The Use Table of this section lists the principal uses allowed
within the Base Zoning Districts. The symbols used in the Use Table
are defined in the following paragraphs.
The standards of this section apply to all accessory and temporary
uses and structures unless otherwise expressly stated.
A. Purpose. This section regulates uses and structures that are incidental
to principal uses and buildings to prevent them from becoming the
predominant element of the site. The standards provide for necessary
access around structures, help maintain privacy to abutting lots,
and maintain open front setbacks.
B. General Standards.
1. Subordinate to Principal Use. Accessory uses and structures must
be subordinate to the principal use and structure on the subject lot
in terms of area, extent and purpose.
2. Time of Establishment and Removal. Accessory structures must be constructed
in conjunction with or after the principal building. They may not
be built prior to the construction of the principal structure. No
accessory use or structure may continue in use or operation after
the principal primary structure or principal to which it is accessory
has been removed or ceased operation, unless the accessory use is
also listed as a permitted use in the zone district.
3. Compliance with District Standards. Unless otherwise expressly stated,
the setback, height, and building coverage standards of the underlying
district apply to both principal and accessory structures.
C. Building Coverage.
1. The combined footprint of all detached covered accessory buildings
may not exceed 20% of the total area of the lot, unless a larger lot
coverage is specifically permitted by another provision of this Ordinance.
2. A detached accessory building may not have a larger building footprint
than the building footprint of the principal structure.
D. Location in Required Setbacks.
1. Accessory structures not more than 16 feet in height may be located
in required rear setbacks if they do not occupy more than 33% of the
actual rear yard area and are located at least three feet from any
lot line. Preexisting, detached, conforming accessory structures located
in rear yards shall not become nonconforming if the primary structure
on the site is expanded causing any portion of the accessory structure
to be in the side yard.
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1822]
2. Trellises that provide entry into a property may be located in required
front yard setbacks if they are no more than eight feet tall, eight
feet wide, and eight feet deep, are not located in the public right-of-way,
do not obscure or block vehicular traffic lines of sight, do not impede
or block pedestrian circulation, and do not hinder access to the property
by emergency services and equipment. One such trellis is allowed per
pedestrian entrance into a property. When required by the Building
Official, a building permit shall be obtained prior to the erection
of a trellis.
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1822]
3. Mechanical structures, such as heat pumps, air conditioners, emergency
generators, and water pumps are not allowed in required front setbacks,
but may be located in rear or side setbacks if located at least three
feet from rear and side lot lines.
4. No ornamental or other lawn feature, including but not limited to
statues, figurines, decorations, art objects, animal shelters, containers,
or other similar items, over 2 1/2 feet in height shall be installed
or maintained within 25 feet of any public street, or within any triangular
area defined by the following three types of points:
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1822]
a) Point 1: The point of intersection of intersection of any public
street with (i) any other public street, or (ii) any railroad right-of-way
with an at-grade crossing, or (iii) any private driveway (other than
a driveway for a single- or two-family residential structure);
b) Point 2: A point along the side right-of-way line of the first public
street located 25 feet away from the point of intersection; and
c) Point 3: A point along the side line of second public street, or
the railroad right-of-way, or the private driveway, located 25 feet
away from the point of intersection.
E. Height of Accessory Buildings. Unless otherwise expressly stated,
no accessory building in a residential district may exceed 16 feet
in height. In a nonresidential district, no accessory building may
exceed the height of the principal building on the same lot.
F. Setbacks. Unless otherwise expressly stated, accessory structures
may not be located in the front yard. Detached garages and carports
can be located in front yards but not in required front yard setbacks.
G. Home Occupations.
1. General. Some types of work can be conducted at home with little
or no effect on the surrounding neighborhood. The home occupation
regulations of this subsection are intended to permit residents to
engage in customary home occupations, while ensuring that such home
occupations will not be a detriment to the character and livability
of the surrounding area. The regulations require that home occupations
(an accessory use) remain subordinate to the allowed principal use
(residential) and that the residential viability of the dwelling unit
is maintained.
2. Allowed uses. The home occupation regulations of this subsection
establish performance standards rather than detailed lists of allowed
home occupations. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,
businesses located in a residential dwelling that comply with all
of the standards of this subsection will be allowed as home occupations
unless they are specifically prohibited. The home occupation must
be clearly subordinate and incidental to the use of the dwelling as
a residence.
[Amended 9-20-2010 by Ord. No. 1873]
3. Where Allowed. Home occupations that comply with the regulations
of this section will be allowed as an accessory use to any allowed
residential use.
4. Size. A home occupation may not occupy more than 25% of the floor
area of the principal dwelling unit.
5. Prohibited Uses.
a) Vehicle and Large Equipment Storage/Repair. Any type of repair, assembly
or storage of vehicles or equipment with internal combustion engines
(such as autos, motorcycles, scooters, snowmobiles, outboard marine
engines, lawn mowers, chain, saws, and other small engines) or of
large appliances (such as washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators)
or any other work related to motor vehicles and their parts is prohibited
as a home occupation.
b) Dispatch Centers. Dispatch centers, where employees come to the site
to be dispatched to other locations, are not allowed as home occupations.
c) Animal Boarding Facilities. Animal boarding facilities are not allowed
as home occupations. This includes kennels, commercial stables and
all other types of animal boarding facilities.
d) Restaurants. All types of restaurants are prohibited as home occupations.
e) Firearms. All uses involving the distribution of firearms or the
storage of firearms intended for sale or distribution are prohibited
as home occupations.
f) Barber and Beauty Shops. All types of barber and beauty shops are
prohibited as home occupations.
6. Resident-Operator. The operator of a home occupation must be a full-time
resident of the subject dwelling unit and be on the premises during
the hours of operation of the home occupation.
7. Employees. A maximum of one nonresident employee may be on the premises
at any one time. For the purpose of this provision, the term "nonresident
employee" includes an employee, business partner, co-owner, or other
person affiliated with the home occupation, who does not live at the
site, but who visits the site as part of the home occupation.
8. Signs. No more than one nameplate sign with a maximum size of one
square foot is allowed. Such sign must be attached to the building
and may not be illuminated.
9. Location. All work areas and activities associated with home occupations
must be conducted and located inside the principal dwelling unit,
and not on the ground floor in accessory buildings or garages, whether
attached or detached.
10. Exterior Appearance. There may be no visible evidence of the conduct
of a home occupation (other than an allowed sign) when viewed from
the street right-of-way or from an adjacent lot. There may be no change
in the exterior appearance of the dwelling unit that houses a home
occupation or the site upon which it is conducted that will make the
dwelling appear less residential in nature or function. Examples of
such prohibited alterations include construction of parking lots,
paving of required setbacks, or adding commercial-like exterior lighting.
11. Operational Impacts. No home occupation or equipment used in conjunction
with a home occupation may cause odor, vibration, noise, electrical
interference or fluctuation in voltage that is perceptible beyond
the lot line of the lot upon which the home occupation is conducted.
No hazardous substances may be used or stored in conjunction with
a home occupation.
12. Retail Sales and Display. No stock in-trade may be stored or sold
upon the premises, other than those produced on the premises.
13. Customers. Customers or clients may visit the site only during the
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. No more than eight customers or clients
may visit the site in any single day, and no more than two customers
or clients shall be on the premises at any one time.
[Amended 9-20-2010 by Ord. No. 1873]
14. Deliveries. Deliveries or pickups of supplies or products associated
with Home Occupations are allowed only between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00
p.m. Vehicles used for delivery and pick-up are limited to those normally
servicing residential neighborhoods. Tractor-trailers are expressly
15. Other Codes. All Building, Housing, Fire, and other local or state
codes and ordinances shall be adhered to for home occupations.
[Added 9-20-2010 by Ord.
No. 1873]
H. Accessory Dwelling Units. [Reserved]
I. Accessory Residential Swimming Pools. Accessory residential swimming
pools are accessory structures that must meet the following additional
standards. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions
below and any other provision of this Ordinance, the provisions below
shall govern:
1. No accessory residential swimming pool shall cover more than 50%
of any required side or rear yard area. No accessory swimming pool
shall be located in any portion of a required front yard area.
2. Required swimming pool fences shall meet all applicable requirements
of the building code, and may be combined with any other fence permitted
in a side or rear yard area (e.g. a perimeter fence) meeting all applicable
requirements of this Ordinance.
J. Temporary Sales and Service (Outdoor).
1. Outdoor temporary sales or service uses are permitted only in the
C districts, the M districts, the P district, the IC districts, or
on a property containing a permitted primary nonresidential use in
an R zone district.
2. No outdoor temporary sales or service use may operate on a commercial
parking lot (i.e., a parking lot on a property on which there is no
other permitted primary use).
3. Except in the CCBD district, each temporary outdoor sales or service
use shall be accessory to a permitted primary use on the property.
Sales of merchandise or provision of services unrelated to such permitted
primary use is not permitted, except as follows.
[Amended 6-6-2022 by Ord. No. 2049]
a) Any permitted primary use may permit a grill or outdoor food stand
to operate on the property.
b) Any permitted primary use may permit an outdoor temporary sales or
service use operated by, or in support of, or as a fund-raiser for,
a nonprofit institution.
4. No outdoor temporary sales or service use shall be located in the
public right-of-way or on public property unless an encroachment permit
has been obtained from the City.
5. Outdoor temporary sales or service uses may only operate after obtaining
a temporary use permit pursuant to § 8.3J: Temporary Use
6. Each operator of a temporary sales or service use shall obtain a
license or permit from the City Clerk, as applicable.
7. No property shall have outdoor temporary sales or services uses operating
on the property for more than 30 days in any calendar year.
8. The property on which an outdoor temporary sales or service use operates
shall be kept clean and sanitary condition at all times, and all litter
and trash shall be removed at the end of each day.
9. If the outdoor temporary sales or service use involves a vending
cart or a motorized vehicle, such cart or vehicle shall be stored
in a permanent structure whenever the use is not in operation.
10. The location of the outdoor temporary sales or service activity shall
allow customers to drive into an existing off-street parking area.
No temporary outdoor sales may interrupt the flow of traffic on public
streets or access ways into a shopping area.
11. No outdoor sales or service use may operate from a tent without prior
approval from the Kalamazoo Public Safety Department.
12. The area occupied by the outdoor temporary sales and service activity,
plus any required area for emergency vehicle access, shall occupy
no more than 20% of any required off-street parking spaces or area.
In no event shall any such area occupied by the outdoor temporary
sales or service use be greater than 7,500 square feet. In all cases,
the applicant shall demonstrate that there will be adequate parking
for the existing structures as well as the temporary outdoor sales.
13. All trucks, carts, motorized vehicles, or tents and associated parking
shall be located on asphaltic, concrete, or equivalent surface unless
the applicant demonstrates no adverse effect on drainage, access,
or the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Planner.
14. In the R districts, outdoor temporary sales and service uses shall
not operate after 8:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m.
15. Any applicant who possesses a valid permit in accordance with the
requirements of this § 4.3J, and while currently engaged
in temporary sales operations, may display one portable sign not to
exceed eight square feet in area on one surface and not to exceed
six feet in height at the location. Such sign shall be placed behind
the applicable building setbacks or a minimum of four feet from the
property line, which ever is greater. An approved temporary use permit
for temporary outdoor sales activity shall also serve as a sign permit
for the sign permitted by this subsection.