For the purpose of this chapter, the Town of Coventry is hereby divided into the following districts:
RR5 - Rural Residential District. These are rural areas which are not served by public facilities, and in which intensive development should not occur. These areas are characterized by very-low-density development, large estates, agricultural uses and certain low-intensity nonresidential activities incidental to a rural environment. This district is designed to preserve the rural character of the Town and to preserve and protect environmentally sensitive land. The minimum lot size for development is five acres.
RR3 - Rural Residential District. These are rural areas which public water or sewer facilities are not available and in which municipal police, fire, school and recreation opportunities and facilities are limited. This district is designed to minimize intensive development in order to protect surface and groundwater reserves and to promote orderly development in a manner that appropriately reflects the surrounding land use and capacity of the Town to service the resultant development. These areas are characterized by low-density residential development, large estates, and certain low-intensity nonresidential activities incidential to a rural environment. The minimum lot size for development is three acres.
RR2 - Rural Residential District. These are rural areas in which public water or sewer facilities are generally not available. These areas are characterized by low-density single-family residential development, large estates, and certain low-intensity nonresidential activities incidental to a rural environment. The minimum lot size for development is two acres.
R20 - Residential District. These are quiet, higher-density residential areas of the Town, plus certain undeveloped areas where similar residential development will likely occur in the future. Public water is generally available and public sewers are planned. Public facilities and a wide range of services are available. The minimum lot size for development is 20,000 square feet.
RMH - Residential Mobile Home District. These are districts limited to mobile home parks and created in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of this chapter.
VRC - Village Rural Commercial District. These districts are defined primarily as traditional mixed-use village nodes in central and western Coventry that support a variety of land uses, including retail, service, light industrial, office, and residential uses. Special development standards are required for the preservation and enhancement of the visual, traditional and historic character of the vicinity.
VMC - Village Main Street Commercial. These districts are defined primarily as traditional mixed-use village nodes in eastern Coventry that support a variety of uses including retail, service, office, and residential. Special development standards are required for the preservation and enhancement of the visual, traditional and historic character of the vicinity.
GB/GB-1 General Business District. These districts are composed of certain land and structures to provide for the retailing of commodities and the furnishing of services which depend primarily on vehicular traffic. GB-1 requires a minimum of one acre for development.
BP - Planned Business Park. This is a floating zone, the purpose of which is to denote major commercial, office and industrial centers for the Town as identified in the Comprehensive Community Plan. Proposals shall ensure a coordinated development plan where uses, traffic controls, open space needs, buffering and site appropriateness can be evaluated. Land uses in this district include all commercial uses other than heavy industrial and certain other uses specifically prohibited. Business Park Districts shall be approved as a land development project through the provisions of Article XIV of this chapter.
I1 - These districts are primarily large tracts of land suitable for industrial development in conformance with development standards enumerated in this chapter.
I2 - These districts are older industrial mill complexes in the Town in existence prior to the original enactment of this chapter which may have existing buildings over 35 feet in height.
Planned development/planned unit development:
These are floating zones composed of a variety of land uses, including mixed-use, commercial, industrial, and multifamily projects that are created in conformance with Article XIV of this chapter.
SPD - Special Planning Overlay District.
This is a design overlay district to provide for the establishment of a design review by the Planning Commission which shall take into consideration the special impact the development will have on this visually prominant location. There shall be a strong emphasis on aesthetics, including design and building layout. Strip development is strongly discouraged. Buffering, access, landscaping, lighting and signage must be oriented to accommodate pedestrian traffic within the site. The uses and dimensions of the underlying zone shall remain in effect.
The boundaries of the above zoning districts are hereby established as shown on a map filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, entitled "ZONING MAP-COVENTRY, RHODE ISLAND, 1" EQUALS 1,200' DATED JUNE 26, 2000" as amended and hereafter known as the "Zoning Map." Prior to June 26, 2000, the Coventry Zoning Map was composed of 61 separate maps numbered 1 to 61 and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk. The Coventry Zoning Map is hereby amended and adopted on June 26, 2000, and made part of this chapter.
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of a highway, street, alley, railroad, watercourse or body of water shall be construed to the center line, or middle thereof, or where such boundaries indicated as approximately following Town limits shall be construed as following such Town limits;
Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines;
Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was in single ownership at the time of passage of this chapter, the Board may permit, as a special use permit, the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot not to exceed 30 feet beyond the district line in the remainder of the lot;
Boundaries indicated as following shore lines shall be construed to follow such shore lines, and in the event of change in the shore line shall be construed as moving with the actual shore line;
Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in the above Subsection C shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the map;
Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with these shown on the Zoning Map, or in other circumstances not covered by the above subsections, the Board shall interpret the district boundaries.
Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. All development along the Tiogue Avenue/Nooseneck Hill Road (Route 3) and Sandy Bottom Road corridors shall conform to the policies and guidelines as set forth in the Town's Comprehensive Community Plan. In order to demonstrate such conformity, the owners, applicants or developers, as applicable, must provide appropriate landscape, streetscape, on-site lighting, building and redevelopment activities and improvements to comport with the goals and intents of said plan.
Purpose. The purpose of this "Special Management District" is to revitalize and develop Tiogue Avenue/Nooseneck Hill Road and Sandy Bottom Road so as to dramatically improve the functioning and appearance of this arterial corridor, create redevelopment opportunities and create jobs as well as enhance the Town's economic tax base.
Applicability. This section shall apply to all real estate and buildings thereon situated on or adjacent to Tiogue Avenue and Nooseneck Hill Road and Sandy Bottom Road that are in a General Business (GB) Zoning District.
Procedure for approval. All new commercial uses, changes in commercial uses or expansion of commercial uses shall be subject to the provisions of this article in addition to any other applicable zoning, subdivision and land use regulations. Such uses shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and/or Planning Commission as appropriate.
Architectural standards.
General. The architectural design of buildings, structures and site layout shall be visually compatible with the traditional historic character of Coventry and the surrounding area, including building materials, scale and roof line.
New buildings shall be designed with traditional roof forms that are compatible with other traditional New England towns such as gabled, lipped, and pitched roofs. Flat roofs shall be avoided.
Architectural elements to include dormers, columns, facades, awnings, canopies, etc., shall be in proportion with the dimensions and design of the overall building. Exaggerated or excessively large architectural elements shall be avoided.
Traditional building materials such as shingles, wood clapboards, stucco, brick and stone should be used for the exterior sheathing of additions and new construction.
The construction of buildings which are designed primarily according to themes or architectural styles associated with chain stores or restaurants shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and may be modified or prohibited if found inconsistent with the Town's Comprehensive Community Plan or this chapter.
For new retail or commercial establishments which will exceed 10,000 gross square feet of floor area or additions which will increase their floor area in excess of 50%, the following minimum standards shall apply:
There shall be no blank, windowless uninterrupted facade in excess of 60 feet in length. Lengthy facades shall be interrupted by recesses, projections, windows, awnings or similar measures.
Smaller retail stores that are a portion of a larger store or principal building shall have display windows and separate outside entrances.
Roof lines shall be varied so as to break up lengthy, monotonous facades and exteriors.
Colors and materials. To ensure higher quality development, new or renovated buildings in the special management district shall meet the following "colors and materials" standards:
Exterior materials shall be of high quality such as wood, brick, stucco, sandstone, or nature stone;
Facade colors shall be low-reflective, subtle, neutral or earth-tone colors;
High-intensity or metallic colors on the exterior of buildings are prohibited;
Neon tubing as an accent material is prohibited.
Relationship to surrounding community. To ensure that all buildings with 10,000 square feet or more of gross floor area are compatible with surrounding streets, commercial and residential uses, all new buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet gross floor area or existing buildings which propose to increase their gross floor area in excess of 50% shall:
Install or provide all facades that are visible from adjoining properties and/or public streets which encourage community integration by featuring characteristics of the front facade;
All sides of a principal building which directly faces abutting streets shall include at least one customer entrance;
Evergreen trees must be installed on all sides of a building which abuts or faces a residential zoning district;
Landscape features shall be incorporated into all plans which shield loading docks, trash collection, and outdoor storage from public view;
Every effort shall be made to incorporate community and public spaces such as water fountains, water features, clock towers, and/or patio seating areas in plans.
General Business design guidelines. Those techniques and measures set forth in the "Town of Coventry, Special Management District, General Business Guidelines" prepared by the Town of Coventry Planning Department and dated July 2007 are incorporated herein (NOTE: street lighting should be coordinated through the local fire district).