for nonconformance with good basic police procedure.[1]
Editor's Note: The following original sections of the 1973 Borough Code, which immediately and respectively followed this section, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I): § 20-11, Rules and regulation, added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 373; § 20-12, Violations enumerated, added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 383; § 20-13, Reprimand; grounds for suspension, added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 383; and § 20-14, Hearings, added 6-7-1977 by Ord. No. 383; as amended 6-5-1980 by Ord. No. 424, 9-1-1983 by Ord. No. 459, and 4-28-1999 by Ord. No. 676.