An applicant shall conform to the following construction requirements following subdivision approval and endorsement of the definitive plan.
Pre-construction requirements. An applicant shall provide the following information and then arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Planning Board's engineer.
Pre-construction submittals.
At least seven days prior to the proposed construction start date and before the pre-construction meeting takes place, an applicant shall provide the Planning Board, Planning Board's engineer with the following information:
An affidavit certifying that the applicant is the owner of record of all of the property shown on the endorsed definitive plan or documentation signed by the owner(s) of record that the applicant has authorization to act on all matters pertaining to the construction of the development.
An affidavit certifying that the applicant has reviewed all of the conditions of subdivision approval and has taken all of the required steps to satisfy the conditions.
An affidavit certifying that all required federal, state and local permits have been obtained and providing a list, with the dates of issuance of each permit and the permit identification number.
A letter identifying the persons or entities responsible for completion of any portion of the project, including the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of each such person or entity.
A letter that identifies (name, business address, telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail) the following:
The official representative of the applicant and owners.
The engineering firm to be used during construction.
The general contractor.
The soils testing firm to be used during construction.
Shop drawings and/or catalog cuts of all structures/materials to be used to construct the approved definitive subdivision. All catalog cuts shall be highlighted as to product submitted for approval.
The location of the disposal site for all solid waste and surplus material must be supplied and approved.
Any changes to previously submitted information contained above must receive approval of the Planning Board.
Pre-construction meeting. At least 48 hours prior to the beginning of construction, the applicant shall arrange and participate in a pre-construction meeting with the Planning Board's engineer to review all construction requirements.
The applicant shall conform to the following construction requirements:
Staking. During construction, proper staking shall be maintained at all times by the applicant including:
Establishment of base lines on center line of construction for all roadways. Reproduction of base lines and center lines, or lines offset to them when roadway cuts and fills have been completed.
General benchmark control for the subdivision.
Original grade stakes at fifty-foot intervals.
Bound points and side line stakes.
All necessary stakes for pipes and headwalls, and for the establishment of all catch basins and manhole locations as to line and grade.
Clearing. The entire roadway area shall be cleared and grubbed of all obstructions and growth of any kind. Unsuitable material shall be removed to the required depth and the area shall be evenly graded for a distance of not greater than 17 feet either side of the center line. A greater width may be required at corners and on the inside of curves for visibility. Clearance of trees beyond a total width of 34 feet or more than one foot beyond the slope at cuts or fills is not permitted, except for the construction of sidewalks or utilities.
Non-frost-susceptible soil. All fill and undisturbed soil shall be non-frost-susceptible, to a minimum depth of three feet below the finished pavement grade. Non-frost-susceptible soil shall mean soil that shall not contain more than 3% material that passes through the No. 200 sieve and, in addition, shall not include any material that is larger than three inches in size.
Subgrade preparation. All existing material shall be removed for a depth of at least 17 inches below finish grade for the full cleared width. Ledge and large boulders shall be removed to a depth of at least 24 inches below finish grade. Clay, mulch, or other unstable material shall be removed to a greater depth as required and/or directed. Backfill of approved, stable materials shall be used to bring the subgrade to a uniform grade 17 inches below finish grade. The subgrade shall be prepared to required lines and grades, and all fill shall be constructed in six-inch lifts. The subgrade shall be compacted to a minimum of 92% and 95% of maximum dry unit weight and at or near optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D-1557-66T, Method D. Preparation of the subgrade shall be approved by the Planning Board's engineer before any subsequent construction is permitted.
Base course. After approval of the subgrade, a minimum of 12 inches of approved compacted gravel in two courses shall be placed over the subgrade for the full cleared width and brought to a true even grade. The gravel base course shall be constructed in six-inch lifts and shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of maximum dry unit weight and at or near optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D-1557-66T, Method D. Total depth of gravel at all points after complete compaction shall be not less than 12 inches. The base course shall consist of six inches of Massachusetts Specifications M1.03.0 Type b and the top course shall consist of six inches of Massachusetts Specifications M1.03.1 processed gravel. The gravel base shall be carried 12 inches past the pavement on each side of the roadway.
Bituminous pavement. The approved primed base course shall be paved with a minimum of 3 1/2 inches of Massachusetts Department of Public Works Type I-1 binder course and 1 1/2 inches of top course to lines and grades as required. The pavement shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of laboratory density, and surface irregularities greater than 1/4 inch as measured with a ten-foot straightedge shall be corrected as determined by the Planning Board's engineer.
Alternate bituminous pavement with maintenance bond. The Planning Board may allow construction of the following if a ten-year maintenance bond is provided: The approved primed base course shall be paved with a minimum of 1 1/2 inches of Massachusetts Department of Public Works Type I-1 binder course and 1 1/2 inches of top course to lines and grades as required. The pavement shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of laboratory density, and surface irregularities greater than 1/4 inch as measured with a ten-foot straightedge shall be corrected as determined by the Planning Board's engineer.
Truck tickets. Printed truck tickets showing the weight and mix of the bituminous paving material at the batch plant plus the date and time shall be turned over to the Planning Board's engineer at the time of each delivery.
Months and conditions during which bituminous material shall not be laid. No bituminous material shall be laid between November 15 and April 15 of any calendar year. No such material shall be laid when the ambient temperature drops below 40° or when it is raining. A waiver or subsequent modification of the definitive plan shall be required to pave outside of these dates. The Planning Board's engineer cannot provide a waiver. In the event that such paving occurs, an applicant shall be required to remove the pavement and lay new pavement or provide adequate surety to guarantee that the pavement shall survive for its expected useful life or be replaced.
Dust and debris control. The applicant shall promptly remove gravel, sand, dirt and/or any debris generated by the subdivision project from all Town ways. The applicant shall provide and obtain approval from the Planning Board for dust control measures and then conform to those measures during all phases of subdivision construction.
Driveway entrances. A driveway entrance proposed within the way lines shall be installed at the time of the road construction and in accordance with the requirements of the road construction. To prevent surface water from roadways from draining onto individual lots, driveway entrances shall be constructed such that they slope toward the roadway for a minimum distance of four feet at a slope of not less than one inch per foot. Adequate means shall be taken to prevent water from draining onto the roadway in such quantities as to erode the roadway or to form ice buildup in the winter months. Adequate means shall also be taken to prevent any driveway from blocking natural drainage via a culvert or pipe. Driveways, including existing driveways both within and outside of the subdivision, shall not be within 75 feet of the intersection of the center lines of intersecting streets.
Street signs. Street signs shall be erected as required before construction of the roadway begins. The cost of the sign and its installation shall be borne by the applicant and shall conform to the street sign standard used by the Town of Norwell and shall be installed under the direction of the Planning Board or Highway Surveyor. The Planning Board shall approve the name of any new subdivision street.
Not an accepted street. Streets within a subdivision that have not yet been accepted by the Town as public ways shall have conspicuously posted, by and at the expense of the applicant, signs at intersections, suitable to the Highway Surveyor, stating: "Private Way." The latter sign shall be a separate sign that is attached before the signage that sets forth the name of the way, suitable for easy removal when and if the way is accepted by the Town as a public way.
Advertisement signs. Signs may be posted within a subdivision advertising lots or houses for sale only in accordance with the following:
Signs shall be no larger than six square feet and not longer than three feet in either direction or higher than six feet at the highest point above the average surrounding grade.
Signs shall not fluoresce or glow or be lighted in any manner.
A sketch of any proposed sign or signs shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to erection.
No sign may be erected or displayed until written approval for each such sign is obtained from the Planning Board. No permit is valid for longer than two years. A permit may be renewed by the Planning Board.
Monuments. Stone or approved reinforced concrete bounds shall be placed on both sides of the street at all angle points, at the beginning and end of all curves, and at all intersections of streets. Bounds shall be not less than four feet in length and not less than six inches in width and breadth. Way bounds shall be capped with bronze inserts. No permanent monuments or bounds shall be installed until all construction, which could destroy or disturb the monuments or bounds, is completed. The top of the bounds shall be set to finished grade and be set by a registered professional or registered land surveyor who shall certify in writing that they conform to the endorsed definitive plan.
Prevention of water pollution.
During the performance of work within the subdivision, the applicant shall take sufficient precautions during construction to avoid contaminating water in adjacent streams or bodies of water. All earthwork, grading, moving of equipment, water control in foundation areas, and other operations likely to create silting shall be conducted to avoid or minimize pollution in adjacent streams and bodies of water. Water used for any purpose whatsoever by the applicant, which has become contaminated with oil, bitumen, salt or other contaminants, shall be so discharged so as to avoid affecting nearby waters. Under no circumstances shall the applicant discharge contaminants directly into any adjacent stream or bodies of water.
When the applicant uses water from natural sources for any construction-related operations, intake methods shall be such as to avoid contaminating the source of supply and maintain adequate downstream flow when the source is a stream. Violations will result in termination of work until the impacted area is restored.
Barricades and warning signs. The applicant shall furnish, erect and maintain adequate warning and guide signs, traffic signs, safety lighting, barricades and barrier fences for the safe flow of traffic and protection of all life and limb.
Protection and restoration of property. The applicant shall preserve and protect from injury all property either public or private adjacent to the subdivision, and he shall be responsible for and repair any and all damage and injury thereto, arising out of or in consequence of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct in the execution of the work, or in consequence of the non-execution thereof by the applicant in the performance of the work prior to completion and acceptance thereof.
Cleanup. Upon completion of all work on the grounds, the applicant shall remove from the streets and lots all temporary structures, surplus material and rubbish, and shall leave the work in a neat and orderly condition. All disturbed areas shall be properly graded, topsoiled to a minimum depth of six inches, limed, fertilized and seeded to satisfactory established growth including a minimum of three necessary mowings.