The HRB shall be responsible for the development of a uniform and equitable Salary Plan, which shall consist of, minimum and maximum salaries for each class in the Classification Plan. The salary range for each classification shall be the salary range for the class to which the classification is allocated.
[Amended 5-20-2019 ATM by Art. 21]
On an annual basis, the HRB shall perform an analysis of the Salary Plan and recommend adjustments accordingly. Such analysis shall include, but not be limited to, a review of increases negotiated with Town labor unions, increases provided in salary plans for comparative classifications in comparative jurisdictions, and the increase in the cost of wages as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Cost Index (ECI) for State and Local Government. The recommended Salary Plan for the upcoming fiscal year shall be submitted to the Town Administrator by December 15 of each year; the Town Administrator shall transmit the Plan to the Select Board for approval in accordance with Easton's Home Rule Charter § C 4-2(m).
Appointment rates. An employee appointed to a position should normally be compensated at a minimum rate of pay assigned to the class to which the classification is allocated. However, original employment at a salary above the minimum rate may be made upon written certification by the Town Administrator that such action is justified under the Town Charter § 5-3, Merit Principle.
Salary Plan salary review. The Salary Plan shall be reviewed by the HRB as frequently as its deems necessary or as requested by the Town Administrator, but not less than every five years.
Performance-based increases. Salary increases within an established range are not automatic but require the attainment of a sufficiently high score on an annual performance review. The eligibility date for a performance-based increase shall be on July 1 of each year, provided that the employee has worked at least three full months prior to that date. An employee who reached the maximum of a particular salary range may not receive further increases unless the classification is regraded. No employee shall be given any increase that would cause them to be paid above their grade range. An employee on leave without pay shall not count such leave toward service for compensation purposes.
The following factors shall not affect eligibility for a performance-based salary increase:
Overall pay adjustment resulting from a pay survey.
Transfer within class or within range.
Military leave without pay necessitated by a draft or reserve call-up because of a declared emergency up to 90 calendar days.
A period of paid leave.
Reclassification to a class of the same pay range or lower.
The denial of a performance-based salary increase does not necessarily connote less than satisfactory service. To be eligible for a performance-based salary increase, it is expected that an employee is performing at a higher than average level.
Performance evaluation. For classifications covered by formal performance evaluation, see Article VIII for appropriate policy and procedure.
Promotion. Upon promotion, the employee's salary shall be set within the range of the higher class at a point which provides an increase in the employee's previous salary, except that the new salary shall not be more than the maximum rate of the higher classification level.
Transfer. When an employee is transferred laterally from in one classification to another in another class at the same pay rate, or is transferred with no change in class, she or he shall continue to be paid at the same rate.
Reallocation of classification to a class in lower pay range. When job evaluation indicates that a classification is reallocated to a class in a lower pay range, the current pay of an incumbent is not changed, and said incumbent or incumbents will continue to be eligible for increments up to the maximum of a lower pay range and be eligible for any general pay increases which may be established for all classifications in the class affected.
The following hours of work shall apply to employees in each category:
Hours Per Week
Salaried employee
Hourly employee
Council on Aging van driver
Part-time employee
Subject to control of department head
Schedule is consistent with union employees supervised, or that work in the same department/division.
Includes a one-half-hour lunch break.
It is recognized that the greater work responsibilities of salaried employees may cause them to frequently work greater than 40 hours per week. It is also recognized that salaried employees may use compensatory time and have some work schedule flexibility, both subject to approval of the Town Administrator.
It is also recognized that the salaried employee's forty-hour workweek includes a one-hour paid lunch and coffee breaks to be taken at the discretion of the employee.
The workweek of the hourly clerical employees does not include a one-hour unpaid lunch break. It does, however, include a fifteen-minute morning coffee break.
With the exception of salaried employees, all other nonunion employees shall receive overtime pay as follows:
For those working a thirty-five-hour workweek, overtime in excess of seven hours in a single workday or in excess of 35 hours in a workweek shall be paid at the overtime rate.
For those hourly employees working a forty-hour workweek, overtime in excess of eight hours in a single workday or in excess of 40 hours in a workweek shall be paid at the overtime rate.
Salaried employees are eligible for compensatory time off for hours worked in excess of normal workweek hours, when so approved. Approval for all department heads shall be granted by the Town Administrator, and for all others approval shall be granted by the department head concerned.
Employees shall receive annual longevity payments for their years of continuous service for the Town of Easton, in accordance with the following schedule:
Upon completion of five years: $350.
Upon completion of 10 years: $400.
Upon completion of 15 years: $450.
Upon completion of 20 years: $500.
Upon completion of 25 years: $550.
Upon completion of 30 years: $600.
Upon completion of 35 years: $650.
For the purpose of this chapter, actual hours worked shall include all time an employee is required to be on duty. It is the intent of this chapter that the supervisor bear the responsibility for notifying the employee of any limitation when work hours exceed normal work hours.