[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Coloma 5-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Special assessments — See Ch. 131.
Building construction — See Ch. 207.
Floodplain zoning — See Ch. 265.
Health and sanitation — See Ch. 286.
Sewer Utility — See Ch. 401.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 420.
Water — See Ch. 460.
Zoning — See Ch. 480.
Notice to connect.
For the purposes of this section, an "improved parcel" shall mean a parcel or lot containing a building suitable for human habitation, occupancy or the conduct of any trade, business or industry.
For the purposes of this section, sewer and/or water service is available to an improved parcel or lot if said parcel or lot is adjacent to or within 200 feet of a utility main. A main located on the opposite side of the road is considered adjacent to the parcel or lot.
Wherever water and/or sewer service is available to an improved parcel or lot, the Sewer and Water Committee or its designee shall notify, in writing, the owner, agent or occupant thereof to connect all facilities required by this chapter. The notice required by this section shall direct the owner or his/her agent to connect the building(s) to such main or mains in the manner prescribed by ordinance and to install such facilities and fixtures as may be reasonably necessary to permit the passage of sewage incidental to human use into the sewer system and to furnish an adequate supply of pure water for drinking and prevent creation of a public health nuisance.
Owners of all houses and buildings on improved parcels or lots within the area of the Village served by the Village of Coloma sewer system and/or the Village of Coloma water system shall connect said houses or buildings to the available system(s) within 36 months subsequent to the service being available. Those owners or agents who have not connected to the respective Village Utility within 18 months subsequent to the service being available shall be liable to the system(s) for a standby charge of 100% of the base charge, due and payable monthly.
Abatement of private waste systems and water wells. After connection to the public sewer, no privy, privy vault, cesspool or septic system shall be constructed or maintained upon such lot or parcel and shall be abated upon 10 days' written notice by the Committee or its designee. If not abated, the Committee shall cause the same to be done and the cost thereof assessed as a special tax against the property. Private wells may only be maintained and in continued use if approved by permit from the Department of Natural Resources. Private water wells may not be connected to a fresh water plumbing system cross-connected to the Village water system.
Connection time extension. The Village Board may extend the time for connection hereunder or may grant other temporary relief where strict enforcement would work an unnecessary hardship without corresponding public or private benefit.
A lateral permit shall be required before any property may be connected to the Village water or sewer system. The permit shall be issued by the Clerk/Treasurer, at the direction of the Zoning Administrator, and shall be issued before any building permits and before any construction may commence. The fee for the permit shall be set by Village resolution, and is payable to the Village water or sewer system.
A lateral hookup charge for a property, equal to the actual cost of tapping the main and running a lateral to the edge of the utility easement, including restoring streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work, shall be assessed for those parcels which were not assessed a lateral charge during constructions of mains. In the case of existing property where the owners do not connect to the system at the time of original installation, but request connection at a later time, the property owner shall assume the costs of lateral installation and restoration of public property.
The owner shall connect, install and maintain at his/her own expense that portion of the service from the curb, if there be one, otherwise the easement line to his/her premises; except when collection lines cross the owner's property, the installation and maintenance responsibility shall be from collection line to the premises. The installation and maintenance of the private water and sewer lines shall be in compliance with local codes and the Code of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Uniform Dwelling Code.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Charges for water and sewer hookups shall be established by resolution of the Village Board, water rates being subject to regulation by the Public Service Commission.
All installations of water and sewer service laterals, connections to buildings or mains, or other underground utilities to be connected to Village facilities shall be inspected by the designated Village official or designee prior to backfilling. A notice shall be given to the Director of Public Works at least one working day in advance of expected inspection times. The Village may require pressure testing of water or sewer lines, bacteria testing of waterlines and/or televised inspection of mains at owner, contractor or developer expense.
Any water or sewer main or line installed and intended to become part of the municipal system shall be inspected by the Village Engineer at the developer's expense. At least three working days' notice must be given of an expected inspection by the Village Engineer.
The Village assumes no liability for lost time to contractors or individuals due to delays in inspection of installations.
Any person backfilling installations prior to inspection shall, at the option of the Director of Public Works or the Village Engineer, uncover the installation at the individuals or the contractors expense, allowing for the required inspection.
Approval of sewer or water utility installation shall be given prior to occupancy of any building or addition to a building.
Specifications for the construction of sewer and water services, interior piping and underground utilities are subject to State administrative code.
Every user shall permit the Village Board or its agent, at all reasonable hours of the day to enter their premises or building to examine the pipes and fixtures, and the manner in which drains and water and sewer connections operate. The user shall, at all times, frankly and without concealment, answer all questions put to them relative to system use.
An owner or his/her agent may appeal a decision of the Director of Public Works, the Water and Sewer Committee or the Village Engineer to the Village Board of Trustees.
Appeal from and review of the Village Board's decision may be taken to the County Circuit Court within 30 days of the date of the Village Board's decision by causing a written notice of appeal to be served upon the Clerk-Treasurer and by executing a bond to the Village in the sum of $150 conditioned upon the faithful prosecution of the appeal and the payment of all costs that may be adjudged against that person.
The Village has adopted the Wisconsin Administrative Building Code and contracted with Waushara County for inspectors to administer such. No person shall be permitted to do any plumbing or pipe fitting work in connection with the sewer or water system without first receiving a license from the state and obtaining permission from the Village. All service connections to the sewer or water main shall comply with the State Plumbing Code.
Water and sewer lines, including appurtenances thereto, including road, street and no-traffic restoration, not constructed in accordance with or pursuant to standards or Wisconsin Administrative Code or local ordinance shall not be approved or accepted for connection to the Village sewer or water system or underground utilities system, and connection to the systems is not allowed.
All sewer lines and waterlines, including appurtenances thereto, prior to being connected to Village facilities, shall be inspected by the Village official designated to do so to ensure that construction thereof has been done in compliance with the standards, specifications and details adopted by the Village.
It shall be unlawful for any person to connect to a Village sewer line, waterline or underground utility or facility without complying to all provisions of this chapter.
No person, except those having special permission from the Village Board or Director of Public Works, shall be permitted to tap the water mains or sewer collection mains.
In making excavations in streets or highways for laying service mains or pipes or making repairs, the paving and earth removed shall be handled to prevent public inconvenience or property damage. No excavation shall be left open at any time without barricades and warning lights.
Water and sewer mains will be extended for new customers on the following basis:
Where the cost of the extension is to immediately be collected through assessment by the Village against the adjacent or abutting property, the procedure set forth under § 66.0703, Wis. Stats., will apply, and no additional customer contribution to the Utility will be required.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Where the Village is unwilling or unable to make a special assessment, the extension will be made on a customer-financed basis as follows:
The applicant will advance as a contribution in aid of construction the total amount equivalent to that which would have been assessed for all property under Subsection A(1).
Part of the contribution required will be refundable. When additional customers are connected to the extended main, contributions in aid of construction will be collected equal to the amount which would have been assessed for the abutting property being served. This amount will be refunded to the original contributor(s). In no case will the contributions from additional customers exceed the proportionate amount which would have been required, nor will they exceed the total assessable cost of the original extension.
When a customer connects to a main or connecting loop installed at Utility expense, there will be a contribution required of an amount equivalent to that which would have been assessed.
Water and sewer main installations in platted subdivisions.
Application for installation of water and/or mains in regularly platted subdivisions shall be filed in writing to the Village Board, filed with the Clerk/Treasurer. The developer shall provide required information: projected user population, water usage, waste flow, design BOD to be served by the extension or installation.
If the developer, or a contractor employed by the developer, is to install the water or sewer mains (with approval of the Utility(s), the developer shall be required to advance to the Utility(s), prior to the beginning of the construction, the total estimated cost of the extension to the Utility(s). If the final costs exceed the estimated costs to the Utility(s), an additional billing will be made for the balance of the cost due. This balance is to be paid within 30 days. If final costs to the Utility(s) are less than estimated, a refund of the overpayment will be made by the Utility(s) within 30 days.
All plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer. The developer shall forward plans for extensions to the DNR and other applicable departments of the state, when required, for review and approval. The developer shall bear the burden of any and all Village costs associated with engineering, as well as administrative and legal needs associated with the installation or extension.
A developer or owner, when necessary, shall grant an easement to the Village for utility or roadway to adjacent lands, to enable service to future developments. The developer or owner shall grant easements for utilities and roadways in the current development. There shall be no trees, shrubs or permanent landscape fixtures or obstacles planted or placed within the easements.
In the event the roadways in the development or parcel are not dedicated to the Village, the developer or owner shall grant an easement to the Village for any sewer or water mains under or near the roadways, and any and all repairs work to the roadways or adjacent property resulting from the Village maintaining said mains shall be the responsibility of the developer or owner. Any and all manholes or valves shall stay cleared and the developer or owner shall be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage caused to said manholes or valves.