[Ord. 147, 10/1/1980, § 1]
The local Emergency Management Organization is hereby established in accordance with the plan and program of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. The local organization shall have the responsibility for emergency management, response and recovery within the territorial limits of Plainfield Township within which it is organized and, in addition, shall conduct such services outside of its jurisdictional limits as may be required under law.
[Ord. 147, 10/1/1980, § 2]
The present Civil Defense Program and Organization in Plainfield Township is hereby terminated and all its authorities and powers, property, including all equipment is transferred to the Emergency Management Organization.
[Ord. 147, 10/1/1980, § 3]
The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township or in his absence the Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township shall have the authority to declare a disaster emergency which is subject to ratification by the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township. The declaration shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of seven days except by or with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township.
[Ord. 147, 10/1/1980, § 4]
The Plainfield Township Emergency Management Organization shall annually appoint a coordinator who shall be responsible for planning, administration and operation of the local Organization subject to direction and control of the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township.
[Ord. 147, 10/1/1980, § 5]
The coordinator shall be professionally competent and capable of planning, effecting coordination among operating agencies of the government and controlling coordinated operations by local emergency preparedness forces. The coordinator shall attend and successfully complete all phases of educational instructions, seminars and conferences required, by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.