[Ord. 962, 9/11/1979, Sections 1(c) and 1(e); amended by Ord. 1410, 4/22/1993, Section 7; Ord. 1737, 2/5/2003, Section 1]
The following special regulations shall apply to the P-O district. Office uses developed in the CP-2 district, under approved agreement of development conditions with the Municipality, shall continue to adhere to such conditions in the P-O district. No building may be erected or used and no lot may be used or occupied in the P-O district except for the following purposes and providing that building location and site plan has been approved in accordance with the regulations set forth:
Offices for medical and related offices of chiropody, chiropractic, dentistry, medical optical, optometric, osteopathic, offices for lawyer, accountant, architect, engineer, minister, insurance, real estate, brokerage, landscape architect and all other offices which are similar to listed uses in function, traffic-generating and attraction capacities. No uses shall be allowed that creates a nuisance due to noise, glare, smoke, vibration or other nuisance factors to the office character of the district.
Public Schools.
See Section 1402 of this chapter.
[Ord. 1843, 4/4/2006, Section 2]
The maximum height of buildings and other structures shall be:
Buildings or portions thereof used for Public schools: 55 feet (not to exceed three stories), except as provided for in Section 1703.d of this chapter.
Buildings or portions thereof use for all other uses: 35 feet (not to exceed three stories).
All other structures: 35 feet, except as provided for in Section 503.d(2).
Exceptions, Additions and Modification to Height applicable in the P-O zoning district:
Public Schools and Churches may exceed the height limit by the following:
Five feet for roof areas that occupy less than 75% of the building's roof area.
Ten feet for roof areas that occupy less than 50% of the building's roof area.
Fifteen feet for roof areas that occupy less than 25% of the building's roof area.
See Section 1402 of this chapter.
[Ord. 1476, 8/29/1995, Section 3]
See Section 1506.b of this chapter.
[Ord. 1737, 2/5/2003, Section 4]
For any nonresidential use within the PO district, the following additional screening requirements are required along the lot's perimeter wherever it abuts an R-1- or R-2-zoned district or abuts a street or alley adjacent to an R-1- or R-2-zoned district:
The entire length of the perimeter lot line so described must contain a continuous, view- restrictive screen at least six feet in height designed to obscure the view of commercial buildings and parking areas from residentially-zoned districts. The screen's length must be comprised of trees, shrubs or a combination thereof. A minimum of 50% of the screen's length shall be evergreen material. All living screening must be at least six feet in height at time of planting and be spaced closely enough to provide for view restriction. Walls, earth mounds, fences, or any combination thereof, may be included with the living plant material to complement and provide variety to the screen but may not be exclusively used for screening. Special consideration should be given to form, color, texture, density, growth habits and maintenance requirements. Grass or other living ground cover shall be planted, mulched and maintained on all portions of the landscape strip not occupied by other landscape material.
The foregoing regulations may be reduced to provide a view-restrictive screen equivalent to 50% off the length of the perimeter lot line whenever such lot line abuts an R-3-, R-3B- or R-4-zoned district or it abuts a street or alley adjacent to an R-3- or R-4-zoned district. The 50% requirement may not be met with a single continuous hedgerow; rather, the creation of special design effect by grouping trees, shrubs and other landscape features is encouraged.