The general provisions of this chapter
8 shall apply to all applications for development approval and procedures under this Ordinance, unless otherwise stated.
A. Authority to File Applications. Applications shall be submitted to
the City Planner by the Community Planning and Development Department,
the City Council or Planning Commission, or by the owner, or by any
other person having a recognized interest in the land for which the
development is proposed, or their authorized agent.
1. Community Development Department as Applicant. The authority of the
Community Planning and Development Department to file an application
pursuant to this Ordinance is limited to applications that may be
required for activities or development on City-owned land.
2. Staff, City Council, or Planning Commission as Applicant. The authority
of the City Council or Planning Commission to file an application
pursuant to this Ordinance is limited to (a) applications for Text
Amendments pursuant to § 8.3A, (b) applications for Zone
Map Amendments pursuant to § 8.3B, (c) applications for
creation, amendment, or rezoning of Planned Unit Overlay (PUD-O) districts
pursuant to § 8.3C.
3. Applicant is Not Owner. If the applicant is not the owner of the
land, or is a contract purchaser of the land, a letter signed by the
owner consenting to the submission of the application shall be submitted.
This provision does not apply to the submission of site plans, building
permits, or sign permits.
4. Applicant is Not Sole Owner. If the applicant is not the sole owner
of the land, a letter signed by the other owners or an association
representing the owners consenting to or joining in the application
shall be submitted. This provision does not apply to the submission
of site plans, building permits, or sign permits.
B. Application Submission Schedule. The schedule for the submission
of applications shall be established by the City Planner and made
available to the public.
C. Application Contents. Applications required under this Ordinance
shall be submitted in a form established by the City Planner and made
available to the public.
D. Simultaneous Processing of Applications. Whenever two or more forms
of review and approval are required under this Ordinance (e.g., a
special use permit and a variance), the applications for those development
approvals may, at the option of the City Planner, be processed simultaneously,
so long as all applicable requirements are satisfied for both applications.
E. Fees.
1. Determination of Fees. The City Commission shall determine by resolution
the fees to accompany all applications submitted under this Ordinance.
The City Commission may adjust fee amounts from time to time.
2. Fees to be Paid. No application shall be processed until the established
fee has been paid.
3. Refund of Fees. Application fees are not refundable except where
the City Planner determines that an application was accepted in error,
or the fee paid exceeded the amount due, in which case the amount
of the overpayment will be refunded to the applicant.
F. Application Submission. An application for development approval shall
be submitted to the City Planner pursuant to the application submittal
schedule (§ 8.1B: Application Submission Schedule) along
with a fee established pursuant to § 8.1E, Fees.
G. Determination of Sufficiency.
1. Determination of Sufficiency. Within seven days following receipt
of the application, the City Planner shall determine if the application
is complete, meets all relevant threshold requirements and includes
data in sufficient detail to evaluate the application to determine
whether it complies with the requirements of this Ordinance.
2. Determined Insufficient. If the City Planner determines the application
is not sufficient, a notice shall be provided to the applicant specifying
the application's deficiencies. When the application is determined
sufficient, it shall be reviewed pursuant to the procedures and standards
of this chapter. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiencies
within 60 days, the application shall be considered withdrawn.
H. Scheduling of Public Hearing. When an application for development
approval is subject to a public hearing (see § 8.1K.3, Timing
of Notice, for when a public hearing is required), the City Planner
shall ensure that the public hearing(s) on the application is scheduled
for a regularly scheduled meeting or a meeting specially called for
that purpose by the decision-making or advisory body reviewing the
application. The public hearing(s) shall be scheduled so there is
sufficient time for a Staff Report to be prepared and for the public
notification requirements to be satisfied.
[Amended 6-20-2011 by Ord. No. 1884]
I. Public Notification. All applications for development approval requiring
public hearings shall comply with the Michigan Statutes, the table
in § 8.1K.4: Timing of Notice, and the other provisions
of this section with regard to public notification.
1. Content. All notices for public hearings, whether done by publication
or mail (written notice) shall:
a) Identify Application. Identify the application and the name, address,
and telephone number of the applicant or the applicant's agent.
b) Date, Time, and Place of Public Hearing. Indicate the date, time
and place of the public hearing(s).
c) Location. Describe the land involved by street address or by legal
description and nearest cross street, and area (size).
d) Describe Nature and Scope of Application. Describe the nature, scope,
and purpose of the application or proposal.
e) Notify Public Where They May Be Heard. Include a statement stating
that the public may appear at the public hearing, be heard and submit
evidence and written comments with respect to the application.
f) Written Comments. Include a statement describing where written comments
will be received prior to the public hearing.
2. Published Notice. When the provisions of this Ordinance require that
notice be published, the City Planner shall be responsible for preparing
the content of the notice and publishing the notice in a newspaper
of general circulation that has been selected by the City. The content
and form of the published notice shall be consistent with the requirements
of § 8.1I.1: Content, and state law.
3. Written (Mailed) Notice.
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1822; 6-20-2011 by Ord. No. 1884]
a) General. When the provisions of this Ordinance require that written
or mailed notice be provided, the City Planner shall be responsible
for preparing and mailing the written notice. Notice shall be mailed
All property owners and occupants of the land subject to the
All property owners, or persons to whom real property is assessed,
and occupants of structures within 300 feet of the boundary of the
land subject to the application. The notice to occupants is subject
to the following exceptions:
Notification need not be given to more than one occupant of
a structure;
If the structure contains more than one dwelling unit or spatial
area owned or leased by different persons, one occupant of each unit
or spatial area shall be given notice;
If a single structure contains more than four dwelling units
or other distinct spatial areas owned or leased by different persons,
notice may be given to the manager or owner of the structure with
instructions to post the notice at the primary entrance to the structure.
All neighborhood organizations, public utility companies, railroads,
and other persons who have requested to receive notice pursuant to
§ 8.1J, Registration to Receive Notice by Mail.
For appeals of administrative decisions or requests seeking
an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance not involving a specific
parcel of property, notice under § 8.1I.2 is sufficient.
Failure to give proper notice shall not invalidate a proceeding
unless mandated by state law.
b) Notice by Mail/Affidavit. Notice shall be deemed given when deposited
during normal business hours for delivery with the United States postal
service or other private or public delivery service as first class
or similar mail, properly addressed and postage or delivery service
paid. The City Planner shall prepare a list of property owners and
registrants to whom notice was mailed.
4. Timing of Notice. Unless otherwise provided in the Michigan statutes
and laws or this Ordinance, notice shall be provided as shown in Table
8.1-1 below.
Table 8.1-1. Timing of Notice
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1822; 6-20-2011 by Ord.
No. 1884]
Application for Development Approval or Permit
Notice Required (days before hearing/action)
Written (§ 8.1I3)
Published (§ 8.1I2)
Text Amendment
Planning Commission: Not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
City Commission: not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
Amendment to Zone District Map (Rezone)
Planning Commission: not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
Planning Commission: Not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
City Commission: reasonable time prior to public hearing
City Commission: not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
Planned Unit Development District Classification
Not less than 15 days prior to public hearing
Special Use Permit
Appeals to Zoning Board of Appeals
J. Registration to Receive Notice by Mail.
1. General. Any neighborhood organization, public utility company, railroad
or any other person may register with the City Clerk to receive written
notice of all applications for development approval pursuant to § 8.1I.3:
Written (Mailed) Notice, or written notice of all applications for
development approval within the zone district in which they are located.
The City Clerk shall provide copies of these requests to the City
Planner who shall be responsible for providing this notification.
2. Requirements for Eligibility. To be eligible for registration, the
requesting party must provide the City Clerk information in the form
required by the City Clerk to ensure notification can be made. All
persons that have been registered must reregister biannually to remain
registered and continue to receive notification pursuant to this section.
K. Deferral of Review of Application.
1. Submission of Request. An applicant may request that a decision-making
or advisory bodies' consideration of an application at public hearing
be deferred by submitting a written request for deferral to the City
2. City Planner Review. The City Planner shall consider deferral requests
of less than 30 days, and shall grant such requests for good cause.
The date of the public hearing at which the application will be heard
shall be set at the time the deferral is granted by the City Planner.
3. Decision-Making or Advisory Body Review. The decision-making or advisory
body reviewing the application shall consider deferral requests of
more than 30 days, or beyond the next regularly scheduled meeting
of such body, and shall grant such requests for good cause. The date
of the public hearing at which the application will be heard shall
be set at the time the deferral is granted by the decision-making
or advisory board.
L. Withdrawal of Application.
1. Submission of Application. Any request for withdrawal of an application
shall be submitted in writing to the City Planner.
2. Prior to Notice of Public Hearing. The City Planner shall approve
a request for withdrawal of an application if it has been submitted
prior to the time of a public hearing or decision on the application.
M. Review of Applications by Advisory and Decision-Making Bodies.
1. Text Amendments, Amendments to Zone District Map (Rezones) and Rezones
to Planned Development District Classifications.
a) Review and Recommendation by Planning Commission. After submission of an application for a text amendment, amendment to the Zone District Map or rezoning to Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD-O) district classification, determination of its sufficiency, preparation of the Staff Report, and scheduling of the application for public hearing(s), the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the application pursuant to §
8.2: Public Hearing Procedures. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider the application, the relevant support materials, the Staff Report, and the public testimony and other evidence given at the hearing. Within a reasonable period of time after the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Commission recommending either to approve, approve with conditions (if appropriate) or disapprove the application based on the relevant review standards. The final report with the recommendation shall be forwarded to the City Commission.
b) Review and Action by City Commission.
After receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Commission and the staff report, the scheduling of a public hearing and public notification, the City Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the application pursuant to §
8.2: Public Hearing Procedures. At the public hearing the City Commission shall consider the application, the relevant support materials, the staff report, the Planning Commission's recommendation, and the public testimony and other evidence given. Within a reasonable period of time after the close of the public hearing, the City Commission shall approve, approve with conditions (if appropriate) or disapprove the application based on the relevant review standards (See § 8.3B: Amendments to Text of Ordinance and Zone District Map, and § 8.3C: Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD-O) District).
If a valid protest petition is filed against a proposed amendment
to the Zone District Map (Rezoning) pursuant to MCLA § 125.584(5),
as amended, the approval request shall not be approved except by a
favorable vote of two-thirds of the City Commission membership.
c) Notice of Adoption. Notice of the adoption of an amendment to the
text of this Ordinance or the Zone District Map (Rezoning) shall be
published in a newspaper of general circulation within 15 days after
the date of adoption pursuant to MCLA § 125.584(7), as amended.
2. Special Use Permit (Review and Action by Planning Commission). After submission of an application for a special use permit, determination of its sufficiency, preparation of the Staff Report, public notification and the scheduling of the application for a public hearing, the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the application pursuant to the requirements of §
8.2: Public Hearing Procedures. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider the application, the relevant support materials, the Staff Report, and the public testimony and other evidence given at the hearing. Within a reasonable period of time after the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall either approve, approve with conditions or disapprove the application based on the relevant review standards (See § 8.3D: Special Use Permit).
3. Variance (Review and Action by Zoning Board of Appeals). After submission of an application for a variance, determination of its sufficiency, and scheduling of the application for a public hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall conduct a public hearing on the application pursuant to the requirements of §
8.2: Public Hearing Procedures. At the public hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider the application, the relevant support materials, and the public testimony and other evidence given at the hearing. Within a reasonable period of time after the close of the public hearing, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall either approve, approve with conditions or disapprove the application based on the relevant review standards (See § 8.3E: Variances).
N. Notification of Decision. Notification of a decision on an application
for development approval shall be provided by the City Planner to
the applicant by mail within 14 days after the decision. A copy of
the decision shall also be made available to the public at the offices
of the City Planner, during normal business hours.
O. Rehearing of Applications.
1. General. Whenever any application for development approval is disapproved,
a similar application for all or a part of the same land shall not
be considered for a period of one year after the date of disapproval
unless a Waiver of Time Limit is approved by the decision-making body
pursuant to the requirements of § 8.1O.2: Waiver of Time
Limit. Only one request for waiver of time limit may be submitted
by the applicant during the one-year period.
2. Waiver of Time Limit. The waiver of time limit shall be approved
only upon a finding by two-thirds of the membership of the decision-making
body that:
a) Substantial Change in Circumstances. There is a substantial change
in circumstances relevant to the issues or facts considered during
review of the application that might reasonably affect the decision-making
body's application of the relevant review standards to the development
proposed in the application; or
b) New or Additional Information. New or additional information is available
that was not available at the time of the review that might reasonably
affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review
standards to the development proposed; or
c) New Application Materially Different. A new application is proposed
to be submitted that is materially different from the prior application;
d) Material Mistake of Fact. The final decision on the application was
based on a material mistake or omission of fact that, if known, would
likely have resulted in a different determination.
P. Examination and Copying of Application/Other Documents. At any time
upon reasonable request and during normal business hours, any person
may examine an application, the Staff Report and materials submitted
in support of or in opposition to an application in the office of
the City Planner, subject to recognized exceptions under the Freedom
of Information Act or other state or federal law.
All public hearings [amendments to the text and Zone District
Map (rezoning); Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD-O) District
classifications (rezoning); special use permits; and variances] held
pursuant to this Ordinance shall comply with the following procedures.
A. Conduct of Public Hearing.
1. Burden of Proof or Persuasion. The burden of demonstrating that an
application complies with applicable review and approval standards
of this Ordinance is on the applicant. The burden is not on the City
or other parties to show that the standards have not been met by the
2. Rights of All Persons. Any person may appear at a public hearing
and submit evidence, either individually or as a representative of
a person or an organization. Each person who appears at a public hearing
shall be identified, state an address, and if appearing on behalf
of a person or organization, state the name and mailing address of
the person or organization being represented.
3. Exclusion of Testimony. The body conducting the public hearing may
exclude testimony or evidence that it finds to be irrelevant, immaterial,
or unduly repetitious.
4. Offers of Testimony. In the event any testimony or evidence is excluded
as irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious, the person offering
such testimony or evidence shall have an opportunity at that meeting
to offer such testimony or evidence for the record. Such offer shall
be made at the public hearing.
5. Continuance of Public Hearing.
a) General. The body conducting the public hearing may, on its own motion
or at the request of any person, continue the public hearing to a
fixed date, time and place. An applicant shall have the right to request
and be granted one continuance; however, all subsequent continuances
shall be granted at the discretion of the body conducting the public
hearing only upon good cause shown.
b) Notice. A public hearing for which proper notice was given may be
continued to a later date without again complying with the notice
requirements of this section, provided that the continuance is set
for a date within 30 days, or to the next regularly scheduled meeting,
and the date and time of the continued hearing is announced at the
time of the continuance.
6. Time. The body conducting the hearing shall act in accord with any
time limits established in this Ordinance. Action shall be taken as
promptly as possible in consideration of the interests of the applicant,
the citizens of the City and the City, and shall include a statement
of a recommendation or decision of approval or disapproval (whichever
is appropriate).