[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 401]
The final responsibility of the improvements required by this Chapter shall lie with the subdivider. Upon installation of these improvements by the subdivider and subsequent inspection by the registered professional engineer retained by the Borough, the subdivider shall take final step to dedicate these improvements and have them accepted by Glen Rock Borough.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 402]
Recording the final plan after approval of the Borough Council has the effect of an irrevocable offer to:
Dedicate all streets and other public ways to public use.
Dedicate all neighborhood parks and other public areas to public use.
Reserve for possible future public acquisition such additional areas as may be required by the Borough.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 403]
The offer to dedicate streets, parks or other areas or portions of them, does not impose any duty upon the Borough concerning maintenance or improvement until the proper authorities of the Borough have made actual appropriation by ordinance or resolution or by entry or improvement. If land is dedicated for a public site and its use for this purpose is not imminent, the subdivider may be permitted to dedicate the land with the privilege of using the surface rights until the Borough is ready to use the land. Such dedication with the temporary privilege of use must be noted on the final plan.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/4/1971, Article 400, § 404]
On sites reserved to eventual public acquisition, no building development is permitted during the period of reservation. The Borough may require the reservation of such sites in addition to or in lieu of land to be dedicated for public use. The reservation period must not be longer than 18 months unless with the consent of the subdivider. Land so reserved must be indicated on the final plan.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 405; as amended by Ord. 337 (92-4), 5/6/1992, § 12]
After the Borough Council accepts dedication of all or some of the required improvements following completion, the Borough Council shall require the posting of financial security to secure structural integrity of said improvements as well as the functioning of said improvements in accordance with the design and specifications as depicted on the final plan for a term not to exceed 18 months from the date of dedication. Said financial security shall be of the same type as otherwise required by this Chapter with regard to installation of such improvements. The amount of the financial security shall not exceed 15% of the actual cost of installation of said improvements.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 406; as amended by Ord. 337 (92-4), 5/6/1992, § 13; by Ord. 463 (2009-05, § 1); and by Ord. 490 (2017-05), 10/18/2017]
The applicant or developer shall dedicate land to the Borough or reserve land for private recreation facilities that will be permanently devoted to recreation and adequately secured for such use, construct recreation facilities, pay a fee in lieu of such dedication or construction, or some combination thereof for park or recreation purposes, in accordance with the following standards:
The land to be dedicated or reserved must be suitable size, dimensions, topography, access and general character for the purpose use and must be located in an area identified in the Southern York County (SYC) Region Comprehensive Plan or any other municipal or regional Comprehensive Plan in effect as having a need for additional recreation facilities.
The amount of land to be dedicated or reserved shall be as follows:
Dwelling Units or Lots Shown on Plan
Land to be Dedicated
1 to 25
0.02 acres per lot
26 to 50
1 acre
51 to 75
2 acres
76 to 100
3 acres
101 to 150
4 acres
Where the application of the area standards of Subsection 1B would result in a site too small to be usable, or where there is not an identified need for additional land for recreation purposes in the area of the Borough in which the subdivision or development is located or where the applicant and Borough Council agree for any other reason, the applicant or developer shall pay to Glen Rock Borough a fee per lot or per unit established annually by resolution of the Borough Council for the purpose of providing park or recreational facilities accessible to the development. In lieu of such fees, the applicant and the Borough Council may agree that the applicant will construct recreational facilities at an existing Borough recreation site accessible to the development. The applicant and the Borough Council may also agree in a written agreement upon any combination of dedication of site, construction of facilities and/or payment of a fee that will meet the intent of the Southern York County (SYC) Region Comprehensive Plan or any other municipal or regional Comprehensive Plan in effect and this Chapter.
The fee in lieu of dedication or facilities to be constructed shall be substantially equal in value to the value of the land that would be dedicated if the standards of Subsection 1B of this Section were applied and shall be based on the prevailing average value of development land in the Borough.
A fee established by this Section shall be paid to Glen Rock Borough prior to the recording of the final plan. Such fee shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account clearly identifying the facilities for which said fee was reserved. Interest earned on such accounts shall become funds of that account. Funds from such accounts shall be expended only in properly allocable proportions of the cost incurred to construct the specific recreation facilities or improvements to existing facilities for which the funds were collected.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 407]
The Borough may permit a private recreation or park site to be used if:
In its judgment the purpose of these regulations regarding recreation and park sites will be accomplished.
The private site is permanently devoted to recreation and park use and adequately secured for such use by deed covenants or other private restrictions.
The Borough obtains a written guarantee from the subdivider that such a private site will be adequately equipped and maintained.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 408]
In a subdivision abutting a lake, river, creek or other sizeable water body, the Borough Council, upon consultation with the Planning Commission, may request the dedication or reservation of:
Any title to the water body the subdivider possesses beyond the wharf or dock-line to the common use of the adjoining properties.
Up to 20% of the land abutting the shore for public use.
[Ord. 190 (71-4), 10/14/1971, Article 400, § 409; as amended by Ord. 490 (2017-05), 10/18/2017]
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, stream, channel or other drainageway, the subdivider must provide a drainage easement conforming substantially to the existing alignment of the drainageway. The easement must be a width adequate to:
Preserve the unimpeded flow of natural drainage.
Widen, deepen, relocate, improve, or protect the drainageway.
Install a stormwater sewer.
Any changes in the existing drainageway must be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.