[Added 12-4-2000 by L.L. No. 8-2000, approved 12-14-2000, effective 1-1-2001]
There shall be a Department for Children, Youth and Families, the head of which shall be the Commissioner for Children, Youth and Families. The Commissioner shall be in the noncompetitive class of the civil service and shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature as provided in Section 302(c) of this Charter. The term of office of the Commissioner shall be five (5) years.
The Commissioner for Children, Youth and Families shall:
Establish, provide and administer a centralized intake and assessment service to address issues involving children, youth and families;
Be responsible for the functions, powers, duties and obligations previously performed and assumed by the Commissioner of Social Services concerning preventive services to children and their families within the scope of Article 6 of the Social Services Law;
Be responsible for the functions, powers, duties and obligations previously performed and assumed by the Commissioner of Social Services concerning child protective services to children and their families within the scope of Article 6 of the Social Services Law;
Be responsible for the functions, powers, duties and obligations previously performed and assumed by the Commissioner of Social Services concerning out-of-home placement; and adoption services to children within the scope of Article 6 of the Social Services Law;
Be responsible for and coordinate the operation and functions of the County Youth Bureau; and
Perform such other and related functions concerning children, youth and families as the County Legislature or the County Executive may from time-to-time direct.
With respect to these functions, the Commissioner shall be deemed a "social services official" as that term is defined under New York State law.
There shall be a Youth Bureau which shall be responsible for devising, in consultation with the Youth Board established pursuant to the Executive Law, a comprehensive County-wide plan for services for youth. The Youth Bureau shall also be responsible for identifying gaps in youth services and encouraging service provisions, applying for funds from all appropriate governmental and private sources for services for youth, stimulating and revising programs and services for the young, cooperating with young residents of the County and organizations servicing or representing such individuals, and providing information relative to programs and services for the young in the County and sources of support for such programs and services. The Director of the Youth Bureau shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the confirmation by the County Legislature as provided in Section 302(c) of this Charter, and serve at the pleasure of the County Executive. The Director of the Youth Bureau shall perform such other and related functions as the County Legislature or the County Executive may from time-to-time direct.