Leave is any authorized absence during regularly scheduled work hours that is approved by proper authority. Leave may be authorized with or without pay and shall be granted in accordance with this chapter on the basis of the work requirements of the departments and, whenever possible, the personal wishes of the employee. All leave will be reported each week on a standard form and in compliance with a reporting policy established by the Personnel Director.
For all leave other than holiday or sick leave, a written request indicating the kind of leave, duration and dates of departure and return must be approved by the Town Administrator or designee prior to the taking of leave. In the case of disability, injury and emergency leave, the request shall be submitted for approval immediately upon the employee's return to duty. Unless an absence is substantiated by a request approved by the Town Administrator or designee, an employee shall not be paid for any absence from scheduled work hours, and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
The following days shall be recognized as holidays and such other days as may be declared holidays for the conduct of public business by the state government:
New Year's Day
Labor Day
Martin Luther King
Columbus Day
Washington's Birthday
Veterans Day
One-half day Good Friday
Thanksgiving Day
Patriots Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Memorial Day
One-half day before Christmas
Independence Day
Christmas Day
Saturday and Sunday holidays. Whenever any of the above named holidays falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday or following Monday, respectively, shall be a holiday, unless another day is established by law.
Work on holidays. On the designated holidays, employees not otherwise covered by labor agreement shall be excused from all duty not required to maintain essential services. Employees who perform work shall be paid at double their regular rate of pay for hours actually worked on the holiday, in addition to the amount to which they are entitled as holiday pay. Holiday during vacation. If a designated holiday occurs while an employee is on vacation leave, no charge for the holiday will be made against vacation leave.
Accrued basis.
Full-time employees, other than temporary or seasonal employees, are entitled to accrue vacation each year of their employment on the following basis, calculated as of the anniversary date of full-time employment:
Department heads.
Length of Service
Vacation Leave
Initial hire
1.00 day per month (12 days per year)
1 to 4 years
1.25 days per month (15 days per year)
5 to 9 years
1.75 days per month (21 days per year)
10 to 20 years
2.17 days per month (26 days per year)
21 or more years
1 day per year, not to exceed 5 additional days beyond the twenty-year amount
All other employees (nonunion).
Length of Service
Vacation Leave
Initial hire
0.83 day per month (10 days per year)
1 to 4 years
1.00 day per month (12 days per year)
5 to 9 years
1.50 days per month (18 days per year)
10 to 20 years
1.91 days per month (23 days per year)
21 or more years
1 day per year, not to exceed 5 additional days beyond the twenty-year amount
Vacation earned will be credited to an employee's vacation account on the last day of each complete month worked. Vacation may be used only after accrual at rates outlined above. Vacation may be used at any time once accrued and properly approved. Vacation may be used in advance of accrual, up to five days, only after submitting a written request to the department head and Town Administrator, and obtaining approval from both individuals. Any vacation pay received in advance of accrual shall be deducted from an employee's final paycheck, if separation from Town service, for any reason, occurs.
Carry-over; buy-back.
Vacations shall not be exchanged for cash except upon termination of employment.
Vacation accrued in one fiscal year may be carried over to a subsequent fiscal year up to 10 days. Any days carried over in excess of five days must be used by Labor Day. Any accrued, unused vacation days, beyond the aforesaid rollover allotment of 10 days shall be forfeited, except in extenuating circumstances, which shall require the approval of the Town Administrator.
[Amended 10-30-2018 STM by Art. 12]
Buy-back at separation. The Town will buy back all accrued vacation at time of employee separation from Town service, for any cause. Vacation time will be bought back at the employee's then-current rate of pay.
Vacation scheduling. Vacation will be requested, in writing at least one week prior to usage. Department heads will be responsible for approving all requests for employees in their departments. The Town Administrator will be responsible for approving all requests for department heads, except that a department head may take up to two consecutive vacation days, at any time, without further approval. To the extent possible, department heads and the Town Administrator shall schedule and approve vacation at such times during the year as will best serve the public interest.
Part-time employees. Permanent part-time employees shall accrue vacation at the same rates as above, but prorated in the same ratio as their average weekly hours in comparison to 35. Temporary and seasonal employees shall not accrue vacation.
Recruitment. The Town Administrator may grant, at the time of initial hire, additional vacation accrual to experienced candidates for department head positions that is commensurate with the length of direct experience and consistent with the vacation accrual offered by the Town.
Purpose. Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which an employee may use at the employee's discretion, but shall be allowed only in case of actual sickness or disability of the employee, to meet dental appointments, to take physical examinations or for other sickness prevention measures. Sick leave may be taken by any eligible employee unable to work due to pregnancy and conditions relating thereto, childbirth and recovery therefrom.
Eligibility. Sick leave shall be available to all permanent full-time and permanent part-time employees. Seasonal, temporary, provisional and emergency employees are not eligible for sick leave.
Use and amount. An employee absent on account of illness or injury shall see to it that his or her supervisor is notified as soon as possible before the regular starting time of the workday. Failure to notify the supervisor may result in absence without pay or other disciplinary action. Sick leave may be taken in increments no smaller than one hour.
Certification of illness. A request for authorization of sick leave must be completed on the day of return to work. Department heads will authorize sick leave use for all employees in their departments and the Town Administrator will authorize sick leave use for all other employees as well as department heads. For sick leave in excess of three workdays, or if the department head suspects that the employee may be abusing sick leave, the department head may require a certificate from a physician appointed by the Town Administrator stating that such illness prevented the employee from working.
Sick leave allowance. A full-time employee shall accrue one day per month of sick leave. Each employee's sick leave account shall be credited on the last day of each complete month of service. Sick leave may be accrued and carried over to subsequent fiscal years without limit. Part-time employees shall accrue sick leave in the same ratio as their average weekly hours in comparison to the category of work performed as defined in § 59-18, Hours of work. Temporary and seasonal employees shall not accrue sick leave.
Reporting. Each department head shall file, on forms provided for such purpose, information regarding the accrual and taking of any and all leave, and shall remit the same to the office of the Town Administrator.
Separation from Town service.
Upon separation from Town service for any reason except termination for cause, an employee or his heirs is eligible to receive sick leave buy-back pay, equal to 50% of all accrued sick leave credited to an employee's account, up to a maximum of 80 days' pay. Those employees whose accrued sick leave exceeds 160 days shall forfeit any accrued leave over said 160. The buy-back rate shall be equal to the employee's current rate of pay at separation.
Employees hired after July 1, 1995 shall not be eligible to buy back sick leave under the provisions of this subsection, or under the provisions of Subsection H.
Annual disposition. An employee may, in June of each year, dispose of accrued sick leave in the following manner:
Exchange for vacation. An employee may exchange his or her accrued sick leave for vacation days, at a rate of two sick days for each vacation day, up to a maximum of 20 vacation days (i.e., 40 sick days). In that event, all vacation days shall be credited to the employee's vacation account for the subsequent fiscal year, and shall be subject to the provisions of § 59-39 of this chapter. A request to exchange sick days for vacation days shall be made in writing and shall occur only after sick time is verified and the exchange noted in the employee's personnel file by the Personnel Director. In no event, however, may an employee's sick leave account be less than 40 days.
Sick leave pool. An employee may, at any time, transfer any number of his or her sick days to another employee, not to exceed five days per year. Said transfer shall occur only after the receiving employee has exhausted all accrued sick leave of his or her own, and only after a written request has been filed by the transferring employee. The transfer request shall be verified by the Personnel Director and notation made in both employees' personnel files.
An employee injured on the job must report the fact immediately to his supervisor. Injury leave, as distinguished from sick leave, shall mean paid leave given to an employee due to absence from duty caused by an accident, injury or occupational disease that occurred while the employee was engaged in the performance of his or her duties.
Most employees are covered by workers' compensation under state statute, and are entitled to benefits under such statute. An injured employee may supplement payments from insurance by taking unused nonoccupational sick leave credits so that he or she will receive full pay during such absence.
Any employee on occupational sick leave shall not work at any other job during the period of incapacitation. Violation shall result in discontinuance of any Town benefit and may result in dismissal.
During periods of incapacity, employees shall be subject to periodic medical examinations as a condition of continued pay, as directed by the Town Administrator. The purpose of these examinations is to secure periodic medical evaluations of the particular employee.
The purpose of bereavement leave is to enable an employee to take care of personal arrangements and problems caused by the death of a member of his or her immediate family, and to relieve him or her of the concern over loss of earnings. Full time employees shall be entitled to such leave, without loss of earnings, as follows:
No more than five consecutive regularly scheduled workdays, commencing with the notification of death, for the death of the employee's spouse, child, father, mother, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent and grandchild, and for the death of any relative or significant other living with the employee at the time of death.
No more than three consecutive regularly scheduled workdays, commencing with the notification of death, for the death of the employee's step family (mother, father, sister, brother, child) and foster parent.
No more than one regularly scheduled workday for the death of the employee's brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt and uncle.
Part-time employees shall be entitled to three consecutive regularly scheduled workdays of bereavement leave under Subsection A(1), above, one day of bereavement leave under Subsection A(2), above and no bereavement leave under Subsection A(3), above.
Notwithstanding the limitations provided in Subsection A, above, up to two additional days of bereavement leave may be granted (for both full and part-time employees) at the discretion of the employee's department head; said additional days shall be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave and therefore can only be granted if sick leave is available.
At the discretion of the department head, four hours of bereavement leave may be granted to attend the funeral of an active employee who is a co-worker (i.e. works within the same department or building).
It is the employee's responsibility to notify his or her department head of the dates he or she is leaving for military service and to provide written proof from military or selective service officials to the department head indicating date of departure and length of service required. A copy of such proof will be filed with the Town Administrator.
An hourly employee in the Military Reserve or National Guard shall be paid the difference between total compensation received while on Reserve or Guard duty and regular compensation rates paid the employee by the department, not to exceed 17 workdays in any given twelve-month period.
Salaried employees shall receive their regular pay, up to 17 days per fiscal year, during Military Reserve or National Guard service. It is expected however, that a salaried employee will make up the necessary military leave time, during that same fiscal year.
Any employee summoned to jury duty will be excused from his or her work for the period necessary to perform jury duty. Each employee shall be paid regular wages for the first three days, or part thereof, of jury service.
Regular employment shall include part-time, temporary and casual employment as long as the employment hours of a juror reasonably may be determined by a schedule or by custom and practice established during the three-month period preceding the term of service of each juror.
A salaried employee shall receive his or her regular pay for the entire period of jury duty.
An hourly employee shall receive his or her regular pay, less any compensation paid by the court for the period of jury duty after the first three days.
Any employee required to testify in court pursuant to the duties of his or her job shall receive full compensation for all hours actually worked.
Any employee who is required to attend proceedings in court as a defendant, or as a witness, other than as part of their regular employment with the Town, shall do so in an unpaid status. A request for leave without pay shall first be made in accordance with § 59-48 of this chapter. An employee may also use vacation leave for this purpose.
[Amended 5-16-2016 ATM by Art. 31]
Employees who are regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week and who have been employed on such basis for at least three months shall be entitled to eight weeks of unpaid parental leave as provided for in MGL c. 149, § 105D for the birth of a child or the adoption of a child under 18 years of age (under 23 if the child is mentally or physically disabled).
The first two weeks of parental leave shall be paid at the employee's regular rate of weekly compensation. Employees may elect to use vacation and/or personal leave after they have exhausted their paid parental leave. Sick leave may be used to the extent permitted under § 59-40.
If two eligible employees who work for the Town apply for such leave for the birth or adoption of the same child, they shall only be limited to a combined total of eight weeks of parental leave.
Employees are required to provide at least two weeks' notice of the employee's anticipated date of departure and the employee's intended day of return; provided, however, an employee may provide notice as soon as practicable if the delay in providing notice is for reasons beyond the employee's control.
Editor's Note: Former § 59-47, Paternity leave, was repealed 5-16-2016 ATM by Art. 31.
Upon approval of the Town Administrator or designee, an employee may be granted leave without pay for a specified period of time. At the expiration of a leave without pay, the employee shall return to the position or to a similar position. Failure of the employee to report promptly at the expiration of such leave shall be considered a resignation. Leave without pay shall not constitute a break in service. However, during leave without pay, vacation and sick leave shall not accrue. Copies of any such approved leave shall be on record in the department and in the office of the Town Administrator.
An employee may be granted time off with pay to conduct personal business provided such leave is approved in advance. All employees shall request approval, in writing, from the department head. All department heads shall request approval, in writing, from the Town Administrator. A copy of the request and approval/denial shall be forwarded to the Town Administrator's office and placed in the employee's personnel file.
Such personal leave shall not exceed three days in anyone fiscal year and is not cumulative from year to year.
Employees donating blood, with the prior approval of their respective supervisors, may be granted leave up to three hours for this purpose.