Special events include, but are not limited to, the following:
Air shows.
Balloon festivals.
Air races.
Warbird shows.
Fly-in meets.
Parachute team demonstrations or competitions.
Beach activities.
All special events require written authorization by the Airport Manager in the initial planning stage. The authorization will be in the form of a letter of authorization from the Airport Manager to the special event coordinator in which the coordinator is recognized as involved in the planning process for a specific type of special event. The letter of authorization may be used as an introduction to other local government agencies, the FAA, potential event sponsors, and local business leaders. The letter will recognize the special event coordinator as a legitimate representative of a proposed special event, that the type of special event is suitable and compatible with the policies of the Airport Commission, and that the event coordinator is authorized to pursue the planning process. If the event is a reoccurring activity, the event organizers must still receive written authorization each activity year. NOTE: This letter of permission by the Airport Manager is not a permit or license to proceed with the event. It is merely an authorization to pursue the feasibility and planning process for a special event. This step is necessary so that details of the planning are not allowed to proceed excessively before the Airport Commission is brought into the process.
All special events, whether an entrance fee applies or not, must be officially approved by the Airport Manager in the form of a special event permit or license.
All special events for which a fee is charged for admission must be coordinated with the Airport Manager prior to the granting of a special event permit. NOTE: During this step, the Airport Manager and special event coordinator will agree on the terms and fee structure for the event, to include the percentage of gate receipts, a percentage of gross receipts, or a fixed fee to be paid to the Airport Commission, to both offset additional overhead costs associated with the special event and to enhance Airport revenues. Any event coordinator not in good standing with the Town shall not be permitted to obtain a permit.
The special event coordinator will be required to obtain liability insurance for the event. The insurance policy will name the Town of Nantucket/Nantucket Memorial Airport and its employees as a "named insured" for the event.
The special event coordinator is required to arrange for and reimburse any and all security personnel and costs and other reasonable expenses incurred by the Airport.
A security deposit will be required for all events.
A copy of all applicable waivers will be provided to the Airport Manager prior to submission to the FAA. Approved waivers will be copied to the Airport Manager.
Within 30 days after the event and upon the request of the Airport Manager, the event coordinator and the Airport Manager will meet to conduct a debriefing.
The Airport Manager reserves the right for final approval of the event layout on Airport property, and such layout must be submitted for approval no less than 60 days prior to the event.
If the special event is expected to attract an attendance of 20 persons or more, the event coordinator must coordinate parking, road and highway impacts with local police, sheriff and/or the highway patrol and to the satisfaction of the Town.
The event coordinator must prepare and present to the Airport Manager an "adverse weather" plan for the event.
The event coordinator must make arrangements for ambulance, auto towing, garbage pick up, refuse clean-up, portable rest rooms, and structural fire and aircraft rescue and fire-fighting (ARFF) services.
The special event must be planned to accommodate the normal ingress and egress of motor vehicles for those users of the Airport or other business activities normally conducted at the Airport.
Airport runways and/or landside closure must be approved and coordinated in advance with the Airport Manager and other users of the Airport.
A special event that involves aerobatic maneuvers by aircraft must be coordinated with the Airport Manager, Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, and the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) of the FAA. All waivers FAA Form 7711-2 must be approved by the Airport Manager before submission to the FAA.
Failure of the event coordinator to adequately perform trash and litter clean-up of the Airport and repair or compensation for damaged property as a result of the special event will be billed for extra overhead expenses and damages by the Airport Commission at cost plus 20%.
Special events involving aerial activities that are not of a routine nature for the Airport will require the designation and approval of an "air boss" who is experienced in directing and controlling the aerial activities planned for the event. The person designated as "air boss" must be approved by the Airport Manager. Events such as regional "fly-ins" will not require an air boss.
Special events involving crowds in excess of 100 people will require a written emergency plan, which must be submitted to the Airport Manager for approval before proceeding.
If the event coordinator desires to sell alcoholic beverages, a permit must be requested and obtained and alcoholic beverages may be sold and consumed only in areas so designated on the permit.[1] Individuals operating motorized vehicles may not consume alcoholic beverages.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 54, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Code of the Town of Nantucket; and Ch. 207, Alcoholic Beverages Licensing and Regulation, of the Town Regulations.