[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 101]
This Part shall be known as the "Borough of Wellsboro Sign Ordinance."
[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 102]
Any property with the Borough that conduct a commercial enterprise.
Any material system, emblem, structure or advertising device, composed of lettered or pictorial matter, used to identify any business, person, object or activity when visible from a public area.
[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 103]
Any new sign or any change of business name require a permit. Applications and permits are given by the Wellsboro Code Enforcement Officer.
Applications for permits will include the following information: name of applicant, address of site and date. A drawing of the sign, illustrating the location of the sign (as it relates to the full storefront), all dimensions and materials. The drawing may be done in schematic form, or be completed to accurate scale. Colors to be used on all components of the sign should be indicated or described. Method of installation shall be included as well as the name of the contractor. Lighting for any sign will be fully described. Application must be approved in writing before start of construction.
[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 104]
In the area of Main Street, Central Avenue to East Avenue (hereinafter known as the Main Street Commercial District) the following signs, Subsections A through J, will be permitted, based on the criteria for dimension, location and design listed below:
Flat facade signs placed flush with the building, will be placed below the second floor or lower window sill of a second story window and be no larger than 25% of the first floor facade square footage (see Illustration 19-1). Square footage is measured by multiplying the width of the storefront by the height, as determined by the distance of the lower window sill to the sidewalk. A maximum of one flat sign, per business, per building will be permitted. Where a building's side facade faces a side street, rear alley or parking lot, a maximum of one flat sign per facade will be permitted. Flat signs or signboards will have a maximum height of four feet with sign letters being on larger than 18 feet in height. Sign lettering will be restricted to the name of the business, one secondary description, address and phone number. Where two or more businesses occupy one building, on the street level, the overall sign area for all signs shall be no larger than 25% of first floor facade square footage. Signs representing businesses on any of the upper floors shall be limited to one sign per business with each sign being no larger than 10% of the overall square footage of the upper building facade of which it is a part.
Projecting signs, on a bracket, perpendicular to the building, shall be no larger than 20 square feet, extend a maximum of four feet from the facade and have a clearance of no less than eight feet from the ground (see Illustration II).
Awning signs may be placed anywhere on a structure which such awning has a ground clearing of seven feet six inches and extend no more than five feet from facade. No back lit, flat metal or wood canopies will be permitted. Lettering is to be restricted to the name of the business, secondary description, address and phone number. Lettering will be restricted to no more than nine inches in height. Any logo or graphic design will not exceed 20% of the awning surface (see Illustration III).
Window signs on windows shall occupy no more than 20% of window area and letters no larger than eight inches in height. A maximum of three signs will be allowed for any one business.
Illuminated signs are permitted as long as the external light sources are aimed at the sign they are illuminating and not positioned in such a manner so as to shine onto the adjoining property or into the eyes of a passing pedestrian or motorist. Internally lit signs are not permitted. Neon signs are permitted only within a store interior and are restricted to the same size limitations a window signs.
Wall signs, wall murals or wall painted signs shall occupy no more than 20% of the wall area or facade of which they are a part and may not exceed an area of 200 square feet, whichever is less.
Banners will be considered as a projecting sign and follow the same restriction. Banners hung across the street are prohibited.
Temporary signs shall comply with the following requirements: signs temporarily affixed to a window or door are permitted, provided they do not exceed 20% of the area of the window or door and are in place for not more than 30 days.
Signs, whether permanent or temporary are prohibited on the boulevards.
Sidewalk signs shall not exceed four feet in height and be no wider than 24 inches. Signs will be located within three feet of the storefront. On special occasions, billboard signs may be worn by an individual, i.e., Dickens at Christmas, school fund-raising events, etc.
Within the remainder of the Borough's commercial zone, all sign configurations listed above are permitted. In addition, the following restrictions apply for signage in commercial areas of Wellsboro outside the Main Street Commercial area:
Free standing signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height or 30 square feet in area and may be internally lighted.
[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 105; as amended by A.O.]
The following signs shall be prohibited within the Borough of Wellsboro:
Any movable sign.
Off-premises advertising signs.
Signs carried or worn by a pedestrian, unless in compliance with § 19-104, Subsection 1J.
Strung light and windblown devices such as pennants, spinners or streamers.
Any sign which flashes or blinks on and off or contains moving lights or which is otherwise illuminated on an intermittent basis.
Any neon sign other than a window sign.
Any backlight awning which has lettering on it in the Main Street Commercial District.
Any sign mounted on the roof top of the building.
Blade signs, also known as feather, swooper, and windblown devices.
[Ord. 570, 4/10/1995, § 106; as amended by A.O.]
Any person, firm or corporation who or which being the owner or agent of the owners of any lot, tract or parcel of land shall erect or permit to be erected a sign without first securing the requisite permit or who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.