[Adopted 12-13-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-15]
This article shall only apply to fire and/or smoke alarm systems connected to a central monitoring system so as to elicit a response from the Stanhope Borough Fire Department.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any alarm or signal of an alarm reported through a central monitoring system or through a dial alarm system which has been actuated by inadvertence, negligence, intentional or unintentional act of a person other than an intruder, and including alarms caused by mechanical failure, malfunction or improper installation of the alarm system and related equipment. False alarms shall not include activation caused by power or phone line interruptions, where such interruptions have been reported to the Stanhope Borough Police Department.
All property owners with properties equipped with fire and/or smoke alarms connected to a central monitoring system so as to elicit a response from the Stanhope Borough Fire Department shall maintain said fire and/or smoke alarm systems in good working order at all times to avoid said alarm systems from sending false alarms.
In the case of a false alarm, any person having knowledge thereof shall immediately notify the Stanhope Borough Police Department.
The Stanhope Borough Fire Department shall, not less than monthly, report, in writing, all false alarms reported to the Fire Department to the Borough Clerk.
For such false alarms, the Borough Council prescribes the following penalties.
For a first, second or third false alarm in the same calendar year, a written warning notice;
For a fourth false alarm in the same calendar year, a fine of $50;
For a fifth false alarm in the same calendar year, a fine of $100;
For a sixth false alarm in the same calendar year, a fine of $200;
For a seventh and subsequent false alarm in the same calendar year, a fine of $500;
For a fourth and subsequent false alarm in the same calendar year, the property owner shall provide an advisory letter (dated within 30 days following the date on which the complaint is issued) from a licensed alarm company stating that the system is operating properly. If, however, the property owner fails to provide such advisory letter as provided above, a fine may be imposed by the court up to a maximum of $500 in the court's discretion.
This article shall be enforced by such Borough official or officials as shall be designated by the governing body through the issuance of written warning notices, notice to pay penalty and/or summons returnable in the Stanhope Borough Municipal Court.