[R.O. 2006 § 605.010]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in any business or occupation in the City of Greenfield without having first applied for and obtained a license to conduct such business or occupation from the City Collector and without paying the license fee therefor, all as provided for in this Chapter.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.120; CC 1975 §§ 54.030, 54.110]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Includes any and all persons who are now or who shall be hereafter engaged in the retail selling of any and all articles of merchandise.
Those persons or corporations engaged in any occupation or business specified in Section 94.270, RSMo.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.020]
All applications for the licenses required herein shall be made to the City Collector on appropriate forms provided for that purpose by the City. All licenses issued by the City Collector shall be in such form as is provided by the Board of Aldermen; provided however, that such license shall bear the signature of the Mayor of the Board of Aldermen and the City Collector, the date of issuance thereof and the date of expiration, as well as any additional information that may be required by the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.025; CC 1975 § 54.080]
Every license shall specifically state the name of the person, persons, firms or corporations to whom it is issued, the amount of the license tax and the date of the issuance and the term for which it is issued. No license shall authorize any holder thereof to carry on business at more than one (1) place at the same time.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.030; CC 1975 §§ 54.010 — 54.020]
Annual License. A City license in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) per year is hereby levied on each and all persons, firms or corporations doing business within the City limits of Greenfield, Missouri.
Temporary Businesses. A City license in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) per day is hereby levied on each and all persons, firms or corporations doing business within the City limits of Greenfield, Missouri, outside of any building or doing business one (1) day at a time, peddlers, etc.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.040]
No license issued under the provisions of this Chapter shall be assignable or transferable but shall apply only to the person to whom same is issued. In the event any licensee, as provided for herein, shall move his/her place of business from one location to another location within the City, said licensee shall submit a statement of the fact of such change to the City Collector who may transfer such license as to location only. In no event, however, shall such license be transferred from one person to another or from the kind of business or occupation originally licensed to another type of business or occupation.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.050]
The term of the licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be from July first (1st) of one year to June thirtieth (30th) of the succeeding year. In the event any licensee hereunder shall commence business on or after January first (1st), the City Collector shall issue such license at the rate of one-half (1/2) of the license fee for such six-month period of January first (1st) to June thirtieth (30th), or fraction thereof.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.060]
All applications for renewal of a license provided for herein shall be filed no later than June first (1st) of each year.
Each license issued by the City under the provisions of this Chapter shall be carefully preserved and shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the place of business authorized to be conducted by said license. If there is no place of business, said license shall be carried on the licensee's person.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.075; CC 1975 § 54.070]
Every license shall state the location at which the business or occupation is to be established or engaged in and upon moving to a new location the licensee shall procure from the City Collector a removal permit stating the new location, which permit shall be issued without any additional charge.
No person following for a livelihood the profession or calling of minister of the gospel, duly accredited Christian Science practitioner, teacher, professor in a college, priest, lawyer, certified public accountant, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, chiropodist or physician or surgeon in this City shall be taxed or made liable to pay any municipal or other corporation tax or license fee of any description whatever for the privilege of following or carrying on such profession or calling and after December 31, 2003, no investment funds service corporation as defined in Section 143.451, RSMo., may be required to pay any such license fee in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) annually, any law ordinance or Charter to the contrary notwithstanding.
No person following for a livelihood the profession of insurance agent or broker, veterinarian, architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, auctioneer or real estate broker or salesman in this City shall be taxed or made liable to pay any municipal or other corporation tax or license fee for the privilege of following or carrying on his/her profession unless that person maintains a business office within the City of Greenfield.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.090]
Any license issued by the City pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter may be revoked by the Board of Aldermen for any of the following reasons, as well as for any other reasons specified in this Chapter:
Any failure to comply with or any violation of any provisions of this Chapter or any other ordinance of the City regulating the business, occupation or activity licensed or the Statutes of the State of Missouri by any licensee.
Violation of the terms and conditions upon which the license was issued.
Failure of the licensee to pay any tax or obligation due to the City.
Any misrepresentation or false statement in the application for a license required herein.
Failure to display the license required herein.
Committing or allowing actions that would constitute misdemeanor or felony offenses to occur at the location for which the license is issued.
Creating or allowing condition that would constitute a public nuisance, as defined in Chapter 215 of the Municipal Code, at the location for which the license is issued.
Revocation of any license shall be in addition to any other penalty or penalties which may be imposed pursuant to these provisions.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.090]
In any case in which the Mayor or other City Official presents a complaint to the Board of Aldermen, or in which the Board of Aldermen have on their own determined that cause may exist for the revocation of a license under the provisions of this Chapter, the following procedures shall be followed:
The Board of Aldermen shall set a date for a hearing to consider the question of revocation.
At least ten (10) days prior to said hearing, written notice shall be mailed to the licensee, by registered mail, return receipt requested, to his/her last known address as shown in the records of the City Collector advising the licensee of the time, date and place of hearing and of the reason for considering the revocation of his/her license.
During the pendency of this hearing before the Board of Aldermen, the licensee shall be permitted to continue the operation of his/her business.
At the hearing set by the Board of Aldermen, the Board of Aldermen shall hear all relevant and material evidence justifying the retention of the license.
The licensee may be present in person and/or by his/her attorney and may present evidence.
After hearing the evidence presented, the Board of Aldermen shall vote on the issue of whether the subject license shall be revoked.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Aldermen shall be necessary to revoke any license.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.110; CC 1975 § 54.050]
Any person, firm or corporation or co-partnership who shall violate any provision of this Chapter or who shall exercise or attempt to exercise any of the occupations, trades or avocations or who shall carry on or engage in or attempt to carry on or engage in any of the businesses for which a license is required in this Chapter in the City of Greenfield without first paying the tax herein levied and obtaining a license therefor shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). In addition to the above penalties, any person, firm or corporation or co-partnership who is required to take out a license or any such person whose license has expired and notice has been given by the City Collector shall, if not paid within ten (10) days after such tax is due pursuant to said notice, pay a penalty of ten dollars ($10.00) and for every ten (10) days thereafter ten dollars ($10.00) shall be added as a penalty until the party required to take out such license shall have complied with the provisions regulating licenses in this Chapter. This penalty shall be collected with the license by the City Collector and paid to the City of Greenfield.
[R.O. 2006 § 605.130]
Any person denied a license may appeal the denial to the Board of Aldermen within ten (10) days of the denial and the Board shall conduct a hearing in the same general manner as required for a revocation hearing.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.180; Ord. No. 8-2002, 12-17-2002]
The term "animal care facility", as used in this Article, means any animal shelter, pound or dog pound, boarding kennel, commercial kennel, contract kennel or pet shop, but does not include any shelter or impound facility operated by the City.
It shall be unlawful to locate any animal care facility the exterior boundary of which is within two hundred (200) feet of the dwelling house of another or a church, school or place of business without the written permission of the owner or occupant of such dwelling house, trustees of such church or school or owner of such place of business.
No animal care facility shall be located on a tract or parcel of land which contains less than three (3) acres.
[R.O. 2006 § 205.190; Ord. No. 8-2002, 12-17-2002]
No person shall operate an animal shelter, pound or dog pound, boarding kennel, commercial kennel, contract kennel, pet shop or exhibition facility or act as a dealer or commercial breeder, unless he/she has obtained a license for such operations from the City.
No person shall be issued a City license unless he/she has obtained and currently holds a license for the facility issued by the Department of Agriculture.