All access driveways shall be located, designed, and constructed in such a manner as not to interfere or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance, and drainage of all streets in the Borough or the safe and convenient passage of traffic upon them.
Access driveways and parking areas shall be designed to provide ample maneuvering area off the right-of-way to permit vehicles to enter the flow of traffic without backing out and turning on the right-of-way except for residential one and two-family dwellings.
[Amended 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
For property adjoining arterial or collector streets, where an adequate secondary means of access is provided, such as another street, access driveways shall be located on such secondary streets, except where the Borough Council determines such would cause undue inconvenience or disadvantage as compared to similar premises or use in the Borough.
Access driveways shall be located where street alignment and profile are favorable, such as where there are no sharp curves or steep grades, and where sight distance in conjunction with the driveway would be adequate for safe traffic operation.
The number of driveways provided shall be the fewest required to adequately serve the abutting property for use.
Frontages of 50 feet in width or less shall be limited to one driveway. Normally, not more than two driveways need be provided to any single lot or premises. Exceptions may be made where frontage exceeds 300 feet in length.
A common driveway serving two adjoining lots may be permitted so long as the lot owners submit to the Zoning Officer a written agreement, duly executed and acknowledged by both lot owners, subjecting said lots to such use. The Zoning Officer shall cause said instrument to be registered in the office of the Register of Deeds. The applicant shall pay the registration fees.
Paving. All driveways shall be paved a minimum of 20 feet from the cartway. Where a driveway is constructed, the entire space between the curb and the sidewalk shall be of concrete.
Sidewalks. Driveways shall be laid at such grade or grades as will conform to the sidewalk and will not constitute a hazard to pedestrian users of the sidewalk.
Approach angle, single driveway: as near 90° as site conditions permit, but not less than 60°, for at least 10 feet within the property. Two Driveways: two-way operation - same as for single driveway one-way operation - between 45° and 60°.
Driveway approach radius.
The return radius connecting the edge of the pavement with the edge of the driveway shall be the minimum radius that will permit turns by the largest vehicle using the driveway with some frequency in conformance with the following:
Passenger cars and commercial and utility vehicles of comparable wheelbase
5 to 15
Medium sized trucks
15 to 30
Tractor-trailer combinations
30 to 50
No radius shall be less than 5 feet nor larger than 50 feet
Driveway approach flares shall be true arcs of circles, and shall be tangent to the pavement edge of curb.
Corner clearance.
At the intersection of two streets or the intersection of a street and an alley, the distance between the near edge of a driveway and the paved edge of an intersecting street or alley shall be at least 30 feet, measured along the extended pavement edge or curb.
The driveway approach or curb cut shall be set back from the intersecting right-of-way line at least 15 feet.
Edge clearance.
The entire driveway approach shall be within the frontage of the lot to which it gives access.
For driveways with angles of 90°, the edge clearance shall be at least equal to the radius of curvature of the driveway approach or curb return.
Edge clearance may be waived in those cases where a driveway is common to two abutting lots.
Driveway width.
The width of driveways as measured at right angles to the driveway center line shall be as follows:
Where a driveway is separated by a median divisor for two-way use, the width may exceed the maximum by an amount equal to the divisor width plus five feet.
Properties shall be limited to one driveway per street frontage.
Acceleration and deceleration lanes. A shoulder area at either or both sides of an access driveway may be installed to provide acceleration or deceleration lanes for vehicles leaving or entering driveway; such shoulder area shall be paved and the paving shall be kept within the lot limits.
Sight distance. Access driveways shall be located at a point of optimum sight distance along the street within the lot frontage limits. For driveways on arterial or collector streets, the driveway profile and grading along the right-of-way should provide sight distances of 200 feet as measured along the center line of the traffic lane from the driveway center line, and viewed from a point five feet back from the pavement edge.
Driveway slope.
Driveways shall be constructed in such a manner as not to impair the drainage within the street right-of-way or the adjacent areas and in a manner not to cause drainage onto adjacent properties.
Where open shoulders occur, the driveway approach shall be sloped away from the pavement at a rate between 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inches per foot.
Where a drainage ditch exists, adequate drainage pipe, of a size approved by the Borough Engineer, shall be installed under the driveway at the property owner's expense in accordance with any installation standards as may be required by the Borough Engineer.
Barriers may be required. Where necessary due to location of driveways and parking areas, a suitable, substantial barrier, such as a raised curb, pipe railing, bollards, or wall, shall be installed to prevent encroachment of vehicles onto street rights-of-way, sidewalks, and elsewhere as the Borough Council determines to be necessary in order to protect pedestrians and structures.
Design review. Permits shall be required for access driveways. Permit application shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer. Special designs may be required for large traffic generators. Application for access driveways on United States and Pennsylvania highways shall be submitted by the applicant to the District Highway Engineer of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for review and approval prior to any work being undertaken on the driveway.