Res. 9/3/1860
Authorizing a bond issue of $1 on every $100 of assessed valuation for the purchase of a fire engine and apparatus
Res. 3/21/1877
Untitled resolution providing for issuance of certificates of indebtedness for $1,000 to refund for a further period of 3 years certificate of indebtedness No. 3
Ord. 98
Providing for a bond issue of $11,000 for completion of the Borough building and other purposes
Ord. 114
Providing for a bond issue of $15,000 to pay for certain street improvements
Ord. 121
Increasing the indebtedness in the Borough of Wellsboro, relating to a $17,000 bond issue for street improvements
Ord. 127
Increasing the indebtedness in the Borough of Wellsboro, relating to a $10,000 bond issue for street improvements
Ord. 133
Providing for loan for the Borough of Wellsboro and the issue of securities therefor, relating to a $24,000 bond issue, for an unspecified purpose
Res. 9/9/1919
Providing for a bond issue of not more than $14,000 for an unspecified purpose
Ord. 140
Authorizing and directing the Burgess to borrow $6,000 for an unspecified purpose
Ord. 156
Expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough of Wellsboro, to increase the indebtedness of said Borough in the sum of $24,000 by the issue and sale of bonds of Borough, and to use the funds thus raised for the retirement of existing indebtedness of $9,000 incurred in the grading, paving, guttering, curbing, sewering and otherwise improving certain streets of the Borough, and the balance of said funds to be used for certain extensions to the sewer system of Borough, and proclaiming an election for the purpose of obtaining the assent or refusal of the electors of Borough to such increase of indebtedness
Ord. 158
Providing for a loan of $16,000 for the Borough of Wellsboro, and the issuance of bonds as evidenced therein, and providing for an annual sinking fund tax for the redemption of said loan and the interest thereon, for the purpose of retiring existing indebtedness and to extend the sewer system
Ord. 164
Providing for a loan of $8,000 for the Borough of Wellsboro, and the issuance of bonds as evidence thereof, and providing for an annual sinking fund tax for the redemption of said loan and the interest thereon for the purpose of extending of the sewer system
Ord. 185
Providing for a loan of $12,000 to be made by the Borough of Wellsboro, for the purpose of funding floating indebtedness and making improvements
Ord. 205
Providing for a loan of $11,000 to be made by the Borough of Wellsboro, for the purpose of funding floating indebtedness
Ord. 212
Providing for a bond issue of $84,000 for refunding outstanding bonded indebtedness from 6 prior bond issues
Ord. 213
Providing for the sale of the bonds authorized by Ord. 212, and amending Ord. 212
Ord. 224
Providing for a bond issue of $15,000 to fund floating debt and to widen and deepen streams, build retaining walls, repair walls damaged by floods and make other repairs along the streams
Ord. 226
Providing for the sale of the bonds authorized by Ord. 224 and fixing the rate of interest on the bonds
Ord. 281
Signifying the desire of the Borough of Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, to increase its indebtedness to an amount not to exceed $120,500, for the purpose of street improvements, and providing for the submission of the question of such increase to the electors of Wellsboro Borough at the general election to be held on November 7, 1950
Ord. 293
Authorizing and directing the issuance of general obligation bonds of the Borough of Wellsboro, in the maximum amount of $30,000 for the purpose of funding floating indebtedness incurred in making capital improvements to the streets, streams, bridges and property of the Borough
Ord. 401
Expressing the desire of the Borough of Wellsboro to make an increase of municipal debt of said Borough with the assent of the electors thereof for the authorization of a $250,000 bond issue to build 3 dams for flood control and a reservoir
Ord. 421
Expressing the desire of the Borough Council to make an increase of municipal debt of said Borough with the assent of the electors thereof, obtain authority for a $300,000 bond issue
Ord. 434
Rescinding and canceling authority to borrow money for the purposes of flood control, water supply and recreation
Ord. 435
Authorizing and directing issuance of general obligation bonds of this Borough, in the maximum principal amount of $300,000, to provide funds for the purpose of constructing a fire station and municipal building
Ord. 453
Authorizing and directing issuance of general obligation bonds of this Borough, in the maximum principal amount of $120,000 to provide funds for the purpose of funding an unfunded debt contracted for previous current operating expenses
Res. 9/10/1973
Authorizing the Borough Municipal Authority to borrow, on a temporary or short-term basis, monies not in excess of $20,000 for deposit by it in its construction fund for the extension of the Wellsboro water distribution system on East Avenue
Res. 7/11/1977B
Authorizing the Borough to borrow up to $150,000, as needed on a temporary tax anticipation loan
Res. 10/11/1982B
Authorizing the borrowing of necessary funds to pay the Borough's share of the local matching funds for the community facilities grant and such other funds needed to pay expenses incurred until the reimbursements are received through the grant
Res. 7/11/1988B
Authorizing the Borough to borrow $50,000 from the Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company for the purpose of construction of the slow sand filter sewer system project
Ord. 550
Determining to incur a lease rental debt in the maximum principal amount of $2,660,781 for the acquisition/construction of a water system
Ord. 571
Directing the issuance of a general obligation note in the aggregate principal amount of $360, 867 for the purpose of acquiring/constructing stormwater facilities
Res. --/--/----
Authorizing issuance of a tax anticipation note in the amount of $150,000 for an unspecified purpose
Ord. 585
Authorizing the incurring of a debt in the amount of $1,590,000 for a lease rental debt to be evidenced by a series of guaranteed sewer revenue bonds - series of 1998
Ord. 612
Authorizing and directing issuance of its general obligation note, Series of 2003, in the maximum principal amount of $250,000
Ord. 631
Authorizing and directing issuance of its general obligation note, Series of 2007, in the maximum principal amount of $250,000
Ord. 652
Authorizing and directing issuance of its general obligation note, Series of 2010, in the maximum principal amount of $1,692,000
Ord. 667
Authorizing and directing issuance of its general obligation note, Series of 2012, in the maximum principal amount of $300,000
Ord. 690
Authorizing and securing the issuance of a general obligation note, Series of 2019, in the maximum principal amount of $700,000