[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 1]
The office of Township Manager is hereby created by the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township of Northampton County, subject to the right of the Township to abolish, by ordinance, the office.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 2]
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint one person to fulfill, under an initial probationary period of time of three months from the date of hiring, the office of Township Manager. The Township Manager shall be employed by the Township for an indefinite term. The Township Manager shall be an at-will position. The Township Manager may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors. At least 30 days before such removal is to be effective, the Board of Supervisors shall furnish the Township Manager with a written statement setting forth its intention to so remove him/her.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 3]
Employment conditions may be unilaterally created and/or abolished by the Board of Supervisors prior to and after the employment of the Township Manager. Said conditions, duties and responsibilities may be created by motion or resolution of the Board of Supervisors and may include specific requirements contained within a written job description approved by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 4]
The Township Manager shall be chosen on the basis of their executive, administrative and leadership qualities and without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, past handicap or disability or any other potentially discriminatory basis. There is no requirement that the Township Manager resides in Plainfield Township, but must reside within close proximity as to be available to the Township for the performance of his/her duties.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 5]
Prior to any duty performance the Township Manager must provide a bond to Plainfield Township with an acceptable bonding company as surety in such sum as is set by Board resolution, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties. The premium for said bond shall be paid by the Township. Should a bond not be attainable, the Township Manager will not be permitted to perform any Township duties until such a bond can be obtained.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 6]
The Township Manager shall receive such compensation and benefits as shall be fixed from time to time by resolution by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 7]
The Township Manager shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to him/her from time to time by the Board of Supervisors and in accordance with any applicable statute or such other authority. The Township Manager's duties shall include, but are not limited to, those duties set forth in Exhibit 1-7-A attached hereto,[1] which duties may be modified or changed from time to time by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 8]
The Township Manager shall be responsible for the activities of all non-uniform employees. However, should an employee be exempt from Township Manager supervision by statute or by a Township resolution or ordinance those employees shall answer directly to the Board of Supervisors. The Township Manager shall represent the Board of Supervisors in matters relative to personnel and shall issue work rules and disciplinary notices to personnel when so directed by the Board of Supervisors. The Township Manager shall, if requested by the Board of Supervisors, make recommendations concerning hiring, firing, promotion and demotion. The Township Manager shall, where appropriate, seek advice from department heads on personnel matters, especially in matters of hiring and firing. It shall be the duty of the Township Manager to see that the Township's personnel manual is current at all times.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 9]
The Township Manager shall be responsible for planning, initiating, supervising, completing, costing and documenting all projects and activities of all non-uniform departments of the Township. The Township Manager shall maintain priorities in accordance with requirements of the Board of Supervisors and shall be responsible to the appropriate department liaisons of the Board of Supervisors for all works and projects of these departments. The Township Manager shall insure that all activities under their jurisdiction are accomplished in a timely, orderly and cost effective manner.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 10]
The Township Manager shall examine all contracts to which the Township may be a party and will report to the Board of Supervisors, after consulting with the Township Solicitor, if deemed appropriate, that said contract is of a nature that will benefit the Township. The Township Manager shall see to it that all terms of any contracts, whether of their initial involvement or not, of which the Township is a party, are fully performed by all parties thereof.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 11]
The Township Manager shall be the general purchasing agent for the Township. This is to include the purchasing of all supplies, materials and equipment so authorized by the Board of Supervisors. Any purchase in excess of $250 must be done so with the utilization of a Township approved purchase order. It will be the duty of the Township Manager to see that any purchases have been budgeted. Any purchases in excess of budget must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 12]
The Township Manager shall see that all money owed the Township is promptly paid, and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all Township claims.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 13]
The Township Manager shall have the duty to keep current accounts showing all times and fiscal conditions of the Township, including the current and anticipated expenses, appropriations, cash on hand, and anticipated revenues of all municipal funds and accounts, including trust fund revenues.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 14]
It shall be the Township Manager's duty to prepare the preliminary budget for review and final approval by the Board of Supervisor.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 15]
The Township Manager shall keep a current inventory showing all real and personal property of the Township. The inventory shall include the location of said property. The Township Manager shall be responsible for the care and custody of all equipment, buildings, parks and all other Township property unless said property is by law or Township resolution or ordinance assigned to some other entity.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 16]
It shall be the duty of the Township Manager to see to the publication of all notices, ordinances or other documents required by law to be published. The Township Manager is also responsible to prepare, or cause to be prepared, all reports which the Township or any of the officials thereof are required by law to prepare. The Township Manager shall also be responsible for the periodic publication of a Township newsletter so keeping the residents informed of Township happenings.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 17]
The Township Manager shall prepare and have custody of all municipal records required by law to be kept by the Township and not specifically delegated to some other specific Township officer and/or employee. Where the law makes it the duty of a specific officer to keep or maintain records, the Township Manager shall make available to such officer all necessary clerical assistance for the preparation of such records and shall make available a place for the custody of such records. In compliance herewith, the Township Manager shall make available to the Clerk stenographic or clerical assistance necessary for the preparation of the journal of the Board of Supervisor proceedings, if required, and the record of ordinances and all other documents which by law the Board of Supervisors and/or the Township is required to keep. The Township Manager shall perform similar service for the Treasurer and Secretary in the maintenance of bond registers, and all other records or documents which by law the Treasurer, Secretary or any other employee is required to keep or prepare.
Where the law requires or provides for certification of any records or documents by any officer of the Township, the Township Manager shall cause such records or documents to be properly prepared and presented to such officer for the Township Manager's signature.
To the degree possible and where permitted by law all such records and certifications are to be stored in an electronic format. It shall be the duty of the Township Manager to see that any current paper records that can be converted to an electronic format are so transferred. It shall be the duty of the Township Manager to see that all electronically stored records are properly secured and backed up.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 18]
The Township Manager shall cause to be kept a complete set of maps and plats showing the locations of all Township utilities and/or propertied, all streets and other public places, and all lots or parcels of land subdivided according to law.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 19]
The Township Manager shall maintain an office in the Plainfield Township municipal building and shall spend such time in the performance of their duties as may be required by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 20]
In the event that the Township Manager shall be absent from the Township, or incapacitated from performing their duties, the Board of Supervisors shall duly appoint a person to act as the Township Manager during their absence or incapacity. Absence is hereby defined as being away from the Township for a period of longer than three days and not on official Township business during said period or while being on vacation.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 21]
The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to delegate in writing to the Township Manager, subject to recall by written notification at any time in accordance with § 1301 of the Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. § 66301, any of the Township Manager's non-legislative and non-judicial power and duties.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 22]
In accordance with § 1301 of the Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. § 66301, it is recognized that the office of Township Manager is compatible with the office of Township Secretary and/or Treasurer, and with the approval of the Board of Supervisors the Township Manager shall perform the duties of the Township Treasurer and/or Secretary in accordance with law.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 23]
The Township Manager may join any association related to the office of Township Manager and such dues and expenses for membership or participation therein shall be paid by Plainfield Township.
[Ord. 369, 11/13/2014, § 24]
The Township Manager shall have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in any Plainfield Township contracts. Should such conflict be uncovered it may lead to the Township Manager's immediate dismissal upon a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.