[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 501]
Owners of land within the Borough of Watsontown on which sidewalks are constructed, and persons in possession of any such premises, shall properly maintain, in accordance with criteria developed by the Borough Council and approved by resolution by the Borough Council, such sidewalks, and shall be responsible for the repair thereof in a manner satisfactory to the Borough of Watsontown. All sidewalks or sections thereof hereafter constructed, reconstructed or repaired shall conform to the requirements of this Part and with A.D.A. standards.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 502]
No person or group of persons, partnership or corporation shall commence the construction or reconstruction of any sidewalk in the Borough of Watsontown without first making application for and securing a permit therefor from the Borough Manager or Code Enforcement Officer. Applications for a sidewalk construction or reconstruction permit shall be on forms provided by the Borough, and, in the case of new construction, a plot plan showing the location of the proposed work in relation to existing buildings and sidewalks. No work under this section shall be commenced without first having secured a line and grade from the Borough Manager or Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with the applicable provisions of §§ 21-514 to 21-517 of this chapter.
As used in this chapter, "reconstruction" shall mean the complete replacement of sidewalk to either existing or new line and grade.
Permit fees shall be established from time to time by resolution of Council.
Any permit issued under this Part shall be null and void unless work is commenced within six months of its issuance. If work is commenced within said six-month period and abandoned within one year of the date of the issuance of the permit, said permit shall be null and void. One or more ninety-day extensions of time may be granted by the Borough Manager or Code Enforcement Officer for cause shown after written application therefor.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 503]
Curbs and/or sidewalks shall be constructed, repaired or reconstructed in accordance with the specifications and requirements contained in Chapter 21, Streets and Sidewalks, Sections 21-514 to 21-517, of the Ordinances of the Borough of Watsontown.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 504]
Notice to reconstruct, repair and/or replace existing sidewalks, due to unsafe conditions, shall be provided in writing to the owners of property containing said sidewalks. Such owners shall have six months from the date of the notice to reconstruct, repair and/or replace said unsafe conditions, except where repairs are required, which in the opinion of the Borough Manager or Code Enforcement Officer are of an emergency nature, in which event 48 hours' written notice shall be given.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 505]
Upon neglect of any owner or owners of property to reconstruct, repair or replace existing sidewalks in a safe and usable condition, the Borough shall, after notice as herein provided, cause the reconstruction, repair or replacement of said sidewalk and shall collect the cost thereof, together with an additional amount representing all administrative charges and expenses up to an amount of 10% of the cost of the reconstruction, repair or replacement from such owner or owners, and may file a municipal lien therefor in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, or collect the same by action in assumpsit according to the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pertaining thereto.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 506]
If any sidewalk shall be reconstructed, repaired or replaced without conforming to the requirements of this Part, or any other Part or law, the Borough Manager or Code Enforcement Officer may require the owner of the premises and other persons responsible for construction to remove the faulty paving as a nuisance, and replace it with conforming construction, and on failure of such person to do so within such time as the Manager shall fix, the Borough may proceed to do so and collect the cost thereof by entry of lien or otherwise.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 507]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300; and/or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 507]
As used in this Part 5, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
That representative appointed by the Borough Council in lawful session to administer the sidewalk program. The authorized representative may also be referred to as the "Inspector."
The Borough of Watsontown, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Authorized representative.
The portion of a street outside the cartway and shall include paved footway, unpaved grass plot, curb and gutter.
Any public street in the Borough of Watsontown.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 508]
Every owner of property which abuts any street in the Borough shall, upon notice from the Borough Council or other authorized representative of the Borough, grade, construct, drain, pave or repave the sidewalk in a manner stipulated in such notice, in compliance with the provisions of this Part, and within the time specified in such notice.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 509]
Borough reserves the right to adopt, from time to time, specifications, rules, regulations, permit requirements and fee schedules as it shall deem necessary and proper relating to curbs and sidewalks; which, to the extent appropriate, and shall be construed as part of this Part.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 510]
No person, firm or corporation shall cause any sidewalk to be obstructed.
A permit shall be obtained from the Borough office prior to commencement of any construction, reconstruction, replacement, repair or obstruction of any sidewalk. The permit fee shall be established by this governing body, from time to time, by resolution.
All sidewalks shall be constructed, reconstructed and repaired in accordance with the specifications and rules and regulations as determined from time to time.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 511]
Any property owner, upon his own initiative and without notice from the Borough, may construct, reconstruct or repair a sidewalk in front of or alongside his property, provided he conforms with the provisions of this Part and has obtained a permit.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 512]
Whenever any property owner shall fail to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk within the time limit specified by the Borough, or, having undertaken to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk either on his own initiative or following notice from the Borough to do so, shall fail to conform strictly to the proper line and grade and to all other requirements of this Part, the Borough may cause such construction, reconstruction or repair, or correction of any deficiency, to be done at the cost of the property owner, and may collect the cost thereof and 10% additional together with all charges and expenses, from such property owner, and file municipal claim thereof or collect the same by action of assumpsit.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 513]
Responsibility for Costs. The property owner shall be responsible for the cost of the construction, reconstruction, replacement or repairs. In addition, the owner will be responsible for the restoration of any disturbed areas including landscaping, trees and other plantings, without reimbursement.
Transition Pieces. Transition pieces may be used to bridge any mismatch in alignment between new and existing sidewalks that are adjacent. All transition pieces shall be approved by the Inspector.
Sidewalk Rear Lines. The rear lines of sidewalks shall be continuous to the extent possible. Where rear lines cannot be continuous, transition pieces will be required as listed above.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 514]
The following are considered maximum allowable deficiencies. If a significant portion of the curb or sidewalk section (greater than 25%) fails to meet these standards, you will be requested to make repairs or replace the affected curb or sidewalk section.
Curb/Sidewalk Offsets. Offsets between adjacent sections of curb and sidewalk shall not exceed one inch either horizontally or vertically. Offsets of more than one inch will require replacement of curb or sidewalk or both.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 515]
Minimum Width. New walks shall have a minimum width of 48 inches.
Uneven or Sunken Slabs. Any sidewalk slab that has settled greater than a 12:1 slope shall be replaced or repositioned.
Surface Continuity. Any crack, bump, heave, depression, separation or other distortion of the continuity of the surface of the sidewalk shall not exceed one inch in elevation differential.
Repairs/Spalling. Spalling, chipping and/or crumbling shall not exceed a depth of one inch or an area greater than one square foot. Repairs may take the form of a new slab, pargeting, or the use of approved epoxies, subject to the approval of the Inspector. Asphalt material is not an acceptable material.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 516]
Sidewalks Other Than Concrete. Sidewalks other than concrete shall be separately inspected and an individual determination made on a case-by-case basis to be consistent to the extent possible with these specifications for concrete sidewalks.
New Walk Material. All new and replaced sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete, brick or ceramic materials or other material approved by the Borough Council. Asphalt material is not to be considered for future new walks or repair materials.
Asphalt Paved Areas. Where paved asphalt areas abut the street (such as parking lots and service stations) a walkway line may, at the discretion of the Inspector, be defined by painting two yellow lines, each three inches wide and four feet apart, on the asphalt in the location where a concrete sidewalk would normally be installed. This walkway shall be kept clear of all obstructions.
Warning and Protective Devises/Liability. It shall be the duty of every property owner grading, constructing, draining, paving or repaving the sidewalk abutting his property, to provide and maintain adequate guards, barriers and lights to prevent accidents and such owner shall assume all risks and liability for all damages by reason of such work, and by reason of any failure to fill such area.
Unusual Circumstances. The Inspector will be permitted to use limited discretion to address unusual circumstances not listed herein.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 517]
If a property owner fails to complete the necessary work within the time stated in the notice, the Borough may order the work to be done under Borough contract, filing a municipal lien with an annual interest rate, plus 10% of cost of said work as an administrative expense, or may institute legal proceedings for levying of a fine, as provided by the Sidewalk Ordinance.
[Ord. 1998-3, 6/1/1998, § 518]
The Inspector makes the initial inspection and determines need for repair.
The Inspector determines whether a variance from standard specification is appropriate.
The Inspector issues a notice to the property owner requiring the installation, repair or replacement of the walk. That notice will include a deadline for the owner to object and request modification.
If the owner's written request is accepted by the Inspector, the Inspector will issue a second notice with the changes made.
If the Inspector does not agree with the owner's request, the owner has 10 days to request in writing a hearing by the Borough Council. The Borough Council must schedule a hearing within 30 days after receiving the written request.
After reviewing the request of the owner and the results of the Inspector, the decision of the Council is final. If the Council agrees with the owner's request, it will instruct the Inspector to modify his notice.
Any variance from standard specifications will be valid only as long as the initial reason for the variance (existing tree, porch, etc.) exists.
Physical limitations on meeting standard specifications such as existing trees, fences, retaining walls, porches, buildings, lay of land, etc., may be granted a variance.
If a property abuts property that is undeveloped or near a border of the Borough, sidewalks may not be required until further development occurs.
Degree of repair or replacement requested may be challenged.
Financial hardship does not qualify for a variance from these specifications.