A franchisee shall not deny service, deny access or otherwise discriminate against subscribers, programmers or residents of the Town on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or age.
A franchisee shall not discriminate among persons or take any retaliatory action against a person because of that person's exercise of any right it may have under federal, state or local law, nor may the franchisee require a person to waive such rights as a condition of taking service.
A franchisee shall not deny access or levy different rates and charges on any group of potential residential cable subscribers because of the income of the residents of the local area in which such group resides.
Subject to applicable law and except to the extent the Town may waive such a requirement, a franchisee is prohibited from discriminating in its rates or charges or from granting undue preferences to any subscriber, potential subscriber or group of subscribers or potential subscribers; provided, however, that a franchisee may offer temporary, bona fide promotional discounts in order to attract or maintain subscribers, so long as such discounts are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis to similar classes of subscribers throughout the Town; and a franchisee may offer discounts for the elderly, the handicapped, non-for-profit persons or organizations or the economically disadvantaged, and other discounts in conformance with federal law, if such discounts are applied in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner, and provided that a franchisee may provide such other bulk discounts as are permitted by the cable uniform rate structure provisions of federal law as they may exist from time to time. A franchisee shall comply at all times with all applicable federal, state and Town laws and all executive and administrative orders relating to discrimination.
Information accessibility. Each document required to be maintained, filed or submitted under the provisions of this chapter or a franchise agreement, except those specifically designated as confidential by a franchisee, subject to the Town's review, pursuant to applicable law, is a public document, available for public inspection and copying at the requestor's expense, at the office of the franchisee or the Town during normal business hours.
A franchisee shall not refuse to employ, discharge from employment or discriminate against any person in compensation or in terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or age. A franchisee shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations governing equal employment opportunities, as the same may be from time to time amended.
A franchisee shall at all times protect the privacy rights of all subscribers, including but not limited to those rights secured by the provisions of Section 631 of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § 551.
The franchisee shall not permit the transmission of any signal, aural, visual or digital, including polling the channel selection, from any subscriber's premises without first obtaining such subscriber's valid authorization. Neither the franchisee nor any other person shall initiate in any form the discovery of any information on or about an individual subscriber's premises without prior valid authorization from the subscriber potentially affected. This provision is not intended to prohibit the transmission of signals useful only for the control or measurement of system performance or for detection of theft of service.
The franchisee shall not permit the installation of any special terminal equipment in any subscriber's premises that will permit transmission from such subscriber's premises of two-way services utilizing aural, visual or digital signals without such subscriber's prior valid authorization.
The franchisee shall strictly observe and protect the rights of privacy and property rights of subscribers and users at all times. Individual subscriber preferences of any kind, viewing habits, political, social or economic philosophies, beliefs, creeds, religions or names, addresses or telephone numbers shall not be revealed to any person, governmental unit, police department or investigating agency unless, upon the authority of a court of law, a valid search warrant or subpoena, or upon prior voluntary valid authorization of the subscriber or as may be permitted by operation of law.
The franchisee shall not tabulate any test results that would reveal the commercial product preferences or opinions of individual subscribers, members of their families or their invitees, licensees or employees, nor permit the use of the system for such tabulation, without the subscriber's prior valid authorization.
A subscriber may at any time revoke any valid authorization to release information by delivering to the franchisee, in writing, by mail or otherwise, the subscriber's decision to revoke the authorization. Any such revocation shall be effective upon receipt by the franchisee.
A franchisee shall not condition subscriber service on the subscriber's valid authorization or grant or denial of permission to collect, maintain or disclose personally identifiable information, except to the extent that such information is necessary for credit check or billing purposes.