[Added 10-18-2004; amended 5-10-2006]
The purpose of the Corporate Zoning District (the "CZD") is to provide an area for economic development in the community according to prescribed review and approval procedures, and according to design, density, and dimensional criteria particular to the CZD. The CZD is intended to provide for large-scale developments which incorporate a diversity of compatible land uses, which may include a mixture of office, light industrial, hotel, and compatible ancillary retail uses.
It is the intent of this article to allow for a multi-year phased development that promotes high-quality design, provides employment opportunities, and expands the Town's tax base. Economics and demographics require an update and revisions since the last amendment in 2006.
The Town Council, the Planning Board and the Planning staff have found:
The CZD is consistent with the West Greenwich Comprehensive Plan, as amended; and
The CZD provides for large-scale mixed-use and multistructure planned development.
The CZD needs to be commensurate with current technology and innovation.
[Added 10-9-2019]
All development within the CZD shall conform to the policies and design guidelines as set forth in the Comprehensive Community Plan. In order to demonstrate such conformity, the applicant shall be required to submit a description of all proposed development to the Planning Board as part of a master plan for the CZD. This description shall be a statement, in text, maps, illustrations or other media of communication, that is designed to provide a basis for rational decision-making regarding the long-term physical development of the CZD.
Provisions of this article shall apply only to property located in the zoning district entitled "Corporate Zoning District (or CZD)," which encompasses those areas of the Town of West Greenwich so designated by the Town Council and which shall be shown on the Official Zoning Map.
Development within the CZD shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board as a major land development project as provided for in this chapter, and administered under Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, of the Town Code. A single application for a master plan for the CZD shall be submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval in accordance with the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations. This application shall make note of all existing uses. Preliminary and final approval may be sought in stages, with appropriate modifications of the master plan. The subdivision of any proposed lots shall occur after final approval of the specific lots for which preliminary and final approval is sought.
[Amended 10-9-2019]
Existing conforming uses seeking approval for enlargement or material expansion, or change to another permitted use code category, shall be reviewed as new uses. Existing nonconforming uses within the CZD may be continued as provided in § 400-95.
Use matrix.
Permitted uses and accessory uses. See attached Zone Use Matrix.[1]
Editor's Note: The Use Matrix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Uses allowed by special use permit. See attached Zone Use Matrix.
Drive-through windows are permitted in the CZD by special use permit.
Parking garages are permitted in the CZD as an accessory use.
The Planning Board shall determine that the proposed use is consistent with the Town of West Greenwich Comprehensive Plan. Changes to an approved land development project shall be reviewed as provided in Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, § 450-25.
[Amended 10-9-2019]
The Planning Board shall apply such controls and restrictions as may be necessary to achieve a synergetic proportion of total land that is devoted to different uses. Individual retail trade uses shall be limited to a maximum of 20,000 gross square feet.
[Amended 10-9-2019]
Roads within the CZD shall be privately owned and maintained.
Dimensional regulations for corporate land development projects shall be as follows:
Minimum lot size for commercial and industrial buildings: two acres.
Minimum frontage (including frontage on private roads): 100 feet.
Minimum yard requirements (except for existing buildings):
Front (depth): 40 feet.
Side (width): 10 feet.
Rear (depth): 30 feet.
Minimum separation between buildings (except for existing buildings): 25 feet.
Maximum lot coverage ratio (ratio of area of building to area of lot): 40%.
Maximum impervious area (ratio of area of impervious surfaces to area of lot): 65%.
[Amended 10-9-2019]
Maximum building height (excluding gables and other architectural elements):
Structures other than hotels: 60 feet.
Hotels: 90 feet.
Maximum accessory building height: 40 feet.
Multiple buildings. Two or more buildings are permitted on one lot.
Minimum buffer:
One hundred feet to any residential zone for any structure or activity in the CZD (including outdoor storage), 75 feet of which shall be vegetated with trees and other thick screening.
Fifty feet to any Neighborhood Business or a Highway Business Zone for any structure or activity in the CZD (including outdoor storage).
Minimum district size: 15 acres.
Ratios. Parking ratios for existing uses within the CZD shall remain the same. All new uses within the CZD shall satisfy the applicable parking requirement set forth in the following table:
Parking Requirement
Office, corporate, commercial and retail
1 parking space per 250 square feet of building space
Industrial, manufacturing and storage
2 parking spaces per every 3 full-time-equivalent employees
5 parking spaces, plus 1 parking space per room
Landscaping. Ten percent of the area of all parking lots shall be landscaped.
Shared parking. Common parking areas shall be encouraged for mixed-use developments which have different hours, days and/or seasons of peak parking demand. The Planning Board may permit individual parking standards to be reduced for separate uses where it can be demonstrated that adequate parking may be made available on a shared basis. The Planning Board may require written easements or other assurances as may be required to enforce shared parking arrangements. Where reasonable and practical, the Planning Board may require common driveways and interconnected parking lots to facilitate shared parking.
[Amended 10-9-2019]
Loading and service areas. When required, loading and other service areas such as trash dumpsters shall be placed to the rear or side of buildings in visually unobtrusive locations. Screening and landscaping shall prevent direct views of the loading areas and their driveways from adjacent properties or from public or private streets used by the general public. Screening and buffering shall be achieved through walls, fences and landscaping, and shall be visually impervious.
Refuse areas. All outdoor refuse storage, collection and recycling areas shall be enclosed and solidly screened, and shall extend on three sides of such an area, with a gate or door on the fourth side. A brick wall, if used, shall be capped at the top. The Planning Board may modify this requirement if such area is not visible from abutting property or streets, and, in the opinion of the Planning Board, is not necessary in order to screen or buffer abutting property or streets or to otherwise meet the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan or this chapter.
Parking garages. Above- and below ground parking garages are permitted.
Accessory parking. Accessory parking areas for uses not located within the CZD are not permitted.
A minimum of 20% of the area of the CZD and a minimum of 25% of the area of each lot in the CZD shall be pervious and landscaped. The following areas shall be considered pervious and landscaped areas:
[Amended 10-9-2019]
Highway buffer areas.
Pedestrian parks, village greens and village commons, etc.
Bicycle or foot paths (excluding sidewalks).
Lawns, landscaped and wooded areas.
Landscaping shall be evenly distributed throughout the CZD and not designated to any one section of the development.
A diversity of roof heights, gable orientations and volumes in new buildings shall be considered. Architectural elements such as dormers should be in proportion with the overall building and should also be in keeping with the surrounding building context. Exaggerated or excessively large (or small) architectural elements shall be avoided. The Planning Board shall require architectural drawings, or typical drawings, of the exteriors of proposed new buildings to be submitted as part of review of land development projects.
The Planning Board shall require the submission of a comprehensive signage plan for all uses, individual buildings or a complex of buildings and uses as part of its review. The signage plan shall include conceptual drawings and supporting information describing the proposed signage for all major buildings and uses, including entrance signs, directional signs, a typical lighting plan, etc. The applicant shall also provide the Planning Board with a typical sign for all directory and directional signs. Once the typical signage plan is approved, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall issue specific sign permits.
Revisions to signs in an approved signage plan shall be reviewed by the administrative officer as an amendment to an approved plan, as provided in Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, § 450-25.
The CZD shall follow the regulations in Article VII, Sign Regulations, of this chapter, except as otherwise permitted below.
Commercial and industrial buildings in the CZD may have signs totaling up to 200 square feet for each building.
Directional signs within the CZD shall be permitted, subject to normal architectural standards. Permitted signs within the CZD may be illuminated or indirectly illuminated. No flashing signs nor portable or mobile signs shall be permitted.
The Planning Board may approve one pylon sign for the CZD, for uses in the CZD only. No off-premises advertising is permitted. The sign shall not exceed 100 feet in height nor exceed 1,500 square feet in surface area.
All proposed new uses in the CZD shall be serviced with public water and public sewer. Electric and communications lines shall be placed underground within a land development project.
The Planning Board shall require vehicular traffic created by development in the CZD to be integrated into the surrounding area and be compatible with abutting and nearby properties. If state highways are involved, such improvements shall also be approved by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation and federal agencies, if applicable. In making this determination of the need for off-site traffic improvements, the Planning Board may require a separate circulation plan and traffic study to be submitted by the developer as part of the master plan application for approval, and any other study or documentation requested by the Planning Board.
Streets, parking areas, pedestrian areas and other actively used development in the CZD shall be provided with adequate lighting while minimizing adverse impacts, such as glare and overhead sky glow, on adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Streetlights shall be decorative and blend with the architectural style of buildings in the CZD.
The applicant shall submit a lighting plan at the preliminary stage of review, designed and stamped by a Rhode Island licensed electrical engineer.
As part of its review of development within the CZD, the Planning Board shall require that adequate, safe and attractive pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation be provided, which shall include a network of sidewalks that shall be ADA accessible in accordance with state and federal standards. Unpaved bicycle and foot paths are encouraged within the CZD, and need not be ADA accessible. Consideration shall be given to the accommodation of mass transit.
Uses, activities or operations which violate any governmental building, fire, safety, health, environmental or other standards or regulations are prohibited. No nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon any lot so as to be offensive or detrimental to any adjacent lot or property or to its occupants. A nuisance shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following conditions:
Any use, including careless construction activity, that emits dust, sweepings, dirt, or cinders into the atmosphere, or discharges liquid, solid wastes, or other matter into any street, property or wetland which may adversely affect the health, safety, comfort of or intended use of their property by persons within or adjacent to the CZD.
The escape or discharge of any fumes, odors, gases, vapors, steam, acids or other substance into the atmosphere, which may be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of any person or may interfere with the comfort of persons within the CZD or which may be harmful to property or vegetation.
The radiation or discharge of intense glare or heat, or atomic, electromagnetic, microwave, ultrasonic, laser or other radiation. Any operation producing intense glare or heat or such other radiation shall be performed only within an enclosed or screened building and then only in such a manner that the glare, heat or radiation emitted shall not be discernible from any point exterior to the site or lot upon which said operation is conducted.
Excessive noise. No outside speaker or public address system shall be permitted without the express written consent of the Planning Board. At no point outside of any lot line shall the sound pressure level of any machine, device, or any combination of same, from any individual plant or operation, exceed the decibel levels set forth in Article VI.
Storage of hazardous materials. No material of a hazardous character, as defined by the Hazardous Substance Act (R.I.G.L. § 23-24-2), shall be stored except within a building having roofing, walls and floors constructed of such materials as to render said building weathertight, and so as to prevent leakage of materials into the ground or release into the atmosphere. Storage and use of such materials shall be in strict compliance with the requirements of applicable local, state and federal agencies governing such storage and use.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The fee for any application in the CZD shall be set from time to time by the Town Council for the following:
Master plan.
Preliminary plan.
Final plan.
Amendment to approved plan.
This fee structure shall be in lieu of all other application fees.
The applicant for a land development project shall deposit an amount established by the Town Council in a dedicated project review fee account as part of each application, which shall be administered in accordance with Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, § 450-41.
Chapter 450, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, Article VII, regarding guarantee of public improvements, shall also apply to the CZD, where appropriate.