[Added 7-16-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-13]
There is hereby created the position of Qualified Purchasing Agent in the Township of Cranford.
The person holding this position must fulfill the qualifications set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9b, meet the criteria set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:34-5.1(a), and hold the certification of a Qualified Purchasing Agent.
Said certificate must remain in force during the time that the individual serves in this position.
The Qualified Purchasing Agent shall have the following functions, duties and responsibilities:
Purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable statutes and sound purchasing practices, all goods and services for the various departments, agencies, boards and other offices of the Township.
Execute all purchase orders and contracts up to the bid threshold authorized by statute and adopted by resolution of the Township Committee.
Exercise the authority to join with other units of government, including the state, county, Board of Education and other contracting units, in cooperative purchasing plans as permitted by statute, and when authorized by resolution of the Township Committee.
Recommend to the Township Committee rules and regulations governing the requisition and purchase of all goods and services, consistent with the provisions of this section and the governing statutes and administrative code.
Sell or dispose of all obsolete, unused or unneeded personal property of the Township in accordance with applicable statutes and/or resolutions of the Township Committee.