In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters, articles and/or divisions of the 2015 Code have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Chapter/Title from 2015 Code
Location in 2019 Code
Ch. 1, Administration
Art. I, General Code Provisions
Div. I, Title
See Ch. 1, Art. I
Div. II, Saving Clause
See Ch. 1, Art. I
Div. III, Definitions
Ch. 1, Art. II
Div. IV, General Penalty
Ch. 93, Art. I
Art. II, Village Officials
Div. I, Village Board of Trustees
Ch. 134
Div. II, Rules of the Village Board
Ch. 134
Div. III, Ordinances
Ch. 87
Div. IV, General Provisions
§§ 1-2-18, 1-2-28 through 1-2-31, 1-2-34 and 1-2-35
Ch. 7
§ 1-2-19
Ch. 24
§§ 1-2-20 through 1-2-25, 1-2-27
Ch. 82, Art. I
§ 1-2-26
Ch. 105
§§ 1-2-32 and 1-2-33
Ch. 50, Art. I
Div. V, Vacancies
Ch. 82, Art. II
Div. VI, Mayor
Ch. 82, Art. III
Div. VII, Village Clerk
Ch. 82, Art. IV
Div. VIII, Village Treasurer
Ch. 82, Art. V
Div. IX, Judiciary
Ch. 82, Art. VI
Div. X, Superintendent of Streets
Ch. 82, Art. VII
Art. III, Salaries
Ch. 82, Art. I
Art. IV, Management Association
Ch. 50, Art. II
Art. V, Recording Closed Meetings
Ch. 66, Art. I
Art. VI, Remote Meeting Participation
Ch. 66, Art. II
Ch. 2, Administrative Adjudication
Ch. 93, Art. II
Ch. 3, Animals
Ch. 159
Ch. 4, Boards and Commissions
Ch. 13
Ch. 6, Building Regulations
Art. I, Swimming Pools
Ch. 305
Ch. 7, Business Code
Art. I, Administration
Ch. 172
Art. II, Solicitors
Ch. 271, Art. I
Art. III, Peddlers
Ch. 271, Art. II
Art. IV, Coin-Operated Machines
Ch. 155
Art. V, Junk Dealers
Ch. 223
Art. VI, Raffles and Poker Runs
Ch. 278
Art. VII, Adult Use Licensing and Regulation
Ch. 150
Art. VIII, Fireworks Code
Ch. 195
Ch. 9, Franchises
Ch. 11, Employee Code
Ch. 97
Ch. 12, Equal Employment Policy
Ch. 97
Ch. 13, Fair Housing Code
Ch. 190
Ch. 14, Flood Plain Code
Ch. 200
Ch. 15, Freedom of Information Policy
Ch. 112
Ch. 16, Garbage and Trash
Ch. 286, Art. I
Ch. 17, Gas System
Ch. 209
Ch. 21, Liquor
Ch. 231
Ch. 22, Mandated Policies
Art. I, Identity Theft Prevention Program
Ch. 45, Art. I
Art. II, Use of Social Security Numbers
Ch. 45, Art. II
Art. III, Freedom of Information Policy
REP (see Ch. 112, Art. I)
Art. IV, Fair Housing Code
See Ch. 190
Art. V, Investment Policy
Ch. 54
Art. VI, Ethics Code
Ch. 33
Art. VII, Equal Employment Policy
REP (see Ch. 97, Art. XXXIII)
Ch. 23, Manufactured Housing Code
Ch. 238
Ch. 24, Motor Vehicle Code
Ch. 322
Ch. 25, Nuisances
Art. I, Generally
Ch. 252
Art. II, Weeds
Ch. 344
Art. III, Garbage and Debris
Ch. 286, Art. II
Art. IV, Inoperable Motor Vehicle
Ch. 326
Art. V, Building as Nuisance
Ch. 168
Art. VI, Public Nuisances
Ch. 330
Ch. 27, Offenses
Ch. 260
Ch. 28, Parks
Ch. 267
Ch. 30, Public Safety
Art. I, Civil Emergency
Ch. 28, Art. I
Art. II, Police Department
Ch. 101
Art. III, Emergency Management Agency
Ch. 28, Art. II
Ch. 32, Stormwater Control Code
Ch. 291
Ch. 33, Street Regulations
Ch. 295
Ch. 34, Subdivisions Code
Ch. 300
Ch. 36, Taxation
Ch. 313
Ch. 38, Water System / Utilities
Ch. 318
Ch. 40, Zoning Code
Ch. 360