[Amended 1-5-1976; 12-3-2007; 1-18-2022]
Regular meetings of the Alden Town Board shall be held at 7:00
p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month unless said first
or third Monday is a legal holiday, in which events such regular meeting
shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on the following day. Each regular meeting
and all adjourned sessions shall be open for consideration of any
matter which, in accordance with the law and these rules, may be properly
brought before the Town Board.
Special meetings of the Alden Town Board shall be held at the
call of the Supervisor, with due notice to all members, or as otherwise
provided by law. The only business which may be transacted at a special
meeting shall be that business which is specified in the written notice
of said special meeting.
A majority of the duly constituted membership of the Alden Town
Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but
a less number may adjourn.
In the absence of a quorum during a session of the Alden Town
Board, the Supervisor may take such measures as provided by law and
as he may deem necessary to secure the presence of a quorum.
At every session of the Alden Town Board, upon being called
to order by the Supervisor, the roll of members shall be called by
the Town Clerk, and the names of those absent shall be inserted in
the minutes. The minutes of the preceding meeting shall then be offered,
to the end that any corrections, alterations or additions may be made.
In all cases where an order, resolution, motion or other item of business
shall be entered in the minutes, the name of the member presenting
or moving the same shall be entered.
A. The order of business of each meeting of the Council shall be as
[Amended 12-3-2007; 1-7-2013]
(2) Calling the roll of Board members by the Clerk.
(3) Offer of the minutes and synopsis of the proceedings of previous
(6) Presentation of communications from Board members and other Town
(8) Unfinished and tabled business.
(9) Reports of committees, officials, and personnel.
Announcements from the Supervisor.
B. Such incidental business as an invocation, pledge of allegiance to
the American flag and acknowledgements or introductions may be transacted
at any appropriate time during the meeting, at the discretion of the
[Amended 12-3-2007; 1-7-2013; 4-16-2018; 1-7-2020; 1-18-2022
All resolutions and motions (except incidental ones) shall be
submitted to the Town Clerk before 12:00 noon on Thursday for presentation
at the regular meeting on the following Monday, unless said Thursday
is a legal holiday, in which event all matters shall be presented
to the Town Clerk before 12:00 noon on Wednesday. All matters presented
to the Clerk in accordance with this rule shall be included on the
agenda for the ensuing meeting. The agenda for the ensuing meeting
shall be prepared and available at the Town Hall not later than 12:00
noon on the last business day preceding the ensuing meeting. The Town
Board shall not consider nor act upon any matters which are not timely
or scheduled on the agenda delivered to the Town Board members as
aforesaid, except by unanimous consent by all members of the Board.
This rule need not apply to special meetings, which are covered in § 2
and in § 62 of the Town Law of the State of New York.
The Supervisor shall take the chair promptly at the hour specified
for the convening of each session of the Town Board and shall preserve
order and decorum. In debate, he shall prevent personal reflections
and shall confine members to the question under discussion. He shall
decide all questions of order, which decisions shall be final unless
an appeal is taken to the members of the Board and sustained.
On every appeal, the Supervisor shall have the right to assign
his reasons for his decision. If the question on which the appeal
is taken was not debatable, then the Board shall decide the case without
debate. If debatable, no member shall speak more than once. The Supervisor
shall put the question: "Shall the ruling of the Chair be sustained,
and the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of this Board?"
In the event of a tie vote, the ruling of the Chair shall be deemed
In the absence of the Supervisor from any meeting of the Alden
Town Board, the Deputy Supervisor shall set as Chairman for the purposes
of each Board meeting, as provided by law. In the absence of the Supervisor
and the Deputy Supervisor, an acting Chairman shall be selected as
provided by law.
Anyone wishing to address the Board may have the privilege of
the floor during the portion of the agenda set aside for that purpose.
No person shall have the privilege of the floor at other times during
Town Board meetings unless unanimous consent of all Board members
be given therefor.
The Supervisor may refer any petition, resolution or other matter
to a committee of the Town Board which he may appoint under the law,
and he may similarly refer to the Town Attorney any legal proceeding
brought against the Town.
While the Supervisor is putting a question or while the roll
is being called on any question, no member shall speak or leave his
place. The Supervisor shall allow opportunity for debate before the
roll is called.
[Amended 1-3-2012]
At least two affirmative votes shall be necessary to pass any matter, and at least two negative votes shall be necessary to defeat any matter, as provided by law. Thus, a tie vote shall result in the matter remaining on the table, except as provided in §
All questions relative to priority of business shall be decided
by the Supervisor without debate, and his decision shall be final
unless reversed by a majority of the Board.
As provided by law, a majority vote of the entire membership
of the Board shall be necessary to carry any question, proposition,
resolution, motion or any other matter, except where it is otherwise
provided herein or by law that a 2/3 vote or other vote larger than
a majority is required.
As provided by law, the yeas and nays shall be called on each
question. Each member's vote shall be recorded and entered upon the
If the question in debate contains several distinct propositions,
the same shall be divided by the Supervisor on his own motion or at
the request of any member, to the end that a vote may be taken on
each proposition, but a motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed
Every member who shall be in the Town Hall when a question is
stated by the Supervisor shall vote. A member may be excused if he
be directly, or indirectly, interested in the question.
No member wishing to speak shall proceed until he shall have
addressed the Supervisor and shall have been recognized by him.
These rules may be suspended at any time during a session by
unanimous consent of all members of the Town Board; however, the member
requesting such suspension must state the purpose for which the suspension
is asked. A separate suspension shall be necessary for each separate
question to be discussed or acted upon.
Any resolution or motion offered by a member may be withdrawn
by the member presenting it at any time before an announcement by
the Supervisor of the vote thereon or before an amendment to such
resolution or motion has been adopted. Any matter offered by a person
who is not a member of the Town Board may be withdrawn only by the
person who offered it, and it must be withdrawn in writing.
[Amended 1-3-2012]
A motion for reconsideration shall not be in order unless made
on the same day or on the session day next succeeding that on which
the action proposed to be reconsidered took place. A motion to reconsider
must be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side on the
action proposed to be reconsidered. When a motion to reconsider has
been decided, it shall not be again submitted to the Town Board without
unanimous consent of the three members.
[Amended 1-3-2012]
A motion to rescind shall be entertained only when moved by
a member who voted with the majority in the action which it is proposed
to rescind, and adoption of such motion to rescind shall require the
affirmative vote of at least two members.
On all points of order not governed by these rules, the revised
edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall prevail. The rules of the
Town Board shall apply to all meetings of committees of the Board.
As provided by law, the Supervisor may appoint such committees
of the Town Board as he desire. The Supervisor shall be an ex officio
member of all such committees, with a vote thereon. All committee
reports shall be filed in writing.
All committees shall act promptly on all matters referred to
All appointments made by this Board shall remain on the table
for one week except for appointments made at the beginning of the
year for the purpose of organizing the Town Government and except
for the reappointment of incumbents, which may be acted upon immediately.
All appointments requiring mere confirmation by this Board may be
acted upon immediately if they are timely filed with the Town Clerk.
No solicitation of funds shall be had, and no subscription paper
shall be circulated during a Town Board session.
[Amended 1-3-2012]
These rules shall not be rescinded, altered nor amended, nor
any additional rules added thereto, except by a 2/3 vote of all members
of the Board, and only after at least two weeks' notice being given
of the motion therefor, which notice shall contain the text of the