Any employee of the Village who is mentally or physically unable to perform his duties in a satisfactory manner and has exhausted his sick leave and vacation benefits as heretofore noted may, upon written request of his attending physician and with the approval of the Mayor and/or applicable committee chairman, be granted a leave of absence without pay not to exceed one year. Such leave will be granted only when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Village. The Village may cancel such a leave of absence at any time upon written notice to the employee by the Village Clerk specifying a reasonable date of termination of this leave.
It shall be the obligation of the employee on leave of absence without pay for reasons noted herein to furnish the Village Clerk with written monthly reports from the attending physician as to his mental or physical condition.
An employee while on approved leave of absence without pay shall not be entitled to an addition of seniority, but shall retain his accumulated seniority.