[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Monona as Title 8, Ch. 3, of the 1994 Code; amended in its entirety 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 11-11-629. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Composting — See § 263-8.
Zoning — See Ch. 480.
The purpose of this chapter shall be to maintain and protect public health and sanitation by removal of garbage, rubbish and other waste material generated in the City of Monona, to eliminate dispersal of garbage, waste and other waste material along the streets, roads and other public and private properties in and near the City of Monona, and to provide a comprehensive City recycling program.
The City of Monona finds participation in a mandatory source-separation recycling program appropriate in this jurisdiction to conserve available local landfill capacity. The City further finds it appropriate to participate in both county-wide and state-wide recycling programs to conserve energy, recycle valuable resources, and protect public health, welfare and the environment. The City also finds participation in these programs appropriate to achieve consistency with county-wide recycling policies to ensure that the City will be able to use the county-owned landfill and the county material recycling facility.
The following words or phrases, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings set out below:
Clean woody vegetative material no greater than six inches in diameter. This item shall not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.[1]
Classified as any item too large to fit into the collection cart when permitted.
A container authorized and provided by the City for use in the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials from residential properties.
Collectable recyclables shall include aluminum containers, corrugated paper and other container board, glass containers, magazines, newspaper, office paper, rigid plastic containers including those made of PETE and HDPE, steel containers, and bimetal containers. The items listed as collectable recyclables in this definition may be modified by the Director of Public Works in accordance with the effective date of Wisconsin law or applicable Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulations or variances therefrom. The Director of Public Works shall be responsible for informing the public of all acceptable collectable recyclables.
All solid waste that is subject to collection by the City-authorized contractor by contract and does not include yard waste, recyclable materials, special haul items and materials defined as nondisposable in § 381-8.[2]
The person or persons specifically authorized by the Common Council to collect garbage, refuse and recyclable materials and dispose of the same.
That portion of solid wastes consisting of wastes from the construction, repair, remodeling or reconstruction of buildings, such as lumber, roofing and sheathing scraps, rubble, broken concrete, asphalt and plaster, conduit, pipe, wire, insulation and any other materials resulting from the demolition of buildings and improvements.
The orderly process of discarding useless or unwanted material.
Any waste accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter, liquid or solid, that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetables, including that from houses, butcher shops and similar establishments, and including natural content of moisture. Any combination of garbage and refuse shall always be deemed to be garbage for the purpose of this section.
A residential or commercial air conditioner, clothes dryer, clothes washer, dishwasher, freezer, microwave oven, oven, refrigerator, furnace, boiler, dehumidifier, water heater or stove.
Any radioactive, volatile, highly flammable, explosive, toxic or hazardous materials. Hazardous materials shall include, but not be limited to, any amount of waste listed or characterized as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or any state agency pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, and applicable state law.
Automotive and related batteries that are composed of lead plates with an acid electrolyte which is designated as a recyclable, but does not include nickel-cadmium batteries, dry cell (flashlight) batteries or batteries used in calculators, watches, hearing aids or similar devices.
Any container, package or material that contains infectious waste or that is from a treatment area and is mixed with infectious waste.
Materials which are recyclable but not eligible for pickup in the City's curbside recyclables collection program; includes lead-acid batteries, major appliances, waste oil and yard waste.
All PYREX® glass, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, broken glass and china, all polystyrene foam, and melamine-type plastics, all waxed paper, waxed cardboard, garbage and rubbish, etc., not defined as recyclable materials.
Those wastes that are unwholesome, have an unpleasant smell, or are otherwise noxious and/or offensive, such as manure, filth, slop, carcasses, carrion meat, fish, entrails, hides and hide scrapings, paint, kerosene, oil or greasy substances, and objects that may cause injury to any person or animal or damage to vehicles, such as barbed wire, briar thorns, and similar materials.
A rigid or semirigid container made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyethylene terphalate (PET) which is coded with a Society of the Plastics Industry code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7.
Any needle or other device used for the administering and/or transfer of any medicine, drug, solution or substance for the medical treatment of any disease or condition of any human or animal; and any scalpel, knife, tool or appliance used for the treatment, correction or modification of any disease, condition or physical state of any human or animal, where exposure to such thing in an uncontained or unprotected state could subject a human or animal to a needle stick, cut, laceration or other type wound or to contact with any blood or other bodily fluid of another or any bacteria, virus or any other infectious, toxic or hazardous substance.
A red container for sharps of a type of construction that will reasonably resist penetration of sharps, and which has been generally approved for such a medical use, and which is labeled as containing sharps and, if appropriate, infectious waste and/or biohazard substances.
Garbage, refuse and all other discarded or salvable solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from industrial, commercial and agricultural operations and from domestic use and public service facilities, but does not include solids or dissolved materials in wastewater effluent or other water pollutants.[3]
Leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than 1/2 inch in diameter.[4]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Administration. The weekly collection of solid waste shall be administered by the Director of Public Works.
Carts, residential.
The owner or occupant of each residence will be provided one City-owned solid waste collection cart. Residents can obtain one additional collection cart (as offered by the collector) by contracting directly with the collector for the additional cart and extra collection therefrom.
Cart sizes provided by the City are 64 gallons and 96 gallons.
The volume of garbage placed for collection on one day shall be no more than 96 gallons as offered through the City curbside solid waste collection program. The option of a second cart and weekly collection therefrom must be contracted directly between the property owner and the collector.
Before placing any garbage in the cart for collection, each patron, when possible, shall wrap it in paper or secure it in a plastic bag.
Food waste shall be drained and wrapped before being placed in carts or bags.
Commercial and multifamily establishments.
The City or its authorized collectors shall provide refuse collection services only to residential properties and multifamily properties with eight or fewer residential units.
Multifamily properties of three to eight units shall receive one solid waste dumpster of appropriate size as provided by the collector.
The City or its authorized collectors shall not provide refuse collection services to multifamily properties with nine or more units or to commercial/residential structures.
Condominiums. Each condominium association in the City shall be responsible for establishing compliance with this chapter by the owner of each condominium unit and shall submit its plan for compliance to the City for approval and shall submit for approval of the City any changes in such plan. Each condominium unit shall be treated the same as a single residential dwelling or the entire condominium shall be treated for such purposes as a multifamily dwelling. In approving such a plan, the City shall consider which plan under the circumstances would better promote the purpose of this chapter.
Limitations on placement.
Carts shall be placed for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day. No carts shall be placed for collection prior to 7:00 p.m. the day before collection day and shall be removed within 24 hours after collection. To accommodate street parking by the Monona Grove High School students, the contractor shall begin collection at 6:30 a.m. at the following locations:[1]
Gordon Avenue: Dean to Coldspring.
Wallace Avenue: Dean to Shore Acres.
Lofty Avenue: Monona Drive to Wallace Avenue.
Coldspring: Monona Drive to Winnequah Road.
Parkway Drive: Monona Drive to Winnequah Road.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Carts shall be placed on the driveway apron or in the grassy area behind the curb edge, with the opening facing the street or curb.
During the winter months, carts shall be placed on the driveway apron or on the grassy area behind the curb edge which has been cleared of snow accumulation.
Carts shall not be placed in the street, gutter or on a snowbank.
State law prohibits electronics, yard waste, oil and filters from being placed in a solid waste cart and landfill.
Construction debris shall not be collected by the City's contracted collector. It shall be the responsibility of the owner and/or contractor to dispose of construction debris as provided by law.
Lawn wastes. Lawn wastes (grass clippings, leaves and garden debris) will not be collected through a curbside collection program. Residents are encouraged to compost these items. These items may also be placed in the yard waste dumpsters located at the City Public Works Garage (851 Femrite Drive). Lawn waste must be removed from bags, and no brush or garbage is allowed in the yard waste dumpsters. Collectors, landscapers and residents who live outside of the City limits are prohibited from placing yard waste material in the yard waste dumpsters.
Applicability. This section shall be applied to all persons and/or entities, however organized, within the City of Monona.
Administration. The biweekly collection of collectable recyclables shall be administered by the Director of Public Works.
Carts, residential.
The owner or occupant of each residence will be provided one City-owned recyclables collection cart. Residents can obtain one additional collection cart (as offered by the collector) by contracting directly with the collector for the additional cart and collection therefrom.
Cart sizes provided by the City are 64 gallons and 96 gallons.
The volume of collectable recyclables placed for collection on one day shall be no more than 96 gallons as offered through the City curbside solid waste collection program. The option of a second cart and collection therefrom must be contracted directly between the property owner and the collector. Residents may, on occasion, place a limited amount of additional recyclables, secured in a clear plastic bag, next to the cart for pick up. Residents who consistently place extra recyclables outside the cart, however, will be required to purchase a second cart.
Residents shall separate collectable recyclables from garbage and other solid waste and shall keep the collectable recyclables clean and free of contaminants, oil, grease and other nonrecyclable materials, including, but not limited to, household hazardous waste and medical waste.
Commercial and multifamily establishments.
The City or its authorized collectors shall provide refuse collection services only to residential properties and multifamily properties with eight or fewer residential units.
Multifamily properties of three to eight units shall receive one recycling dumpster of appropriate size as provided by the collector.
The City or its authorized collectors shall not provide refuse collection services to multifamily properties with nine or more units or to commercial/residential structures.
Condominiums. Each condominium association in the City shall be responsible for establishing compliance with this chapter by the owner of each condominium unit and shall submit its plan for compliance to the City for approval and shall submit for approval of the City any changes in such plan. Each condominium unit shall be treated the same as a single residential dwelling or the entire condominium shall be treated for such purposes as a multifamily dwelling. In approving such a plan, the City shall consider which plan under the circumstances would better promote the purpose of this chapter.
Limitations on placement.
Carts shall be placed for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day. No carts shall be for collection prior to 7:00 p.m. the day before collection day and shall be removed within 24 hours after collection. To accommodate street parking by the Monona Grove High School students, the contractor shall begin collection at 6:30 a.m. at the following locations:[1]
Gordon Avenue: Dean to Coldspring.
Wallace Avenue: Dean to Shore Acres.
Lofty Avenue: Monona Drive to Wallace Avenue.
Coldspring: Monona Drive to Winnequah Road.
Parkway Drive: Monona Drive to Winnequah Road.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Carts shall be placed on the driveway apron or in the grassy area behind the curb edge, with the opening facing the street or curb.
During the winter months, carts shall be placed on the driveway apron or on the grassy area behind the curb edge which has been cleared of snow accumulation.
Carts shall not be placed in the street, gutter or on a snowbank.
Prohibited recyclable material disposal. No person shall:
Mix or permit the mixing of recyclable material with nonrecyclable material intended for collection by the City or its authorized collector or a third party.
Deposit or cause to be deposited any recyclable material at any authorized collection site while the site is closed.
Deposit or cause to be deposited any lead-acid battery in any container designated for the collection of recyclable or nonrecyclable material or place out for collection by the City or its authorized collector or a third party.
Deposit or cause to be deposited any recyclable material in or upon any public street, water or grounds in the City of Monona except for specified collection periods.
Deposit or cause to be deposited any recyclable material in any container not specifically intended for the collection of recyclable material.
Deposit or cause to be deposited any nonrecyclable material in any container specifically intended for the collection or deposit of recyclable material.
Place refuse, garbage or debris on the property of another or on public property without permission.
Residential separation.
All owners or occupants of single-family, two-family, condominium or multifamily (units up to a total of eight units in size) dwellings shall comply with all procedures adopted by the City for the separation of recyclable materials and shall further utilize the carts or dumpsters as designated by the City or its designee. Multifamily properties of three to eight units shall receive one solid waste dumpster of appropriate size as provided by the collector.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Residents not receiving solid waste collection service from the City or its authorized collector shall provide adequate separate carts for the collection and disposal of recyclable material.
Multifamily residential separation.
For the purpose of this subsection, "multifamily dwelling" means a dwelling intended to be the residence of nine or more families.
All owners of multifamily dwellings shall provide, at the owner's expense, adequate separate carts of a type approved by the City for the collection and disposal of recyclable material.[3]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Commercial separation. Owners or occupants of commercial, retail, industrial and governmental facilities shall provide, at the owner's expense, adequate separate carts or dumpsters for the collection and disposal of recyclable material.
Notification required.
Owners of two-, three- and four-family dwellings and all multifamily dwellings shall notify all tenants on move-in and on a semiannual basis thereafter of City and county recycling requirements.
Owners of commercial, retail, industrial and governmental facilities will notify all users, including employees, agents and customers, on a regular basis of City and county recycling requirements.
City-provided services. The City or its authorized collectors shall provide recycling services only to residential properties and multifamily properties with eight or fewer residential units.
Program authorized. The City authorizes the collector to administer a City Council-approved fee-based bulk-item collection program, which provides an opportunity for residents to coordinate independently, based on need, with the City's authorized collector to collect items such as, but not limited to, bulk items, junk, appliances, tires, electronics, etc.
Program operating procedures. Persons wishing to have bulk items and noncollectable recyclable material picked up must call the City's authorized collector in advance to arrange for such service. Bulk items and noncollectable recyclable materials are items that are not eligible for pickup in the City's curbside solid waste and recyclables collection program. Bulk items and noncollectable recyclable materials include, but are not limited to, the following items: general appliances, appliances containing freon, tires, batteries, electronics, large metal, furniture, junk, etc. Items that are requested to be collected by the City's authorized collector shall occur on the second and fourth Fridays of each month and shall be placed curbside by 7:00 a.m. on collection day. Items can be placed at the curb 24 hours in advance of collection. Items placed at the curb outside of the specified date and times are prohibited.
[Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 9-17-689]
Electronics recycling and disposal. Wisconsin's Recycling Law prohibits disposal of certain electronic devices in Wisconsin landfills, burning in an incineration facility, or placing these devices in a container intended for disposal or incineration. This prohibition is placed on any person, business or entity in the State of Wisconsin. All persons in the City shall separate the following electronic devices from their post-consumer waste and recycle with an authorized or licensed collector: televisions, monitors, all types of computers and peripherals, printers, copiers, fax machines, video recorders and players, telephones and cell phones, and stereo components.
[Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 9-17-689]
[1]Applicability. This section shall apply to all persons and entities who, directly or through the services of the City of Monona or another third party, dispose of or attempt to dispose of solid wastes at any Dane County-owned landfill and includes all persons, governmental operations and businesses, commercial, retail and industrial enterprises, however organized and of whatever type.
Editor's Note: Original Subsection A, Definitions, which immediately preceded this subsection, was moved to § 381-2 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 9-17-689.
Prohibited yard waste and brush disposal. No person shall:
Dispose of yard materials in a solid waste landfill or incinerator, and as regulated by § 287.07(2), Wis. Stats.
Mix or permit the mixing of yard waste or brush with solid waste for City curbside garbage collection or place or permit the placing of yard waste or brush out for City curbside garbage collection.
Deposit yard waste at any authorized yard waste or compost site while the site is closed.
Deposit yard waste or brush in or upon any public street, water or grounds in the City of Monona.
Intentionally deposit or mow grass clippings from his or her property onto any City street.
[Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 9-17-689]
Permitted yard waste disposal. It shall be lawful to:
Deposit yard waste at any authorized City of Monona yard waste dropoff site or any authorized compost site while such authorized sites are open in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Director of Public Works and approved by the Common Council.
Compost yard waste in side or rear yards pursuant to § 263-8 of this Code.
Owner responsibility. Every owner or operator shall be responsible for maintaining all property under his or her control in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Brush collection.
[Amended 12-15-2014 by Ord. No. 12-14-667]
The City operates a curbside residential brush collection and chipping service through an authorized contracted service provider. Department of Public Works staff may also complete this task as needed, or assist, as directed, with the brush collection program in the event of severe weather. This service is for the disposal of brush generated from routine yard maintenance and is intended to provide residents with a means for disposing of tree and/or brush trimmings. The brush collection program is not a means for disposing of entire trees.
[Amended 2-19-2018 by Ord. No. 2-18-696]
Brush shall be placed at the curb no more than 14 days prior to the scheduled collection week.
Brush shall be placed at the curbside by 7:00 a.m. on Monday of the collection week. Collection is not available for stumps, logs or tree roots. Collection is not available for brush trimming performed by a private contractor.
[Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 9-17-689; 2-19-2018 by Ord. No. 2-18-696]
Brush shall be placed in an orderly manner, uniformly stacked, behind the curb with all cut ends facing the street or parallel with the street facing the direction of traffic. Brush piles that are not uniformly stacked or piles that are tangled will not be collected.
[Amended 2-19-2018 by Ord. No. 2-18-696]
The City's contractor will collect one brush pile per address per scheduled collection period. Limbs shall not exceed six inches in diameter or be greater than 10 feet in length. Overall brush pile dimensions are not to exceed four feet by four feet by 10 feet (or six cubic yards). Any excess brush shall be removed from the terrace by the property owner within seven days after the scheduled collection.
[Added 2-19-2018 by Ord. No. 2-18-696]
Brush and other refuse shall be kept separate at the curbside and shall not be placed in the street.
Holiday trees shall be placed at the curb for collection by the contracted service provider.
The City authorizes a municipal leaf collection program. The leaf collection program normally begins during the month of October of each year. The curbside leaf collection shall continue as long as seasonal conditions permit. Collection schedules may vary depending on weather conditions and leaf collection volume.
Prohibited acts. No person shall intentionally place leaves on the property of another or on public property, including streets, parks or gutters.
Collection requirements.
Residents shall rake their leaves to the curbside terrace (not into the gutter) in windrows no wider than three to four feet. Leaves containing yard waste, brush or garbage will not be collected.
No bags of leaves or brush will be collected by the City.
Residents who want to bag their leaves or dispose of them on days other than the regular collection day can dispose of them at the disposal site located at the City Public Works Garage (851 Femrite Drive).
The following items will not be picked up either in the curbside garbage collection program or the curbside bulk item collection program:
Hazardous waste;
Toxic waste;
Explosives or ammunition;
Drain or waste oil, antifreeze or flammable liquids;
Large quantities of paint;
Dead animals;
Gravel or concrete;
Building waste and construction debris;
Animal or human waste;
Hot ashes (ashes that are fully extinguished and dry may be left for collection in noncombustible carts);
Any metal barrels or other petroleum-containing vessels.
The aforementioned materials shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by federal or state laws or as provided for herein.
Household sharp medical waste disposal.
Household sharp medical waste is not to be deposited in any other place or manner in the City of Monona than as hereinafter provided.
Acceptable means of disposing of household sharp medical waste include:
Disposal in an approved medical waste box, such as a sharps container; or
Disposal in a heavy plastic container, such as a laundry soap bottle, providing that the lid is permanently affixed thereto using tape or another means, and the container is marked "Medical Waste: Do Not Open."
No container for household sharp medical waste or loose household sharp medical waste may be mixed with recyclables.
Collector to refuse pickup of nonconforming household sharp medical waste. The City's collector shall refuse to pick up any solid waste or recyclables containing household sharp medical waste not separately contained and prepared as provided in this section.
It shall be unlawful to bring refuse or lawn waste from outside the City of Monona limits into the City limits for disposal unless specifically authorized by written agreement with the City.
The accumulation or deposit of garbage, trash or putrescible animal or vegetable matter in or upon any lot or land or any public or private place within the City, which causes the air or environment to become noxious or offensive or to be in such a condition as to promote the breeding of flies, mosquitoes or other insects, or to provide a habitat or breeding place for rodents or animals, or which otherwise becomes injurious to the public health, is prohibited and declared to constitute a nuisance. Refuse areas shall be kept in a nuisance-and odor-free condition. Refuse shall not be allowed to accumulate. Violation will result in the occupant and/or owner being notified to clean up his or her area, with continued violations resulting in the owner being prosecuted under provisions of this and other City ordinances.
It is expected that from time to time federal and state statutes and regulations will require that items other than the items which have been deemed to be recyclable herein shall be recycled. In such event, this chapter shall be deemed to include and shall require such other items to be recyclable hereunder.
General penalty. Except as provided in Subsection B below, any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of § 1-4 of the Code of the City of Monona. Collection crews may refuse to collect refuse placed in violation of this chapter.
Violations relative to mandatory recycling. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter mandating recycling shall be subject to a forfeiture as prescribed in the Fee, Forfeiture and Deposit Schedule as approved by the Common Council.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).