[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II]
Planned residential districts are intended to establish residential areas and requirements and to incorporate by reference, planned residential developments which have been duly approved by the Township of Thornbury pursuant to Article 26 of this chapter. Accordingly, the PRD-1 District provides for:
The establishment of single-family detached dwellings.
Recreation and open space.
Sewage and water facilities.
Conservation of creek valleys, steep slopes, and woodland areas.
Conservation and proper utilization of ground water supplies and control of surface water flooding.
In Planned Residential Development District - 1, the following regulations shall apply.
[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II]
In Planned Residential District - 1, the tentative and final approval together with all requirements and regulations contained therein as approved pursuant to § 27-2601 et seq., of this chapter are incorporated herein as if fully set forth, and when not inconsistent with this chapter, shall remain in full force and effect.
[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II; and as amended by Ord. 1-2003, 8/6/2003, § V]
A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the following purposes and for no other:
Single-family detached dwelling.
Sewage or water supply facility.
Community open space.
Accessory use on the same lot and customarily incidental to any of the foregoing permitted uses. The term "accessory use" shall not include a business or profession, and may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
Private parking or garage space for private noncommercial vehicles.
Private home swimming pool.
Private home greenhouse or storage building.
Private play equipment.
No-impact home-based business.
No use shall be permitted which is in violation of the prohibited uses and performance standards of § 27-2107 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II]
Lot Area. Every lot shall have not less than 14,000 square feet.
Lot Width. Each lot width shall be not less than 65 feet at the building line with a minimum street frontage of 65 feet except on a cul-de-sac, which shall be 50 feet.
Lot Coverage. Not more than 30% of the area of each lot may be occupied by buildings or other impervious cover, except that any area devoted to a swimming pool construction, exclusive of surrounding paved areas, shall not be included in the 30%.
Front Yard. There shall be a front yard not less than 40 feet from the front building street line.
Side Yard. There shall be two side yards which shall not be less than 40 feet in aggregate width and neither of which shall be less than 15 feet.
Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet in depth.
Accessory Structures. For the purpose of this subsection, an accessory structure shall be placed at a minimum distance in accordance with the provisions of Subsections 4, 5, and 6 hereof. If the accessory structure is located on the lot with its forward most portion located behind the line parallel to the street line and which touches the rear most portion of the main building, then it may be placed at minimum distance of 10 feet from rear property line and 10 feet from the side property lines.
Signs. As permitted in Article 20 of this chapter and when allowed herein.
[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II]
No building shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height.
[Ord. 2-1976, 2/3/1976; as added by Ord. 4-1996, 3/6/1996, § II]
Off-street parking spaces with proper and safe access from a street shall be provided within a structure or in the open, to serve adequately the use of each lot within the district. The number of spaces to be provided and their location shall be as provided in Article 21 of this chapter.