[Amended 4-9-1979 by L.L. No. 3-1979]
The County Executive, the Comptroller, the County Clerk, the District Attorney, the Sheriff and all department heads shall be regarded as full-time officials. Performance of the duties of their respective offices shall be the primary responsibility of said officials, and other interests and activities may not interfere or conflict with the performance of these duties. Said officials shall hold no other public office, except that a department head may head a division within his/her department.
Except as may otherwise be provided in the New York State Constitution or this Charter, and with the exception of members of the judiciary, all vacancies in elective County offices shall be filled by appointment by the County Executive subject to confirmation by the County Legislature. Each such appointee shall be an elector of the County and qualified for the responsibilities of his/her office. He/She shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the office to which appointed, and shall hold such of the office until the commencement of the calendar year next following the first annual election held not less than 60 days after the occurrence of such vacancy, at which annual election an officer shall be elected from the County at large for the balance of the unexpired term.
Except as otherwise provided herein, each head of a department, office, or other unit of County government, subject to approval by the County Executive, may designate in writing, and in order of succession, his/her deputies and assistants who shall be acting head of said unit in the event of his/her absence from the County or inability to perform and exercise the powers and duties of his/her office. Such designations shall be filed with the County Clerk and the Clerk of the County Legislature, and may be revoked at any time by the head of said unit filing a new written designation and order of succession. The acting head shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the head of said unit.
Except as may otherwise be provided in this Charter or applicable law, all officers and employees of the Legislative Branch shall serve at the pleasure of the County Legislature.
Except as may otherwise be provided in this Charter or applicable law, all officers and employees of the Executive Branch shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.
Elected County officers may be removed from office only in the manner provided in the Public Officers Law.