[Adopted 2-25-2015 by Ord. No. 317 as Ch. 7, Art. V, of the 2015 Pittsfield Charter Township Code; amended in its entirety 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 323]
Any person determined to be a responsible person under this chapter that incurs fee(s) assessed under Article I, II, or III may appeal that determination, and the service fee(s) assessed, by filing a written statement of appeal.
The written statement shall set forth the reasons for the appeal; why such person is not responsible for the cost of emergency response or service; and why the fee should not be assessed.
The appeal for partial or full waiver of fees shall be filed with the Director of Public Safety within 21 days of the invoice date.
The appeal will suspend fee(s) billed and other enforcement of the fee(s) until a determination is made.
The Director shall determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether the facts warrant the fees and charges assessed pursuant to this chapter.
The Director may adjust the fees and charges for good cause and shall report all appeals and the outcomes to the Board of Trustees.
A person determined by the Director to be responsible for the cost of an emergency response or service in excess of $5,000 may file a written statement of appeal with the Clerk requesting review of the Director's decision by the Township Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees will hear the appeal within 90 days of receiving the request for appeal and, by a majority vote of those voting, shall determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether the facts warrant the fees and charges assessed pursuant to this chapter.
Payment of all fees and charges found to be due after the appeals process are to be paid within 60 days of the date of the appeal being finalized.