[Ord. 1968-6, 3/11/1968; as amended by Ord. 543, 4/23/1979; by Ord. 557, 5/18/1981; by Ord. 636, 5/23/1989, § 1-6; by Ord. 715, 6/17/1996; by Ord. 725, 12/15/1997; by Ord. 728, 2/9/1998; by Ord. 748, 6/11/2001; and by Ord. 785, 2/13/2006, § 1]
These rules and regulations are a part of the contract of every property owner who takes water, and every such property owner by the taking of water agrees to be bound thereby.
Application for Water Service. Application for water service shall be made to the Borough Secretary. Applicants shall state fully the purpose for which such service is to be used, shall give the proper location of the premises to be supplied and, if required to do so, shall fill in application blanks for any permits required. Applicants shall also give other essential information which may be requested of them.
All Borough Water Used must Be Metered. A meter must be installed on all water service lines before water is turned on.
The water meters shall be furnished by the Borough and paid for and installed by the property owner. Meters shall be serviced and kept in working order by the Borough at the expense of the property owner. Meters shall be installed in a horizontal position clear of any obstructions which interfere with meter readings and safe from freezing temperatures. A valve must be installed on each side of all meters to stop the flow of water so that meter can be removed. All meter pits shall be 36 inches below ground level with inside dimensions not less than 32 inches by 32 inches, with a removable cover not less than 20 inches in diameter.
On or after the effective date of this subsection, all water meters installed or replaced shall be the property of the Borough, shall be supplied for installation at the cost of the Borough and shall be serviced by or at the direction of the Borough and at Borough expense, except if the repair or replacement is caused by the action or neglect of the property owner; in such case, the reasonable cost of the repair or replacement shall be paid by and collected from the property owner in the same manner as the collection of water rates. All water meters shall be installed in strict conformity with such specifications as the Borough may from time to time adopt. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, at the request of a property owner, more than one water meter is installed to serve an individual property, the cost of installation of any such additional or submeter may, in the sole discretion of the Borough, be charged in whole or in part to the property owner.
All semidetached houses shall have a separate service line into each side of the house and a meter installed on each service line.
All meters shall be sealed by the Borough. It shall be illegal for anyone other than duly authorized persons to break this seal, and the offender, upon conviction, shall be punishable for each offense by up to the maximum penalties permitted by law.
Borough Council reserves the right to have any duly authorized person or persons enter upon any property where Borough water is used, at any reasonable time, for the purpose of inspecting pipes, water fixtures and meters and for the reading of meters. Credentials shall be shown if requested.
Any property owner desiring Borough water for a property outside of the Borough shall make application to the Borough Secretary for a permit. If Borough water is used, such property owner must install a water meter, and the rates for the use of Borough water shall be 20% higher than the standard rates set in this Part. All expense of getting water from the nearest main shall be borne by the property owner desiring Borough water. A valve must be located in the Borough so that such service may be discontinued. Council specifically reserves the right to discontinue service to property owners outside of the Borough by giving such property owners one year's notice of intention to discontinue such service.
Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to prohibit the use of water in response to the state of drought and water supply emergency within the Borough of Oxford and which may affect the Oxford Borough waterworks, in order to conserve water, to balance demand with limited available supplies and to assure that sufficient water is available to serve essential health, safety and economic needs.
Scope. These regulations shall apply to all water users within the Borough of Oxford and outside the Borough of Oxford, using water supplied through Borough water facilities.
Definitions. As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any type of water, including fresh water, brackish water, wastewater or reclaimed wastewater.
A place where trees, shrubs and plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes.
Water containing more than 1,000 parts per million of dissolved salts.
A fee established by duly adopted resolution of the Borough Council, which fee is to reimburse the Borough for the cost of inspecting, approving, and/or installing any water connection from a consumer's water system to the water distribution system.
See § 26-406, incorporated herein by reference.
See § 26-406, incorporated herein by reference.
A formula calculated by the Borough Engineer or other qualified person which relates nonresidential units to residential units for purposes of establishing the appropriate tapping fee for nonresidential units. Such formula shall be established by duly adopted resolution of the Borough Council.
Water withdrawn from a surface or ground water source or from a public water supply system located within the Delaware River Basin, which has not been previously used, other than brackish water and water from a nonpotable source. "Fresh water" does not include water collected directly from precipitation in rain barrels or cisterns.
Water from a nonpotable source, water from a surface or ground water source which the Department of Environmental Protection determines is not used for public or private drinking water supply and is not capable of being rendered suitable for drinking water supply by standard and economically feasible methods of treatment.
Any building or part thereof designed or occupied as a residence for one or more persons as a family or like living unit.
An additional tapping fee to be paid to the Borough when any existing building or structure connected to the water system is to be converted, enlarged or remodeled, or the use increased, or where additional buildings or structures are to be constructed on a property and connected indirectly to the water system so as to create or establish additional and/or alternate use.
[Added by Ord. 879, 5/12/2014]
A fee calculated by the Borough Engineer, or other qualified person, pursuant to the provisions of Act 57 of 2003, amending the Municipality Authorities Act, for each residential or equivalent residential unit which is to receive water through the water distribution system. Said tapping fee shall be established by resolution of the Borough Council.
Water which has been previously used for industrial, municipal, domestic or other purpose and has not been returned to the surface or ground water source.
A connection that has not paid the minimum (base rate) fee for two years will be considered abandoned. To reconnect this connection, the applicant must follow the procedures listed in § 26-102, Subsection 2, and pay all tapping and capital cost connection fees. The beginning of the two-year period is the date of adoption.
The pipes, valves, mains, appliances, and conduits which convey water from the Borough water source to consumers, whether or not such system is owned or installed by the Borough or dedicated to the Borough.
Use of water. The use of water for sprinkling purposes, washing of automobiles, porches or pavements and for such uses as may be herein provided shall at all times be subject to the express condition that Council may, at any time, when in its opinion the condition of water supply demands it, limit the time of day during which water may be used for such purposes, and Council may forbid the use of water for such purposes for any period it may deem necessary.
Prohibition of nonessential uses. The following water uses are declared nonessential and may be prohibited under certain conditions within the Borough of Oxford and by users of water supplied by the Borough of Oxford:
The use of any water for watering of lawns.
The use of fresh water for irrigation and watering of outdoor gardens, landscaped areas, trees, shrubs and other outdoor plants, except:
The use of fresh water applied by means of hand-held containers (no hoses) for irrigation of domestic vegetable and fruit gardens, to the extent that sources of water, other than fresh water, adequate to supply needs are not available or feasible to use.
The use of fresh water by commercial nurseries at the minimum level necessary to maintain stock, to the extent that sources of water, other than fresh water, adequate to supply needs are not available or feasible to use.
The use of fresh water at the minimum rate necessary to implement revegetation as required pursuant to an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan adopted pursuant to state law or regulation, to the extent that sources of water, other than fresh water, adequate to supply needs are not available or feasible to use.
The use of any water for washing paved surfaces such as: streets, roads, sidewalks, driveways, garages, parking areas, tennis courts and patios.
The use of any water for ornamental purposes, including fountains, artificial waterfalls and reflecting pools.
The use of any water for washing or cleaning of automobiles, trucks, other motor vehicles and trailers, except:
The use of water by commercial car washers.
The use of water for cleaning of construction, public transportation or government vehicles where absolutely necessary to preserve the proper functioning of the vehicle.
The use of water from a fire hydrant (including sprinkler caps) by a municipality, contractors or any other person for any purpose, except:
Health protection purposes specifically approved by the Borough Council of Oxford.
The use of fire hydrants by fire companies for testing fire apparatus and for fire department drills except as deemed necessary in the interest of public safety and specifically approved by the Borough Council of Oxford.
The use of water for flushing sewers or hydrants by municipalities or any other person except as specifically found necessary and approved in the interest of public health or safety by the Borough Council of Oxford.
The serving of water in restaurants, clubs or eating places unless specifically requested by a customer.
The use of any water to refill air-conditioning cooling towers after draining, except:
Refilling for start-up at the beginning of the cooling season.
Makeup of water during the cooling season.
Refilling specifically approved by the municipal health officials or other designated municipal officer where the system has been drained for health protection or repair purposes.
The use of water to fill swimming pools, except:
The use of water to fill public swimming pools and residential swimming pools serving 25 or more dwelling units, provided that such pools have filtration equipment allowing for continued use and recycling of the water over the swimming season.
The use of water to fill swimming pools operated by health care facilities used in relation to patient care and rehabilitation.
Water may be used to fill pools registered as emergency water storage reservoirs, in accordance with the following requirements:
A new or existing pool may be designated as an emergency water storage reservoir upon registration with both the local fire company and the Borough of Oxford. Registrations shall be filed and recorded on a form approved by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
After registration as an emergency storage reservoir, the pool may be filled only from such sources and at such times as specifically approved in writing by the Borough Council of Oxford and, if applicable, the operator of the public water supply system from which the water is withdrawn.
The owner of any pool used as an emergency water storage reservoir shall keep a certified manifest or certified record of all water used to fill the pool. The manifest or record shall accurately record the quantity of water used, the source of the water and the time when the water was withdrawn, and shall contain the certification and signature of the owner of the pool and of the person responsible for the source of water or for the transport and provision of the water. The owner of the pool shall, on request, provide the manifest or record to any authorized agent or officer of any public water supply system, fire company, local government or state agency.
All pools used as emergency water storage reservoirs shall have filtration equipment allowing for continued use and recycling of the water over the swimming season.
In order to reduce evaporation and water losses to the minimum, all pools designated as emergency water storage reservoirs shall be covered whenever not in use for swimming and all diving boards shall be removed and not used during the period of the drought emergency.
Water stored in any emergency water storage reservoir shall be made available on demand to any fire company or public water supply system to provide water for health and safety needs.
Any person who violates the provisions of this section, who fails to carry out duties and responsibilities imposed by this section, shall be guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable for each offense by up to the maximum penalties permitted by law.
Effective Period. These regulations shall remain in effect until terminated by action of Oxford Borough Council.
Effective Date. The provisions of this section relating to nonessential water uses occurring by reason of drought shall not be invoked until such an emergency has been determined to exist by the Borough Council and due notice that the water supply emergency exists is given by public advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation, which notice shall state the date when the provisions of this section shall become effective.
Excessive or unnecessary use of water, whether caused deliberately or by defective or leaking plumbing, is prohibited. If the Water Department gives notice to a property owner or to any person occupying the premises to discontinue such waste or correct such defective or leaking plumbing and if such notice is not complied with within 24 hours, the water may be shut off and not turned on again until the notice is complied with and the charges for turning the water off and on again, as established by resolution of the Borough Council, have been paid.
The users of water, by the acceptance thereof, agree that the Water Department shall have the right at any time to shut off the water or decrease or increase the pressure without notice for the purpose of extending, replacing, repairing or cleansing the mains and appurtenances or for any other lawful purpose, and the Borough shall in no manner be liable for any damage arising from such action, nor shall any claim be made against the Borough by reason of the breaking of any service line or connection. In the event of a general shortage of water, the Water Department shall have the right to decrease the supply of water as circumstances may require and to provide for the distribution of the available supply as may be determined.
Under no circumstances shall the Borough assume liability for failure to supply water to any consumer, whether the cause of such failure is within or beyond the Borough's control. The Borough shall be under no liability for damage or injury by fire to any person or property caused by the total or partial failure of water service or pressure, for any cause, whether within or beyond the control of the Borough.
[Ord. 1968-6, 3/11/1968; as amended by Ord. 533, 8/14/1978; by Ord. 543, 4/23/1979; by Ord. 591, 9/5/1985; by Ord. 594, 4/29/1986; by Ord. 628, 9/13/1988, Art I; by Ord. 636, 5/23/1989, § 1-6; by Ord. 668, 7/20/1992, §§ 2.2.3.d, 2.2.4; by Ord. 703, 4/17/1995; by Ord. 709, 4/15/1996; by Ord. 748, 6/11/2001; by Ord. 785, 2/13/2006, §§ 2, 3]
The water mains of the Borough shall be under the exclusive control of the Water Department. No person or persons other than employees of said Department shall disturb or interfere with any mains whatsoever. Any person in violation hereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable for each offense by up to the maximum penalties permitted by law.
Permit for Connection; Regulations; Fee.
No person shall uncover, connect with, make any opening into, use, alter or disturb in any manner any part of the water system without first obtaining a permit in writing from the Borough of Oxford.
Application for a permit shall be made by the owner of the improved property served or to be served or by the duly authorized agent of such owner.
No person shall make or cause to be made a connection of any improved property to the water system until such person fulfills each of the following conditions:
Notifies the Borough of Oxford of the desire and intention to connect such improved property to the water system.
Applies for and obtains a permit as required herein.
Gives the Borough of Oxford at least 72 hours' notice before such connection will be made in order that the Borough of Oxford may supervise and inspect or may cause to be supervised and inspected the work, connection and necessary testing.
Pays to the Borough of Oxford a tapping fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the Borough Council.
Pays to the Borough of Oxford a connection fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the Borough Council.
No permit as required in Subsection 2C(2) above shall be issued until all necessary sewer permits have been approved for issuance.
Where any existing building or structure connected to the water system shall be converted, enlarged or remodeled, or the use increased, or where additional buildings or structures shall be constructed on a property and connected to the water system so as to create or establish additional and/or alternate uses, a supplemental tapping fee for each additional use shall be paid to the Borough at the time the owner obtains a building permit. If a building permit is not applied for by the owner, the supplemental tapping fee shall be due and owing at the time the Borough determines that there has been a change.
[Added by Ord. 879, 5/12/2014]
Each separate principal building or each separate property or each property under separate ownership requiring water service shall be supplied through a separate physical connection to the water distribution system, unless the Borough determines that there are unusual and unique circumstances which will permit or require a single physical connection for more than one principal building.
All costs and expenses of construction of a building main (extension from the water system of any structure to a main) shall be home by the owner of the improved property to be connected, and such owner shall indemnify and save harmless the Borough of Oxford from all loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of the construction of a building main or a connection of a building main to a main.
A building main shall be connected to a main at the place designated by the Borough of Oxford and, if applicable, where a lateral is provided. A smooth, neat joint shall be made, and the connection of the building main to the main shall be made secure and watertight.
No building main shall be covered until it has been inspected and approved by the Borough of Oxford. If any part of the building main is covered before being so inspected and approved, it shall be uncovered for inspection at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property to be connected to a main.
Every excavation for a building shall be guarded adequately with barricades and lights to protect all persons from damage and injury. Any street, sidewalk or other public property disturbed in the course of installation of a building main shall be restored at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property being connected, in a manner satisfactory to the Borough of Oxford, in accordance with Borough ordinance.
No person or persons shall turn on the water service to any property without a written permit from the Borough Secretary. Penalty for so doing shall be up to the maximum penalties permitted by law.
No person or persons shall, without a permit from the Borough Secretary, use or interfere with any fire hydrant If any person desires to fill any tank, swimming pool or other container by use of a fire hydrant, such persons must obtain a permit from the Borough Secretary, setting forth the time such use is desired, the location of the tank, pool or container, the location of the fire hydrant desired to be used and the capacity of the tank, pool or container. The cost of such permit and the cost of water and labor involved shall be in amounts set out in a schedule of fees as established and revised from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council and on file in the office of the Borough Manager. Water not picked up between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, will result in additional billing at current overtime rate that is in effect (one-hour minimum). Any person in violation hereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable for each offense by up to the maximum penalties permitted by law.
[Ord. 1968-6, 3/11/1968; as amended by Ord. 472, 9/13/1971; Ord. 491, 3/12/1973; by Ord. 522, 6/13/1977; by Ord. 533, 8/14/1978; by Ord. 543, 4/23/1979; by Ord. 562, 2/15/1982; by Ord. 565, 12/20/1982; by Ord. 576, 12/19/1983; by Ord. 584, 12/27/1984; by Ord. 591, 9/5/1985; by Ord. 599, 9/30/1986; by Ord. 617, 9/22/1987, § 1; by Ord. 636, 5/23/1989, § 1-6; by Ord. 638, 9/19/1989, § 1; by Ord. 641, 10/17/1989, § III; by Ord. 654, 9/11/1990; by Ord. 666, 12/30/1991, § 1; by Ord. 668, 7/20/1992; by Ord. 676, 12/14/1992; by Ord. 695, 5/16/1994; by Ord. 709, 4/15/1996; by Ord. 746, 12/28/2000; by Ord. 764, 5/17/2004; by Ord. 796, 12/18/2006; by Ord. 809, 12/17/2007, § 1; by Ord. 810, 12/17/2007; by Ord. 819, 12/15/2008, § 1; by Ord. 826, 12/14/2009, § 1; by Ord. 838, 12/13/2010, § 1; by Ord. 847, 9/12/2011, § 1; and by Ord. 861, 11/12/2012, § 1]
Water Bills Charged to Owners. All bills for water, material and service shall be charged to and collected from the owner or owners of the premises served by or connected to the water system.
Premises occupied or used by two or more billing units or usages. In all cases where water is served to a premises occupied by two or more billing units (as hereafter defined) and it is difficult or impractical to install separate meters for each usage or billing unit, the usage as registered by the water meter will be equally divided among the billing units or usages and a bill for each billing unit or usage shall be calculated and billed to the owner of the premises.
Definitions. The following words and terms as used in this section shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them as follows:
Premises. A property which cannot be completely divided in its present utilitarian condition through sale, that is:
A building under one roof owned, leased or occupied by one party and used as one business or dwelling unit.
A combination of residential or commercial buildings owned, leased or occupied by one party in one common enclosure.
The one side of a double house or a row house having a partition wall or walls and used as one dwelling unit.
A building owned, leased or occupied by one party having more than one internal division, such as living apartments, offices, stores, etc., and having a common and/or separate entrance.
Billing Unit. Any portion of a building or combination of buildings utilized for separate purposes, having a separate or common kitchen and/or separate or common sanitary facilities, including but not limited to a living apartment, dwelling, commercial establishment, individual facility and office.
Water Meter Rates.
Water charges shall be made at the following rates:
[Amended by Ord. 875, 12/16/2013; by Ord. 883, 12/15/2014[1]; and by Ord. No. 932-2019, 12/16/2019[2]]
First 5,000 gallons or fraction thereof
$31 flat rate per quarter
Per Quarter
Net Rate per 1,000 Gallons
Excess per 1,000 gallons between 5,001 and 50,000 gallons
Excess per 1,000 gallons between 50,001 and 100,000 gallons
Excess per 1,000 over 100,001 gallons and 150,000 gallons
Excess per 1,000 gallons over 150,001 gallons
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that its rates shall be effective for invoices issued on or after January 1, 2015.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that its rates shall be effective for invoices issued on or after January 1, 2020.
This section shall apply to water meter readings and billings.
Water rates payable quarter-annually. Water charges shall be payable quarter-annually and shall be rendered during the months of January, April, July and October.
Meter readings. All meters shall be read quarterly and/or semiannually or at any intervening period deemed necessary by the Borough. Those meters read semiannually shall have the quarter-annual excess estimated, which shall be adjusted and billed according to the following regular schedule meter reading.
Advance payment of minimum water rates; penalty. Minimum water rates shall be payable in advance within 30 days after the date of billing, after which a penalty of 12% of the amount of the bill, including excess, shall be added.
Where the water service has been shut off or turned on again for any reason which was caused by the action or inaction of the owner or occupier of the premises, a charge in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council shall be made to have the water shut off and a charge in an amount as established from time to time by resolution to have it turned on again.
The Borough shall, after a ten-day notice of intention to shut off the water for nonpayment of water rents and whatever other statutory notice may be from time to time required, has been given, in writing, to the owner or posted on the property, shut off the water supply of any premises for which a bill has been unpaid for 30 days or more. Once the water has been shut off, it shall not be turned on until all bills for water and sewer service to the date of restoration of service have been paid, together with the costs provided herein for turning the water off and on.
Each meter shall be billed separately, and the minimum rate and excess rate as provided herein shall apply to each meter even if more than one meter is serving a property.
In case of failure of a meter to register, the charge shall be based upon the average consumption of the preceding three-month period, unless some unusual condition shall be shown to have existed, when such condition shall govern the charge for that period.
No allowance will be made on account of vacant premises unless the owner or his agent files a request with the Borough Secretary, in writing, and pays the charge established by resolution of the Borough Council for shutting off the water. No credits, however, will be allowed for periods covering less than three months.
Where water is used for a building operation, a meter shall be installed, and all water used during the construction of such building shall be paid for at the one-thousand-gallon rate as shown under the scheduled meter rates.
The Borough Council reserves the right to render additional bills where it is shown that more water has been used than has been charged for during the year.
Charges for water shall be a lien upon the premises as provided by statute. Whenever a bill for water service remains unpaid 60 days after it has been rendered, the Secretary of the Borough Council may file with the Prothonotary of Chester County a statement of a lien claim, This statement shall contain the legal description of the premises served, the amount of the unpaid bill and a notice that the Borough claims a lien for this amount as well as for all charges for water service subsequent to the period covered by the bill. If the consumer of water whose bill is unpaid is not the owner of the premises and the Secretary of the Borough Council has notice of this, then notice shall be mailed to the owner of the premises, if his address is known to the Secretary of the Borough Council, whenever such bill remains unpaid for a period of 60 days after it has been rendered. The failure of the Secretary of the Borough Council to record such lien claim or to mail such notice or the failure of the owner to receive such notice shall not affect the right to foreclose the lien for unpaid water bills as mentioned in the following subsection.
Property subject to a lien for unpaid water charges shall be sold for nonpayment of the same, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to pay the charges, after deducting costs, as is the case in the foreclosure of statutory liens. Such foreclosure shall be by bill in equity in the name of the Borough. The Solicitor of the Borough of Oxford is hereby authorized and directed to institute such proceedings, in the name of the Borough, in any court having jurisdiction over such matters, against any property for which the water bill has remained unpaid 60 days after it has been rendered.