[Ord. 279, 4/11/2001, § I; as amended by A.O.]
The Supervisors of Plainfield Township shall receive as compensation an amount consistent with the Second Class Township Code, as amended from time to time, currently as follows:
Township Population
Annual Maximum Compensation
Not more than 4,999
5,000 to 9,999
10,000 to 14,999
15,000 to 24,999
25,000 to 34,999
35,000 or more
All salaries are payable monthly or quarterly, as determined by the Board, for the duties imposed upon the Supervisors in accordance with the Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
The population for the Township shall be determined by the latest official census figures, except the Township shall not be required to reduce the salary of a Supervisor as a result of a decrease in population.
The compensation of Supervisors, when employed as roadmasters, laborers, secretary, treasurer, assistant secretary, assistant treasurer or in any employee capacity not otherwise prohibited by the Second Class Township Code, shall be determined by the Elected Board of Auditors in comparison to compensation paid in the local area for similar services at an hourly, daily, weekly, semimonthly or monthly basis, whichever shall be comparable.