The Borough Council may, from time to time, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal this chapter, including the Zoning Map. When doing so, the Borough Council shall proceed in the manner prescribed in § 440-155 of this chapter.
Proposals for amendment, supplement, change, modification or repeal may be initiated by the Borough Council on its own motion, by the Planning Commission or by petition of one or more owners of property to be affected by the proposed amendment. Each petition by one or more property owners shall be signed and acknowledged and submitted, in writing, to the Secretary of the Borough Council.
Before voting on the enactment of an amendment, the Borough Council shall hold a public hearing thereon, pursuant to public notice. In addition, if the proposed amendment involves a Zoning Map change, notice of said public hearing shall be conspicuously posted by the Borough at points deemed sufficient by the Borough along the perimeter of the tract to notify potentially interested citizens. The affected tract or area shall be posted at least one week prior to the date of the hearings.
For an amendment other than that initiated by the Planning Commission, the Borough Council shall submit each such amendment to the Planning Commission at least 30 days prior to the hearing on such proposed amendment to provide the Planning Commission an opportunity to submit recommendations.
If, after any public hearing held upon an amendment, the proposed amendment is changed substantially, or is revised to include land previously not affected by it, the Borough Council shall hold another public hearing, pursuant to the public notice, before proceeding to vote on the amendment.
The Borough shall submit each amendment to the Bucks County Planning Commission and to the Borough Council at least 30 days prior to the public hearing for recommendations.
Within 30 days after enactment, a copy of the amendment to the zoning ordinance shall be forwarded to the Bucks County Planning Commission.
The applicant for any hearing on an appeal or amendment before the Borough Council shall, at the time of making application, pay to the Zoning Officer, for the use of the Borough, a fee in accordance with a fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Borough Council upon enactment of this chapter or as such schedule may be amended from time to time.