[Amended 12-18-2001 by Ord. No. 326]
The Borough Secretary shall be appointed by the Borough Council, subject to approval of the Borough Council and shall serve at the pleasure of Council.
The Borough Secretary shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give bond conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties.
The position of Borough Secretary and Borough Treasurer may be held by the same person.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Borough Council and shall keep full minutes of its proceedings. He shall transcribe the bylaws, rules, regulations and ordinances adopted into a book kept for that purpose. He shall preserve the records and documents of the Borough and shall have custody of the corporate seal. He shall maintain a separate, chronological collective record of all resolutions of the Council. He shall certify copies of any book, paper, record, bylaw, rule, regulations, resolution, ordinance or proceeding of the Borough under the seal thereof, which copies, when so certified, shall be admissible as evidence in any court of the commonwealth. He shall attest the execution of all instruments, record all ordinances and attest the same by his signature. He shall file or record proof of service of all notices required by law and his certificate thereof shall be good evidence of such notice. The Borough shall furnish the Secretary with such dockets, books, forms and files as are necessary for the conduct of his office, such dockets, books, forms and files to be and remain the property of the Borough. He shall deliver to his successor the seal and all books, papers and other records and things belonging to the Borough.
The Borough Council may, by resolution, appoint an assistant Secretary, who shall, in the absence or disability of the Secretary, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Secretary. The assistant Secretary may be appointed from the membership of the Borough Council, but shall not be any other officer thereof.
The Borough Secretary, or his designated representative, shall prepare and issue certifications of the enactment, terms and effectiveness of any one or more of the ordinances and/or resolutions of Council, upon the reasonable request of any interested citizens. The Council may, at its discretion, impose by ordinance or resolution a reasonable charge for the furnishing of such certifications.
The fiscal records and documents and the minute book and other records and documents of the Borough shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer thereof at any reasonable time by the Borough Secretary.
The Borough Secretary shall have the power of a notary public to administer oaths in any matter pertaining to the business of the Borough or in any legal proceeding in which it is interested.