Prior to endorsement of the definitive plan, the applicant shall provide subdivision surety in accordance with MGL c. 41, § 81U, Paragraph 7, and Appendix I, Forms E-1 through E-5.
All surety shall conform to the requirements of MGL c. 41, § 81U, Paragraph 7, and Appendix I, Forms E-1 through E-5. Letters of credit are not acceptable. The form of the surety shall be acceptable to the Planning Board in consultation with Town Counsel and the Town Treasurer-Collector.
A covenant form of surety shall be executed by the applicant, all owners of record and any and all mortgagees. Such covenant shall state that the improvements shown on the definitive plan shall be completed not later than three years from the date of the endorsement of the definitive plan. Failure to so complete the improvements shall result in the automatic rescission of the approval of the definitive plan by the Planning Board, unless the Planning Board extends said period, for good cause shown, after the written request of the applicant prior to the expiration of said period. The covenant shall be referenced on the definitive plan prior to recordation in the Registry of Deeds. The applicant, after recording, shall promptly send a copy of the covenant, showing the Registry book and page number, to the Planning Board.
All surety instruments, other than covenants not to build, shall be accompanied by a separate surety agreement that has been executed by the applicant, all owners of record and all mortgagees and that shall detail the rights and obligations of the various parties and assign the proceeds of the surety to the Town of Norwell, by and through the Planning Board, in the event of a default and provide an easement to the Town to allow the work shown on the endorsed definitive plan to be performed, creating the right to perform such work, but not an obligation. The amount of the surety instrument shall be approved by the Planning Board and the form of the surety instrument shall be approved as to form by the Planning Board and Town Counsel and be acceptable to the Town Treasurer-Collector. The surety instrument shall provide that the required improvements shown on the endorsed definitive plan shall be completed not later than three years from the date of the endorsement of the definitive plan. Failure to so complete shall result in the automatic rescission of the approval of the definitive plan by the Planning Board, unless the Planning Board extends said period, for good cause shown, after the written request of the applicant prior to the expiration of said period after holding a public hearing with notice.
Editor's Note: Amendment pending.
In determining the amount of the bond or surety, the Planning Board shall be guided by the following formula in setting the sum of the security:
The Planning Board's estimate of the cost to the Town to complete the work;
A 50% contingency amount for work that is not performed in accordance with the Subdivision Control Law, the Subdivision Rules and Regulations and the conditions of definitive subdivision approval, to provide for sufficient funds to guarantee the cost to remove deficient work and replace it; and
An appropriate amount reflecting the rate of inflation expected over the ensuing five-year period.
The Planning Board reserves the right to increase the required amount of surety if work is released and then later proves defective and to demand different surety in the event of a failure of any surety instrument (e.g., bankruptcy of a surety company or bank).
All performance bonds shall contain the following provision:
If the Principal shall fully and satisfactorily observe and perform in accordance with the qualifications and time schedule set forth herein specified all the covenants, agreements, terms and provisions set forth in the following:
The application for definitive plan approval (Form C);
The Subdivision Control Law and the rules and regulations of the Norwell Planning Board that govern this subdivision [dated: (insert date: _______)];
The decision of the Planning Board dated _______ and attached hereto as Exhibit A; and
The definitive plan, as approved and endorsed by the Planning Board in the decision;
then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect and the aforesaid sum shall be payable to the Town of Norwell, by and through the Planning Board, as liquidated damages in the event of a default.
The Planning Board may require, prior to the endorsement of the definitive plan, a supplemental covenant containing those conditions of approval that are intended to survive the release of the surety covenant. Such covenant shall be approved as to form by the Planning Board and, as necessary, Town Counsel. Such covenant shall be executed and duly recorded by all of the owners of record and any mortgagees and shall run with the land. The covenant shall be referenced on the definitive plan prior to recordation in the Registry of Deeds. The applicant shall, after recording, promptly send a copy of the covenant, showing the Registry book and page number, to the Planning Board.
An applicant may substitute a new form of surety. If an applicant desires that lots be released from a surety covenant prior to completion of the required improvements for the lots, then the applicant shall provide alternate surety as set forth under MGL c. 41, § 81U, Paragraph 7, and shall send the Planning Board a formal written request regarding the same by certified or registered mail which sets forth and includes:
Determination of extent of work. The extent and scope of remaining work to be completed to satisfy the requirements for the construction or installation of all required ways and municipal services.
Estimate of cost of remaining work. An estimate, pursuant to the Regulations, which reflects all remaining costs related to the construction of all required ways and installation of all required municipal services.
Form and type. The form and type of guarantee proposed to be given to the Planning Board to secure all remaining improvements.
Planning Board action. The Planning Board or its agent will make a determination as to the sufficiency of the proposed surety, and, if acceptable, a new performance guarantee shall be given to and accepted by the Planning Board. Upon acceptance by the Planning Board of the new performance guarantee, all applicable lots shall be released from the covenant.
The Planning Board may require a maintenance bond in the following circumstances or for the following purposes:
Roadways and improvements. A maintenance bond shall be required when construction is completed or at the time of release of any performance guarantee to ensure the maintenance of the roadways, required plantings, utilities, and other improvements for a period of up to 20 years.
Drainage systems. A maintenance bond shall be required for a period of not less than 20 years to ensure the maintenance of any aspect of an approved drainage system, including catch basins and detention ponds. This requirement may be waived upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that a homeowners' association has been created that mandates membership by all property owners in the subdivision and that the association is properly funded. The purpose of this requirement shall be to prevent flooding of property and Town-maintained streets. (See homeowners' association condition of approval.)
The penal sum of any such security, or the amount of any deposit held under § 302-10.1, may, from time to time, be reduced by the Planning Board and the obligations of the parties thereto released by the Planning Board in whole or in part. If release is by reason of covenant, a new plan of the portion to be subject to the covenant may be required in addition to all of the requirements for a covenant previously set forth.
Submittal. Before the Planning Board will release subdivision surety, the applicant shall submit written evidence that the required performance has been satisfactorily completed or partially completed and shall send a copy of this evidence to the Board of Health, Select Board, Board of Water Commissioners, Conservation Commission, Drainage Committee, Fire Department, Highway Surveyor, Planning Board, Police Department and Tree Warden and include the following:
[Amended 5-8-2021 ATM by Art. 11]
Certification by a registered professional engineer that the subdivision has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the endorsed subdivision plan and the Regulations.
Certification by a registered professional engineer that the final grading of the subdivision has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the endorsed plan.
Certification by a registered professional engineer or a registered land surveyor that all permanent monuments have been set in the locations shown on the approved plan.
A letter from the Highway Surveyor indicating that he has inspected the roadways and other required improvements and they conform to the requirements of the endorsed plan.
A letter from the Fire and Police Departments indicating that they have inspected the roadways and lots and that they have determined that the signage conforms to 911 requirements.
Certification by the applicant that all required easements have been recorded and the recorded instrument delivered to and accepted by the homeowners' association and/or the Planning Board or other interested Town agency, as appropriate.
A letter from the Water Department that the water supply has been properly provided.
Release or partial release of surety. If the Planning Board determines that said construction and installation have been completed or partially completed in the proper manner as required under the Subdivision Control Law, the Regulations and conditions of approval, it shall release or partially release said security or bond or deposit and shall return the same to the depositor, or release or partially release the subdivision covenant by appropriate instrument that shall be duly acknowledged and which may be recorded.
Denial of release. If the Planning Board determines that the construction or installation has not been completed to its satisfaction and it receives written statement under MGL c. 41, § 81U, Paragraph 10, from the applicant, it shall, within 45 days of the receipt of said statement, specify to the applicant, in writing, the details wherein said construction and installation fail to comply with the Regulations and shall file a copy of the same with the Town Clerk and deny the request for release.