This article applies to fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging operations, which shall conform to all other applicable requirements of this code as well as the following provisions.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any substance which, by itself or in combination with any other substance, emits or liberates a gas, fume or vapor used for the destruction or control of insects, fungi, vermin, germs, rodents or other pests, and shall be distinguished from insecticides and disinfectants which are essentially effective in the solid or liquid phases.
The use of insecticidal liquids which are gassed through thermal fog-generating units where they are, by means of heat, pressure and turbulence, transformed and discharged in the form of a fog or mist that is blown into an area to be treated.
No person shall engage in the business of fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging without a permit.
No fumigation room, vault or chamber using a toxic or flammable fumigant shall be maintained without a permit.
All persons engaged in the business of fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging shall maintain and have available approved protective breathing apparatus.
During the period when fumigation is in process, except when fumigant is conducted in a gas-tight vault or tank, capable, alert safety personnel shall remain on duty at the entrance or entrances to the building or enclosed space fumigated until the fumigation is completed and until the premises is properly ventilated and again safe for human occupancy. Sufficient safety personnel shall be provided to prevent any person from entering the building or enclosed space under fumigation without being observed.
No thermal insecticidal fogging liquid shall be used that has a flash point below 100° F.