In addition to the general goals listed in the statements of § 390-3, Purpose, and § 390-4, Community development objectives, it is the purpose of this district to provide for municipal uses in selected areas of the Township accessible to residents and transportation systems.
In the M Municipal District, the following regulations shall apply.
Uses by right. A building may be erected, altered or used, and a lot or premises may be used by right for any of the following uses:
Township administrative building, community center, fire station, public park, Township maintenance facility, post office, or any similar public use.
Communications towers, subject to the standards contained in § 390-167 of this chapter.
Private-use airport.
Conditional uses. Any one of the following uses may be permitted as a conditional use when authorized by the Board of Supervisors, subject to the standards set forth herein and in § 390-219 of this chapter.
Professional office, real estate office, or similar office of agency, provided that the total floor area is 2,000 square feet or less.
Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitted, provided that they are customary and incidental to any of the foregoing permitted uses:
Municipal accessory uses.
Office accessory uses.
Communications antennas mounted on an existing public utility transmission tower, existing building or other existing structure, and communications equipment buildings, subject to the provisions of § 390-167 of this chapter.
Area and bulk regulations of Article X, BV Birchrunville Village District, shall apply to this district.
Parking: as required by § 390-135 of this chapter.
Access and highway frontage: as required by § 390-136 of this chapter.
Interior circulation and emergency access: as required by § 390-137 of this chapter.
Loading and unloading: as required by § 390-138 of this chapter.
Landscaping and screening: as required by § 390-139 of this chapter.
Storage: as required by § 390-140 of this chapter.
Lighting: as required by § 390-141 of this chapter.
Performance standards: as required by § 390-156 of this chapter.
Signs: as required by § 390-129 of this chapter.