Any notices or orders provided for in this chapter shall be in writing and served upon the owner, occupant, and all other persons having an interest in the property as shown by the property tax records of the Town, as the case may require. Unless a different manner of service is specified in this chapter, a notice or order is properly served if:
A copy is personally delivered which shall mean delivering a copy to the individual personally or leaving a copy at the individual's residence or usual place of abode with some individual of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, or in the case of a corporation or a partnership or other unincorporated association, by delivering a copy to an officer, a managing or general partner or agent, or to any other agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service; or
A copy is sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner, occupant or other persons having an interest in the property.
If, after reasonable effort, service cannot be made on the owner, occupant or other persons having an interest in the property by personal delivery or certified mail, then service of the notice or order may be made by regular mail to the last known address of the owner, occupant or other persons having an interest in the property as shown by the property tax records of the Town, as the case may require, plus posting of the notice or order in a conspicuous place on or near the vacant building, vacant lot or unsafe building to which it relates. Such mailing and posting shall be deemed adequate service.
In the case of personal delivery, "reasonable effort" means two good faith efforts on separate days to serve the notice or order; and
In the case of certified mail, "reasonable effort" means return by the United States Postal Service of the properly addressed and stamped envelope containing the notice or order which was mailed by certified mail, or the return receipt thereof, marked as unclaimed, refused, addressee unknown, or other indicators of nondelivery.
Unless other penalties are specified in this chapter, a violation of any of the following will result in the imposition of the penalties stipulated in this section:
Failure to comply with notice or order. The failure of any owner of any vacant building, vacant lot or unsafe building to comply with any notice or order issued under this chapter shall be a municipal infraction as provided for in this chapter and the Town of Brentwood Code. Each sixty-day period such failure to comply continues beyond the date fixed for compliance shall be deemed a separate offense. The penalties shall be $200. Each additional 60 days a violation exists is a separate offense subject to an additional fine of $200.
Failure to comply with placard or notice to vacate. The failure of any occupant of any unsafe building to comply with any posted warning placard or notice to vacate shall be a misdemeanor offense as provided in this chapter and the Town of Brentwood Code. The penalties shall be $350 for the first offense; $600 for the second offense; $800 for the third offense; and $1,000 for the fourth and subsequent offenses, or imprisonment not to exceed three months, or both.
Defacing or removing placard or failing to keep placard in good condition. The defacing or removal of any warning placard or notice which is posted on an unsafe building, or failing to keep the placard in good condition, shall be a municipal infraction as provided in this chapter and the Town of Brentwood Code. The penalties shall be $75 for the first offense and $150 for a repeat offense in the same one-year period.
Lien on real property. All registration fees, fines or bills for service, when overdue, are a lien in favor of the Town on the vacant building, vacant lot, or unsafe building and may be collected and enforced in the same manner as delinquent real property taxes.
In addition to the penalties for violations of this chapter set forth in § 57-21, the Town may:
Enforce the provisions of this chapter through injunctive, mandamus, or any other appropriate proceedings, and a court of competent jurisdiction may issue a restraining order, interlocutory or final injunction, mandamus or other form of relief to restrain or correct violations of this chapter;
Bring suit to collect all costs, assessments or liens imposed or incurred by the Town in repairing or causing to be vacated, secured or demolished unsafe buildings; and
Take such other legal action as is necessary to carry out the terms or provisions of this chapter.
Closing streets. When necessary for the public safety, the Town Administrator may in conjunction with the Chief of Police for the Brentwood Police Department temporarily close sidewalks, streets, buildings and structures and places adjacent to such vacant buildings, vacant lots or unsafe buildings, and prohibit the same from being used.
Emergency repairs. For the purpose of this section, the Town Administrator shall employ the necessary labor and materials to perform the required work as expeditiously as possible.
The Town assumes no liabiltity and shall not be legally responsible in any way for any damages or loss of any kind to persons or property in undertaking the performance of any work the owner is obligated to perform under this chapter. The owner shall be solely responsible for any and all damages to persons or property that might arise from any work perfomed by the Town due to the inaction of the owner.