[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Templeton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-8-1976; amended 5-10-1986 (Art. XXV of the Bylaw Compilation)]
No person shall drink any alcoholic beverages as defined in MGL c. 138, § 1, nor shall have in his possession any open containers, or containers whose seal has been broken and recapped of such beverages, while on, in, or upon any public way or sidewalk, or upon any way to which the public has a right of access or any place to which the members of the public have access as invitees or licensees, park or playground, or private land or place, without the consent of the owner or person in control thereof. The burden of proving such consent shall be on the defendant.
All alcoholic beverages being used in violation of this bylaw shall be seized and safely held until final adjudication of the charge against the person(s) so arrested or summonsed before the court, at which time they shall be disposed of as directed by the court. The penalty for violation of this bylaw shall not exceed $50 for each offense.
[Added 5-15-2019 ATM by Art. 9]
No person shall, upon any way or in any place to which the public has a right of access, or upon any way or in any place to which members of the public have access as invitees or licensees, possess an open container of alcohol in the passenger area of any motor vehicle.
A person who violates this section shall be punished by a civil penalty of $300.
[Amended 11-20-2019 STM by Art. 4]
For purposes of this section, "open container" shall mean that the package containing alcohol has its seal broken or from which the contents have been partially consumed, and "passenger area" shall mean the area designated to seat the driver and passengers while the motor vehicle is in operation and any area that is readily accessible to the driver or passenger while in a seated position; provided, however, that the passenger area shall not include a motor vehicle's trunk, locked glove compartment or the living quarters of a house coach or house trailer, or if a motor vehicle is not equipped with a trunk, the area behind the last upright seat or an area not normally occupied by the driver or passenger.