The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum regulations, provisions and requirements in the City to ensure safety to persons and property, safe and stable design, good workmanship in the methods of construction and uses of materials in any buildings constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, converted to other uses or demolished; to regulate the equipment, maintenance, condition, use, occupancy and safety and general welfare. This chapter shall apply in the City to new structures and to alterations and additions to existing structures and, where practical, to existing structures.
This chapter shall be known as the "Construction Standards Code" of the City and shall encompass the Building Code and any other codes and special regulations required to promulgate the purpose and intent of this Code.
The sections contained in this chapter shall be binding alike on every owner of a building, every person in charge of or responsible for or who caused the construction, repair or alteration of any building or structure, professional engineer or other person who shall prepare plans for the construction, alteration or addition to any building structure in the City.
All buildings and structures and all parts thereof shall be maintained in a safe condition, and all devices or safeguards which are required at the erection, alteration or addition or repair of any building shall be maintained in good working order. This section shall not be construed as permitting the removal or nonmaintenance of any existing devices or safeguards unless authorized in writing by the Building Inspector. Such maintenance requirements shall apply to all buildings now existing or hereafter erected.
The intent of this chapter is to be a performance code. New materials and methods may be used when approved by the Building Inspector. Minor variances from the code may also be approved by the Building Inspector, when those variances comply with the intent of the Construction Standards Code.
If not otherwise defined in this chapter, words used herein shall have their ordinary and accepted meanings.