[Adopted 1-4-2005; amended in its entirety 9-1-2015]
No person shall sell tobacco and nicotine delivery products in the City of Union City unless the sale of such products is controlled by an employee of the establishment. A person may only sell tobacco or nicotine delivery products in a direct, face-to-face exchange between the retailer and the consumer. Self-service displays of tobacco or nicotine delivery products and cigarette vending machines shall be prohibited, pursuant to § 351-4.
No person shall sell tobacco products or nicotine delivery products to any person under the age of 21 years or give tobacco products or nicotine delivery products to any person under the age of 21.
Retail establishments where tobacco products or nicotine delivery products are sold shall conspicuously post and reasonably maintain signs having a minimum size of six inches by eight inches where these products are displayed and at all checkout counters notifying customers that proof of age is required to purchase tobacco products or nicotine delivery products.
All clerks selling tobacco products or nicotine delivery products shall verify by means of government-issued photographic identification containing the bearer's date of birth that no person purchasing the tobacco- or nicotine-containing products is younger than 21 years of age.
No tobacco retailer selling tobacco or nicotine delivery products shall allow an employee to sell or distribute such products until the employee has read the City ordinances and state laws pertaining to the sale or distribution of tobacco or nicotine delivery products and has signed a statement that the employee has read such City ordinances and state laws.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Products which are designed to deliver nicotine or vapor, including what are commonly known as "e-cigarettes," and used as a substitute for cigarettes or other forms of tobacco, but excluding nicotine patches or nicotine chewing gum.
Any product made or derived from tobacco.