In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where Sections of the 2010 City Code have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Replaced with Model Code provisions.
Not applicable; section had no content or was merely reserved in the 2010 Code.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Repealed effective with adoption of 2019 Code; obsolete or not desired by Governing Body.
Chapter/Article/Section and Title From CC 2010
Location in 2019 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
1.010, General Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Ch. 2, Sunshine Law Policy
2.100, Policy
MC; see Ch. 120
2.200, Closed Meetings
MC; see Ch. 120
2.210, Procedure for Closing Meetings
MC; see Ch. 120
2.300, Custodian of Records Designated
MC; see Ch. 120
2.310, How Records are Requested
MC; see Ch. 120
2.320, Response Desired to be Noted on Request
MC; see Ch. 120
2.330, Response Within 3 Business Days
MC; see Ch. 120
2.340, When Custodian Not Available
MC; see Ch. 120
2.350, Documentation of Response
MC; see Ch. 120
2.360, Request for Searches
MC; see Ch. 120
2.370, Fees for Retrieval and Copies
MC; see Ch. 120
2.380, Inspection of Records
MC; see Ch. 120
2.390, Waiver of Fees
MC; see Ch. 120
2.400, Unpaid Fees for Sunshine Law Requests
MC; see Ch. 120
2.410, Closed Records and Votes
MC; see Ch. 120
2.420, Subpoenas for Closed Records
MC; see Ch. 120
2.430, Expectations of Privacy
MC; see Ch. 120
2.440, Public Notice Board
MC; see Ch. 120
2.450, Standing Request for Meeting Notices/Packets
MC; see Ch. 120
2.460, Abusive Records Request
MC; see Ch. 120
2.470, Meetings via Electronic Devices
MC; see Ch. 120
2.480, E-mails and Electronic Records
MC; see Ch. 120
2.490, Records Discussing District Operations, on Private Equipment
MC; see Ch. 120
2.500, Normal Meeting Place, Time, and Date
Superseded by Ord. No. 874
2.510, Meetings Initiated by Others
MC; see Ch. 120
2.520, Penalty for Disclosure of Closed Records
MC; see Ch. 120
Ch. 3, City Administration
Art. I, In General
3.010, Personnel Regulation Policy
3.020, Employee Classifications
3.030, Personnel Records and Changes
3.040, Holidays
3.050, Holiday, Vacation & Sick Time
3.060, Jury Leave/Duty
3.070, Health Insurance
3.080, Bereavement
3.090, Military Leave
3.100, Medical & Family Leave
3.110, Compensation
3.120, Deductions
3.130, Time Sheets
3.140, Overtime
3.150, Breaks
3.160, Office Hours
3.170, Workers Compensation
3.180, Personal Appearance
3.190, City of Sturgeon Vehicles
3.200, Attendance
3.210, Termination of Employment
3.220, Employee Acknowledgment Agreement
Art. II, Police Force
3.300, Chief of Police, Appointment, Duties, Qualifications
3.310, Size of Police Force, Appointment, Terms, Qualifications
Ch. 200
3.320, Composition and Organization
Ch. 200
3.330, Salaries
Ch. 200
3.340, Duties of Members of Police Force, Generally
3.350, Uniforms
3.360, Powers to Serve Process
3.370, Duty to Report Violations
3.380, Police Right of Entry
3.390, Arrest, With and Without Warrant
3.400, Procedure upon Arrest, Holding of Prisoner
3.410, Prisoners May be Searched
3.420, Duties of Policemen to Police Court
3.430, Chief of Police to Attend Meetings of Board
3.440, Reports to Board
3.450, Special Police Appointment
Repealed by Ord. No. 778
3.460, Qualifications and Oath
Repealed by Ord. No. 778
3.470, Duties and Powers of Special Police Officers
Repealed by Ord. No. 778
3.480, Appendix 1 — General Orders Manual
Art. III, City Attorney
3.500, Vacancy
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. V
3.510, Compensation of Special Counsel
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. V
3.520, Above Compensation Exclusive
MC; see Ch. 115, Art. V
Art. IV, Emergency Management and Civil Defense
3.600, Emergency Management Director
MC; see Ch. 225
3.610, Establishment of Civil Defense Organization
MC; see Ch. 225
3.620, Director of Civil Defense
MC; see Ch. 225
3.630, Functions
MC; see Ch. 225
3.640, Mobile Support Units
MC; see Ch. 225
3.650, Mutual Aid Arrangements
MC; see Ch. 225
3.660, Carrying out Emergency Powers
MC; see Ch. 225
3.670, Offer of Equipment
MC; see Ch. 225
3.680, Emergency Action by Directors
MC; see Ch. 225
3.690, Mayor May Waive Formalities
MC; see Ch. 225
3.700, Oath
MC; see Ch. 225
3.710, Office
MC; see Ch. 225
Art. V, Municipal Court
3.800, Electing to have Associate Circuit Judge hear Municipal Cases
MC; see Ch. 125
3.810, Court Costs in Alcohol and Drug-Related Traffic Offense Cases
MC; see Ch. 125
3.820, Surcharge to Court Costs for Training of Law Enforcement Officers
MC; see Ch. 125
3.830, Additional Municipal Court Costs
MC; see Ch. 125
Ch. 3A, Boards
Art. I, In General
3A.000 [Reserved]
Art. II, City Planning Commission
3A.100, Definitions
Ch. 400
3A.105, City Plan Authorized
Ch. 400
3A.110, Creation of Commission
Ch. 400
3A.115, Members, Compensation, Terms, Vacancy, Removal
Ch. 400
3A.120, Officers, Terms, Meetings, Powers, Expenditures
Ch. 400
3A.125, City Plan
Ch. 400
3A.130, Preparation of City Plan
Ch. 400
3A.135, Adoption of City Plan
Ch. 400
3A.140, Commission's Rights to Information, Land Access, etc.
Ch. 400
3A.145, Construction Subject to Commission Approval, When
Ch. 400
3A.150, Incorporation of State Statutes
Ch. 400
3A.155, Commission to Approve Plats and Subdivisions
Ch. 400
3A.160, Public Hearing on Regulations
Ch. 400
3A.165, Approval or Disapproval, Time Limit, Extension
Ch. 400
3A.170, Effect of Commission Approval
Ch. 400
3A.175, Reference to Unrecorded Plats Prohibited
Ch. 400
3A.180, Adoption of Major Street Plan and Subdivision Regulations, Effect
Ch. 400
3A.185, Effect on Building Permits
Ch. 400
3A.190, Setback Line Recommendation
Ch. 400
3A.195, Violation a Misdemeanor, Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. III, Parks and Recreation
3A.200, Recreation Center Board Established
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.205, Terms and Removal from Office
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.210, Offices; Rules and Powers
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.215, Duties and Responsibilities
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.220, Annual Reports
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.225, City Parks and Trees
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.230, Terms of Directors
Repealed by Ord. No. 760
3A.235, Officers: Rules and Power
Repealed by Ord. No. 760
3A.240, Duties and Responsibilities
Repealed by Ord. No. 760
3A.245, Annual Reports (renumbered by Ord. No. 760 to 3A.230)
Ch. 135, Art. I
3A.250, Private Donations
Repealed by Ord. No. 760
Art. IV, Fairgrounds Board
3A.300, Establishment of Fairgrounds Board
Ch. 135, Art. II
3A.305, Terms and Removal from Office
Ch. 135, Art. II
3A.310, Offices; Rules and Powers
Ch. 135, Art. II
3A.315, Duties and Responsibilities and Authority
Ch. 135, Art. II
3A.320, Annual Reports
Ch. 135, Art. II
Art. V, Historical Society Board
3A.400, Establishment of the Historical Society Board
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.405, Terms of Committee and Removal from Board
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.410, Offices; Rules and Powers
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.415, Duties and Responsibilities and Authority
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.420, Reports and Recommendations
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
Art. VI, Citizens Advisory Board
3A.500, Establishment of Citizen's Advisory Board
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.505, Membership
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.510, Terms of and Removal from Office
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.515, Compensation
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.520, Meetings
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.525, Powers and Duties; Limitations
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
3A.530, Rules of Procedure
Repealed by Ord. No. 793
Art. VII, Public Safety Advisory Committee
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.600, Public Safety Advisory Committee Established
3A.605, Terms of Office
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.610, Chairman
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.615, Duties
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.620, Meeting Formality
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.625, Finances
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
3A.630, Referral from the Mayor
Repealed by Ord. No. 767
Art. VIII, Economic Development Committee
3A.700, Economic Development Committee Established
3A.705, Terms of Office
3A.710, Duties
3A.715, Meeting Formality
3A.720, Finances
3A.725, Referral from the Mayor
Art. IX, Mount Horeb Cemetery Committee
3A.800, Designation of a Cemetery Committee
Ch. 135, Art. IV
Art. X, Fair Housing Committee
3A.900, Fair Housing Committee Established
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. II
3A.910, Declaration of Policy
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. I
3A.920, Definitions
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. I
3A.930, Discriminatory Practices
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. III
3A.940, Discrimination in the Financing of a House
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. III
3A.950, Exemptions
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. III
3A.960, Enforcement
MC; see Ch. 220, Art. IV
Ch. 4, Elections
4.080, Tie Vote, Special Election
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.160, Polling Places, Wards I and II
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.165, Electoral Wards Established
Ch. 105, Art. II
4.170, Between What Hours Polls Shall Be Open
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.180, Adoption of State Voter Registration Provisions
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.190, Qualifications of Voters
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.200, Absentee Ballots, Who May Cast
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.210, How and When to Apply
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.220, Application, Duties of City Clerk, How Ballots Designated
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.230, Initialing by City Clerk, Procedure
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.240, Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.250, Absentee Ballots, Preservation, Listing, Counting
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.260, Challenging of Votes, Death of Voter Before Polls Open
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
4.270, Absentee Voting for Persons in Military Service
MC; see Ch. 105, Art. I
Ch. 5, Offenses
Art. I, Offenses Against Property
5.010, Tampering
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
5.015, Property Damage
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
5.020, Trespass
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
5.030, Laser Beam Disturbance
Ch. 210, Art. VI
5.040, Firearms in City Building Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VI
5.050, Shoplifting, Stealing
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. VII
5.060, Breaking & Entering
5.070, Possession of Burglary Tools
5.080, Cable TV Theft
Ch. 210, Art. VII
5.090, Odometer
Ch. 210, Art. VII
Art. II, Noise Offenses
5.110, Peace Disturbance Definitions
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
5.120, Peace Disturbance
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
5.130, Noise Disturbance
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
Art. III, Identity Offenses
5.210, Identity Theft
Ch. 210, Art. XIV
5.220, Trafficking in Stolen Identities
Ch. 210, Art. XIV
5.230, False Impersonation
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
Art. IV, Alcohol and Drug Offenses
5.310, Intoxication of Use of Intoxicating Substance in Public Place
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
5.320, Driving While Intoxicated
MC; see Ch. 342
5.330, Open Container or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverage in Public Places
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
5.340, Driving with Excessive Blood Alcohol Content
MC; see Ch. 342
5.350, Alcoholic Beverage Limitations on Public Property — Mandatory Curfew — Penalty
Ch. 210, Art. XI
5.360, Marijuana
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XI
5.370, Drug Paraphernalia
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XI
5.380, Misrepresentation of Age to Obtain Beer or Liquor
MC; see Ch. 600
5.390, Minor in Possession
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. V, Public Order
5.410, Loitering — Definitions
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
5.420, Indecent Exposure
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IX
5.430, Disorderly Conduct Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
5.440, Loitering — Police Order to Disperse — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. V
5.450, Exemptions
Art. VI, Offenses Against Persons
5.510, Assault
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. II
5.520, Affray
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. II
5.530, Violate Order of Protection
Ch. 210, Art. II
5.560, Supplying Alcohol to a Minor
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. VII, Offenses Against Administration of Justice
5.610, Escape from Jail or Custody
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
5.620, Refusal to Identify as a Witness
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
5.630, Resisting or Interfering with Arrest
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
5.640, Interference with Legal Process
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
5.650, False Report
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
5.660, Striking a Police Officer
Ch. 210, Art. III
5.665, Deceiving a Law Enforcement Officer
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. III
Art. VIII, Offenses Against Minors
5.710, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Child — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. II
5.720, Encouraging or Permitting the use of Alcohol by Minors
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
5.730, Purchasing Tobacco for a Minor
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XIII
5.740, Hosting a Party at which Minors Consume Alcohol
Ch. 210, Art. XII
5.750, Abandonment of Airtight or Semi -Airtight Containers
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IV
5.760, Civil Rights Demonstrations — Religious Affiliation
Ch. 210, Art. V
5.780, Child Abuse
Art. IX, Motor Vehicle Offenses
5.805, Careless and Imprudent Driving
MC; see Ch. 340
5.810, Seat Belts & Child Restraint Devices
MC; see Ch. 370
5.815, Passengers in Truck Beds
MC; see Ch. 370
5.820, Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device
MC; see Ch. 315
5.825, Increase Speed While Being Passed
MC; see Ch. 340
Art. X, Miscellaneous Driving Rules
5.830, Driver's License Required
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. I
5.835, Vehicle License Plate Required
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. II
5.840, Vehicle Registration Required
Ch. 380, Art. II (same as § 14.305)
5.845, Driving While Suspended or Revoked
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. I
Art. XI, Prohibitions
5.850, Safety Belts
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
5.855, Child Restraints
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
5.860, Passengers in Truck Beds
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
5.865, Driving Without Proof of Insurance — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. III
5.870, Driving While Intoxicated or Drugged
MC; see Ch. 342
5.875, Excessive Blood Alcohol Content
MC; see Ch. 342
5.880, Definition of Drive or Operate
MC; see Ch. 342
5.885, Percent by Weight or Alcohol — Defined
MC; see Ch. 342
5.890, Implied Consent to Test for Alcohol/Drug Content
MC; see Ch. 342
5.895, Procedure on Arrest for Driving While Intoxicated
5.900, Procedure in Municipal Court for Violations of Sections 14.390 or 14.395
5.905, Civil Judgment for Alcohol — Related Convictions
Art. XII, Violations
5.910, Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Street
MC; see Ch. 330
5.920, Failing to Stop or Yield
MC; see Ch. 335
5.930, Pedestrian Offenses
MC; see Ch. 345
5.940, Parking Offenses
MC; see Chs. 350 to 365
5.950, Bicycle Offenses
MC; see Ch. 375
5.960, Equipment Violations
MC; see Ch. 370
5.970, Improper Passing
MC; see Ch. 340
Ch. 6, Water and Sewer
Art. I, Administrative
Ch. 700, Art. I
6.000, Waterworks and Sewage System Combined
Ch. 700, Art. I
6.005, Availability of Standards and Specifications
Ch. 700, Art. I
Art. II, Connectivity
6.010, Waterworks Service Conditioned upon Sewer Connection
Ch. 700, Art. II
6.015, Failure to Pay Sewage Charges, Disconnection of Water, Notice
Ch. 700, Art. II
6.020, Exception, Adequate Private Water System
Ch. 700, Art. II
6.025, Failure to Connect, Creation of Nuisance, Penalty
Ch. 700, Art. II
6.030, Owner to Cause Connection Where Required
Ch. 700, Art. II
Art. III, Deposits, Rates & Fees
6.100, Meter Deposits, Meter Connections
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.105, Private Sewers, Definition, Construction, Cost
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.110, Not-for-Profit Corporations
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.115, Application by Not-for-Profit Corporations
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.120, Definitions
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.125, User Charge System
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.130, Use Rate Structure
Ch. 700, Art. III
6.135, Billing Regulations
Ch. 700, Art. III
Art. IV, Discharge of Pollutants
6.205, Objectionable Wastes Defined and Prohibited
Ch. 700, Art. IV
6.210, Discharge of Sewage and Polluted Waters Prohibited
Ch. 700, Art. IV
Art. V, Sewage Disposal Systems
6.300, Construction of Sewage Disposal Facilities Regulated
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.305, All Buildings to Contain Toilets Connected to Public Sewer
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.310, Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.315, Building Permit Required for Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.320, Private Sewage Disposal System Building Permit and Inspection
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.325, Sewage Disposal Systems to Comply With State Regulations
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.330, Connection to Public Sewers
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.335, Private Sewers to be Sanitary
Ch. 700, Art. V
6.340, Agreement With Health Office
Ch. 700, Art. V
Art. VI, Permits
6.400, Permits Required, When
Ch. 700, Art. VI
6.405, Classifications of Building Sewer Permits
Ch. 700, Art. VI
6.410, Costs for Installation and Connection of Building Sewer
Ch. 700, Art. VI
Art. VII, Building's Sewers
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.500, All Buildings to Have Sewers
Repealed by Ord. No. 730
6.505, Old Sewers in New Buildings
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.510, Building Sewers Construction to Comply with Code
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.515, Building Sewers, Elevation
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.520, No Other Waters to Drain into Public Sanitary Sewer
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.525, Connection of Building Sewer to Meet Code
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.530, Inspection by Superintendent
Ch. 700, Art. VII
6.535, Excavations to be Guarded
Ch. 700, Art. VII
Art. VIII, Unauthorized Water & Waste
6.600, Discharge of Unauthorized Water or Wastes into Sanitary Sewer
Ch. 700, Art. VIII
6.605, Discharge of Waters into Authorized Sewers Only
Ch. 700, Art. VIII
6.610, Unauthorized Waters and Wastes
Ch. 700, Art. VIII
6.615, Unauthorized Substances for Discharge into Sanitary Sewers
Ch. 700, Art. VIII
6.620, Disposal of Unauthorized Wastes
Ch. 700, Art. VIII
Art. IX, Treatment Facilities
6.700, Interceptors to be Provided, When
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.705, Continuous Preliminary Treatment Facilities
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.710, Control Manholes Required, When
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.715, Sampling and Testing of Waters and Wastes
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.720, City Can Make Agreements With Industrial Concerns
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.725, Criminal Tampering With Sewage Works
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.730, Authority to Inspect Sewage Treatment and Removal System
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.735, Inspectors to Observe All Safety Rules
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.740, Easements
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.745, Service of Notice
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.750, Penalties
Ch. 700, Art. IX
6.755, Liability for Loss and Damage
Ch. 700, Art. IX
Art. X, Cross-Connection Control
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.800, Purpose
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.805, Definitions
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.810, Cross Connections Prohibited
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.815, Survey and Investigations
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.820, Type of Protection
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.825, Where Protection is required
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.830, Types of Facilities Representing Cross Connection Hazards
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.835, Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.840, Backflow Prevention Assembly Installation
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.845, Inspection and Maintenance
Ch. 700, Art. X
6.850, Violations
Ch. 700, Art. X
Art. XI, Lead Ban in Drinking Water
6.900, Purpose
Ch. 700, Art. XI
6.905, Definitions
Ch. 700, Art. XI
6.910, Lead Banned from Drinking Water Plumbing
Ch. 700, Art. XI
Ch. 7, City Property
Art. I, City Cemetery
7.080, Mt. Horeb Cemetery Fund
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.090, Additions to Fund
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.100, Funds to Be Invested, Encroachment
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.110, Sales of Grave Spaces
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.120, Expenditures from Fund
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.130, Deed Conveying Burial Places
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.140, Other Cemetery Funds
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.150, Special Trust Funds — Mt. Horeb Cemetery
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.160, Legislative Purpose — Mt. Horeb Cemetery
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.170, Grave Opening/ Closing, Mechanical Devises
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.180, Grave Opening/Closing — to Add Urn
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.190, Cemetery User Fees
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.200, Legislative Purpose — Sturgeon Cemetery
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.210, Sturgeon Perpetual Care Cemetery Fund
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.220, Bequests, Gifts, Donations
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.230, Investment of Funds
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.240, Fee for Burial Space, Conveyance by Deed
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.250, Disbursements
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.270, Other Cemetery Funds
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.280, Special Trust Funds — Sturgeon Cemetery
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.290, Cemetery Sexton
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.300, Erection of Monuments
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.310, Burial of Bodies
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.320, Maintenance of Grave Spaces
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.330, City Care of Cemeteries
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.340, Decorations and Memorial Day
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.350, Times Closed to the Public
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.360, Offenses
Ch. 140, Art. I
7.370, Penalty
Ch. 8, City Licenses
Art. I, Business Licenses
8.010, Eligibility Requirements
Ch. 605
8.020, Application
Ch. 605
8.030, License Fees
Ch. 605
8.040, County/State License Required
Ch. 605
8.050, City Receipt
Ch. 605
8.060, Display of License
Ch. 605
8.070, Expiration
Ch. 605
8.080, Violation/Penalty
Ch. 605
Art. II, License Tax, Electric and Gas Utilities
8.260, Person Defined
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.270, Imposition of Electric and Gas Utility Tax
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.280, Statement to be Filed
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.290, Payment of Tax
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.300, Exclusivity of Tax
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.310, Construction
Ch. 615, Art. I
8.320, Violation/Penalty
Ch. 615, Art. I
Art. III, Vehicles
8.370 to 8.430
Repealed by Ord. No. 610
Art. IV, Property Taxes
8.440, Duties of Certain Officers and the Board of Aldermen
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.450, Assessment of Property
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.460, Taxes not Void for Informality, Etc.
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.470, Board of Aldermen to Make Annual Levy, Certification of Levy
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.480, No Exemptions From Tax
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.490, Method of Making out and Disposition of Tax Roll
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.500, Failure to Deliver Assessor's or Collector's Books, Effect
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.510, City Collector to Pay Over All Monies Monthly
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.520, What Shall Not Release Sureties on Collector's Bond
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.530, Date Taxes Become Delinquent
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.540, Enforcement of Taxes
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.550, Delinquent Tax List; Collection of Delinquent Taxes
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.560, Penalty for Failure to Pay Taxes
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.570, Settlement in Collector's Accounts When Vacancy Occurs
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
8.580, Duty of Representatives When Collector Dies
MC; see Ch. 130, Art. III
Art. V, License Tax, Telephone Service
8.590, Imposition of Tax
Ch. 615, Art. II
8.600, Statement to be Filed, Payment
Ch. 615, Art. II
8.610, Violation/Penalty
Ch. 615, Art. II
Art. VI, Cigarette Tax
8.630, License Required
Ch. 620
8.640, Payment of Fees by Purchase of Stamps
Ch. 620
Art. VII, Sales Tax
8.680, Imposition of Sales Tax
Ch. 130, Art. V
8.690, Rate of Tax
Ch. 130, Art. V
8.700, Effective Date
Ch. 130, Art. V
8.710, Copies to be Made Available
Ch. 130, Art. V
Ch. 9, Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, Intoxicating Liquor and Non-Intoxicating Beer, General
NOTE: Non-intoxicating beer provisions were repealed in Statutes and are preempted
9.010, Definitions
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.020, License Required, Terms, Renewal
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.030, Investigation of License Application
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.040, Approval of License Application
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.060, Issuance, Generally, Contents
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.070, Changing Location of Premises, Transfer of License
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.080, Suspension or Revocation of License
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.090, Selling to Drunkards and Minors
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.100, Consumption by Minors
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.110, Sale by Persons Under 21 Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.120, Misrepresentation of Age by Minors
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.130, Purchase or Possession by Minors
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.140, Penalty for Violation of Article
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
Art. II, Intoxicating Liquors
9.200, Applications, Form, Content
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.210, Qualifications of Applicant
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.220, Number of Licenses Required, Fees
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.230, Issuance to Establishments Near Schools, Churches, Etc.
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.240, Gambling Devises Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.250, Authorized Liquor Only to be Kept on Premises
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.260, Applicability of Article to Drugstores
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.270, Hours of Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.280, Sale of Intoxicating Liquor When December 31 Falls on Sunday
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.285, Temporary Permit for Liquor by Drink, Other Ordinances Applicable
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.290, Consumption on Unlicensed Premises
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.295, Limited Permit to Sell Malt Liquor, Who may Obtain, Time Limited
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.300, Consumption on Premises Where Signs Prohibit Same
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.310, Display of Bottles, Packages, etc., Exterior Signs Resembling Bottles
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.320, Possession of Illegal Whiskey
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.330, Sanitary and Inspection Provisions
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
Art. III, Non-Intoxicating Beer
NOTE: Non-intoxicating beer provisions were repealed in Statutes and are preempted
9.400, Number of Licenses Required, Fees
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.410, License Application, Form and Contents
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.420, Qualifications of Applicants
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.430, Issuance to Establishments Near Schools
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.440, Requirements for Original Package Sale
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.450, Hours of Sale
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.460, Hours of Consumption
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.470, Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.480, Increasing Alcohol Content
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
9.490, Penalty for Violation of Article
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
Art. IV, Conduct on Licenses Premises
9.510, Entertainment Areas Restricted
Ch. 600, Art. II
9.520, License Holders' and Entertainers' Conduct on Premises
Ch. 600, Art. II
9.530, Licensee's Conduct on Premises
Ch. 600, Art. II
9.540, Penalty for Violation
Ch. 600, Art. II
Ch. 10, Nuisances
Art. I, Nuisances in General
10.100, General Prohibition of Nuisances
Ch. 215, Art. I
Art. II, Motor Vehicles
10.200, Vehicle Noise, Mufflers Required
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
10.205, Motors Out of Repair
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
10.210, Violation/Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
10.215, Abandoning Vehicles, Parking for Longer Than Seventy-Two Hours
MC; see Ch. 385
10.220, Non-Operating Vehicle Defined
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.225, Leaving Wrecked or Non-Operating Vehicle on Street
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.230, Allowing Non-Operating Vehicles to Remain on Private Property
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.235, Owner to Demonstrate Vehicle
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.240, Application for Permit to Keep and Maintain Inoperative Vehicle
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.245, Illegal Parking on Off-Street Facilities
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.250, Impoundment and Disposal of Impounded Vehicles
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
10.255, Violation/Penalty
MC; see Ch. 217 and Ch. 385
Art. III, Weeds
10.305, Grass and Weeds Over One Foot in Height
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.310, Inspection of Premises
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.315, Officials Authorized to Cause Grasses and Weeds to be Mowed
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.320, Procedure and Hearing
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.325, Responsible Parties
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.330, Cost of Mowing Recoverable by City
Ch. 215, Art. II
10.335, Procedures When Responsible Party Will Not Abate Nuisance
Ch. 215, Art. II
Art. IV, Junk
10.400, Junkyards Regulated
Ch. 215, Art. III
10.405, Definitions
Ch. 215, Art. III
10.410, Chief of Police to Demand Removal of Unlicensed Junk, Notice Required, Action Allowed
Ch. 215, Art. III
Art. V, Hazardous Buildings
10.500, Buildings and Structures Which Constitute Nuisances
MC; see Ch. 505
10.505, Inspection; Declaration of Nuisance; Posting Notice
MC; see Ch. 505
10.510, City Clerk to Notify Interested Parties
MC; see Ch. 505
10.515, Failure to Commence Work; Mayor's Hearing; Notice; Appeal
MC; see Ch. 505
10.520, Special Tax Bill to Issue for Costs Incurred by the City
MC; see Ch. 505
10.525, Insurance Proceeds
MC; see Ch. 505
10.530, Notification of this Code to be Provided to the Director of Insurance
MC; see Ch. 505
10.535, Penalty for Failure or Refusal to Abate a Nuisance
MC; see Ch. 505
Art. VI, Animal Nuisances
10.600, Animal Nuisances Prohibited
Ch. 205, Art. III
Art. VII, Abandoned Airtight or Semi Airtight Containers
10.700, Abandoned Property
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IV
10.705, Violation/Penalty
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IV
Art. VIII, Enforcement
10.800, Suits in Equity Authorized
Ch. 215, Art. IV
10.805, Attorney's Fees to be Awarded
Ch. 215, Art. IV
10.810, Severability Clause
Ch. 215, Art. IV
Ch. 11, Particular Occupations
11.010, Security Measures Required for Convenience Stores
Ch. 625
Ch. 12, Health and Safety
Art. I, Animals
12.100, Limitation on Number of Dogs or Cats Kept
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.105, Permitting a Dog or Cat to Run at Large
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.110, Failure to Confine and Restrain a Vicious Dog
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.115, Registration of Dogs and Cats Required — Tags
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.120, Certificate of Immunization
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.125, License Fees
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.130, Impoundment of Dogs and Cats not Registered or Running at Large
Ch. 205, Art. I
12.135, Impoundment Fees
Ch. 205, Art. I
Art. II, Livestock
12.200, Definition of Livestock
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.210, Confinement of Livestock Required
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.220, Maintenance of Fences, Corrals, Etc.
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.230, Impoundment of Unconfined Livestock, Costs
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.240, Sale of Impounded Livestock
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.250. Return of Livestock to Owner
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.260, Return of Proceeds of Sale to Owner
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.270, Time Limit on Claims by Owners
Ch. 205, Art. II
12.280, Owner Liable For Costs, When
Ch. 205, Art. II
Art. III, Minors
12.300, Definitions
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XII
12.305, Offenses
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XII
12.310, Defenses
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XII
12.315, Enforcement
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XII
12.320, Violations/Penalties
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. IV, Swimming and Bathing Pools
12.400, Swimming and Bathing Pool Regulations
Ch. 500, Art. II
Art. V, Geologic Hazard Preparedness
12.500, Geological Hazard Preparedness
MC; see Ch. 500, Art. III
Ch. 13, Manufactured Homes
13.100 Definitions
Ch. 420
13.105 Location of Manufactured Homes
Ch. 420
13.110 Pre-existing Non-Conforming Structures
Ch. 420
13.115 Replacement of Non-Conforming Structures
Ch. 420
13.120 Conflict with other ordinances
Ch. 420
13.125 Punishment and Fines
Ch. 420
Ch. 14, Traffic Code
Art. I, Model Traffic Ordinance
14.000 Model Traffic Code; adopted
MC; see Ch. 300
14.010 Records of Traffic Violations
MC; see Ch. 305
14.015 To Investigate Accidents
MC; see Ch. 305
14.020 Traffic Accident Reports
MC; see Ch. 305
14.025 Driver Files to Be Maintained
Ch. 305
14.030 Police Department to Designate Method of Identifying Funeral Processions
Art. II, Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations
14.035 Authority of Police and Fire Department Officials
MC; see Ch. 310
14.040 Obedience to Police and Fire Department Officials
MC; see Ch. 310
14.045 Persons Propelling Push Carts or Riding Animals to Obey Traffic Regulations
MC; see Ch. 310
14.050 Use of Skate Boards, Roller Skates and Similar Devices Restricted on State Route P (also known as Main Street)
Ch. 310
14.055 Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations
MC; see Ch. 310
14.060 Authorized Emergency Vehicles
MC; see Ch. 310
14.065 Operation of Vehicles on Approach of Authorized Emergency Vehicles
MC; see Ch. 310
14.070 Immediate Notice of Accident
MC; see Ch. 310
14.075 Written Report of Accident
MC; see Ch. 310
14.080 When Driver Unable to Report
MC; see Ch. 310
Art. III, Traffic Control Devices
14.085 Manual and Specifications for Traffic Control Devices
MC; see Ch. 315
14.090 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices
MC; see Ch. 315
14.095 When Official Traffic Control Devices Required for Enforcement Purposes
MC; see Ch. 315
14.100 Official Traffic Control Devices — Presumption of Legality
MC; see Ch. 315
14.105 Flashing Signals
MC; see Ch. 315
14.110 Display of Unauthorized Signs, Signals or Markings
MC; see Ch. 315
14.115 Interference with Official Traffic Control Devices or Railroad Signs or Signals
MC; see Ch. 315
14.120 Authority to Establish Play Streets
MC; see Ch. 315
14.125 Play Streets
MC; see Ch. 315
14.130 City Police Officer to Designate Crosswalks and Establish Safety Zones
MC; see Ch. 315
14.135 Speed Limits
Ch. 320
14.140 Reduced Speed in Special Situations
Ch. 320
14.145 Required Position and Method of Turning at Intersection
MC; see Ch. 325
14.150 Authority to Place Restricted Turn Signs
MC; see Ch. 325
14.155 Authority to Place Restricted Turn Signs
MC; see Ch. 325
14.160 Obedience to No -Turn Signs
MC; see Ch. 325
14.165 Limitations on Turning Around
MC; see Ch. 325
Art. IV, One-Way Streets and Alleys
14.170 Authority to Sign One -Way Streets and Alleys
MC; see Ch. 330
14.175 One -Way Streets and Alleys
MC; see Ch. 330
Art. V, Stop and Yield Intersections
14.180 Through Streets Designated
MC; see Ch. 335
14.185 Signs Required at Through Streets
MC; see Ch. 335
14.190 Other Intersections Where Stop or Yield Required
MC; see Ch. 335
14.195 Stop and Yield Signs
14.200 Vehicle Entering Stop Intersection
MC; see Ch. 335
14.205 Vehicle Entering Yield Intersection
MC; see Ch. 335
14.210 Emerging From Alley, Driveway or Building
MC; see Ch. 335
14.215 Stop When Traffic Obstructed
MC; see Ch. 335
14.220 Obedience to Signal Indicating Approach of Train
MC; see Ch. 335
Art. VI, Miscellaneous Driving Rules
14.225 Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 340
14.230 Crossing Fire Hose
MC; see Ch. 340
14.235 Driving Through Funeral or Other Procession
MC; see Ch. 340
14.240 Driving in Procession
MC; see Ch. 340
14.245 Funeral Procession to be Identified
Ch. 340
14.250 When Permits Required for Parades and Processions
MC; see Ch. 340
14.255 Vehicle or Motorized Bicycle Shall Not be Driven on a Sidewalk
MC; see Ch. 340
14.260 Limitations of Backing
MC; see Ch. 340
14.265 Opening and Closing Vehicle Doors
MC; see Ch. 340
14.270 Riding on Motorcycles, Additional Passenger — Requirements
MC; see Ch. 340
14.275 All -Terrain Vehicles, Prohibited — Exceptions, Operation or Under an Exception — Prohibited Uses — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 340
14.285 Railroad Trains Not to Block Streets
MC; see Ch. 340
14.290 Driving Through Safety Zone Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 340
14.295 Driver' s License Required
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. I
14.300 Vehicle License Plate Required
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. II
14.305 Vehicle Registration Required (same as § 5.840)
Ch. 380, Art. II
14.310 Driving While Suspended or Revoked
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. I
14.315 Prohibited Uses of License
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. I
14.320 No Passing Zones
Ch. 340
14.325 Passing Regulations
MC; see Ch. 340
14.330 School Bus — Stops — Passing While Stopped
MC; see Ch. 340
14.335 Placing Injurious Substances on Streets — Prohibited
Ch. 340
14.340 Size, Weight Limitations of Vehicles
Ch. 370, Art. II
14.345 Use of Metal Tires, Non-Skid Devices
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.350 Excessive Vehicle Noise
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
Art. VII, Equipment on Vehicles
14.355 Vehicle Equipment
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.360 Headlights
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. I and II
14.365 Tail Lights
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. I
14.370 Signaling Devices
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.375 Muffler
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.380 Brakes
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.385 Mirrors
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
Art. VIII, Prohibitions
14.390 Safety Belts
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.395 Child Restraint Devices
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.400 Passengers in Truck Beds
MC; see Ch. 370, Art. II
14.405 Driving Without Proof of Insurance — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 380, Art. III
14.410 Driving While Intoxicated or Drugged
MC; see Ch. 342
14.415 Excessive Blood Alcohol Content
MC; see Ch. 342
14.420 Definition of Drive or Operate
MC; see Ch. 342
14.425 Percent by Weight or Alcohol — Defined
MC; see Ch. 342
14.430 Implied Consent to Test For Alcohol/ Drug Content
MC; see Ch. 342
14.435 Procedure on Arrest for Driving While Intoxicated (same as 5.895)
14.440 Procedure in Municipal Court for Violations of Sections 14.390 or 14.395 (same as 5.900)
14.445 Civil Judgment for Alcohol -Related Convictions (same as 5.905)
Art. IX, Pedestrians' Rights and Duties
14.450 Pedestrians Subject to Traffic Control Devices
MC; see Ch. 345
14.455 Pedestrians' Right of Way in Crosswalks
MC; see Ch. 345
14.460 Pedestrians to Use Right Half of Crosswalks
MC; see Ch. 345
14.465 Crossing at Right Angles
MC; see Ch. 345
14.470 When Pedestrian Shall Yield
MC; see Ch. 345
14.475 Prohibited Crossing
MC; see Ch. 345
14.480 Obedience of Pedestrians Railroad Signals
MC; see Ch. 345
14.485 Pedestrians Walking Along Roadways
MC; see Ch. 345
14.490 Drivers to Exercise Highest Degree of Care
MC; see Ch. 345
Art. X, Method of Parking
14.495 Standing or Parking Close to Curb
MC; see Ch. 350
14.500 Signs or Markings Indicating Angle Parking
MC; see Ch. 350
14.505 Obedience to Angle Parking Signs or Markers
MC; see Ch. 350
14.510 Disabled Parking
MC; see Ch. 355
14.515 Vehicle Parking Privileges and accessibility for temporarily disabled persons
Ch. 355
Art. XI, Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places
14.520 Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited
MC; see Ch. 355
14.525 Parking Not to Obstruct Traffic
MC; see Ch. 355
14.530 Parking in Alleys
MC; see Ch. 355
14.535 Parking for Certain Purposes Prohibited
Ch. 355
14.540 Parking Prohibited on Narrow Streets
MC; see Ch. 355
14.550 Seventy -Two Hour Parking limitation on City Streets
Ch. 355
14.555 Placing of Vehicles for Loading or Unloading
Ch. 360
14.560 What Constitutes Prima Facia Evidence of Violation
Ch. 355
Art. XII, Stopping For Loading or Unloading Only
14.565 City Police Officer to Designate Curb Loading Zones
MC; see Ch. 360
14.570 Standing in Passenger Curb Loading Zone
MC; see Ch. 360
14.575 Standing in Freight Curb Loading Zones
MC; see Ch. 360
Art. XIII, Stopping, Standing or Parking Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets
14.580 Application of Section
MC; see Ch. 365
14.585 Regulations Not Exclusive
MC; see Ch. 365
14.590 Parking Prohibited at all Times on Certain Streets
MC; see Ch. 365
14.595 Parking Prohibited During Certain Hours on Certain Streets
MC; see Ch. 365
14.600 Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited During Certain Hours on Certain Streets
MC; see Ch. 365
14.605 Parking Signs Required
MC; see Ch. 365
14.610 Commercial Vehicles Prohibited From Using Certain Streets
MC; see Ch. 365
14.615 Motorized Play Vehicles and Skateboards
Ch. 340
Art. XIV, Bicycle Regulations
14.620 Violation of Article
Ch. 375
14.625 Application of Chapter
Ch. 375
14.630 Traffic Laws Applicable
MC; see Ch. 375
14.635 Obedience of Traffic Control Devices
Ch. 375
14.640 Seating of Operator, Passenger
Ch. 375
14.645 Manner of Riding on Roadways, Bicycle Paths
MC; see Ch. 375
14.650 Bicycles Prohibited on Sidewalks
Ch. 375
14.655 Speed
MC; see Ch. 375
14.660 Riding with Reasonable Care Required
MC; see Ch. 375
14.665 Emerging From Alley or Driveway
Ch. 375
14.670 Carrying Packages, Bundles or Articles
Ch. 375
14.675 Bicycles, Vehicles and Devices Prohibited on City Property.
Ch. 375
14.680 Parking
Ch. 375
14.685 Taking a Ride Without Owner' s Consent Prohibited
Ch. 375
14.690 Lights and Reflector Required for Operation at Night
MC; see Ch. 375
14.695 Warning Device
Ch. 375
14.700 Brake
MC; see Ch. 375
Art. XV, Impoundment of Vehicles
14.705 Policy
Ch. 390
14.710 Authorization
Ch. 390
14.715 Notice
Ch. 390
14.720 Additional Notice to Owner
Ch. 390
14.725 Right to Immediate Hearing
Ch. 390
14.730 Immediate Informal Hearing
Ch. 390
14.735 Immediate Formal Hearing
Ch. 390
14.740 Special Procedure, Unlicensed Driver
Ch. 390
14.745 Special Procedure Upon Impoundment of Vehicle Operated by Intoxicated Driver or Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Ch. 390
14.750 Formal Hearing to be Scheduled
Ch. 390
14.755 Subsequent Informal Hearings
Ch. 390
14.760 Procedure Upon Impoundment
Ch. 390
14.765 Fees Upon Impoundment
Ch. 390
14.770 Transfer of Title
Ch. 390
14.775 Responsibility
Ch. 390
Schedule I. Through Streets (Stop Signs)
Schedule II. Restricted Parking
Schedule III. Disabled Parking
Schedule IV. Angle Parking
Schedule V. U-Turn
Schedule VI. Truck Routes
Schedule VII. One-Way Streets and Alleys
Schedule VIII. Speed Limits
Schedule IX. Yield Intersections
Schedule X. Restricted Parking–Tow-Away Zone
Ch. 15, Miscellaneous
Art. I, Numbering of Business Houses and Residences
15.200, Numbering of Buildings, Division Line Method
Ch. 510, Art. I
15.210, Clerk to Keep Map, Assign Numbers
Ch. 510, Art. I
15.220, Owner to Display Number
Ch. 510, Art. I
15.340, Penalty
Ch. 510, Art. I
Art. II, Salvage Yards
15.400, Salvage Yards Defined and Regulated
Ch. 510, Art. II
15.410, Pre-existing Salvage Yards
Ch. 510, Art. II
15.420, Violation/Penalty
Ch. 510, Art. II
Art. III, Utility Services to Illegal Aliens and Threat of Identity Theft
15.600, Policy
Ch. 705
15.610, Discretion Advised
Ch. 705
15.620, Program Purpose and Definitions
Ch. 705
15.630, Identification of Red Flags
Ch. 705
15.640, Detecting Red Flags
Ch. 705
15.650, Preventing and Mitigating Identity Theft
Ch. 705
15.660, Program Updates
Ch. 705
15.670, Program Administration
Ch. 705
15.680, Program Adoption
Ch. 705
Ch. 16, Fire Limits and Construction Regulations (Reserved)
Ch. 17, Private Drives
17.010, Requirements of Approved Drainage Device
Ch. 515
17.020, Permit to Construct or Improve
Ch. 515
17.030, Specifications
Ch. 515
17.040, Obstructions, Duty to Maintain
Ch. 515
17.050, Costs of Construction to be Shared, How
repealed by Ord. No. 761
Ch. 18, Solid Waste Management
18.010, Definitions
Ch. 230
18.020, Solid Waste Storage
Ch. 230
18.030, Method of Residential Solid Waste Storage
Ch. 230
18.040, Method of Commercial Solid Waste Storage
Ch. 230
18.050, Method of Tree Limb Storage
Repealed by Ord. Nos. 728, 763
18.060, Method of Yard Waste Storage
Repealed by Ord. No. 728
18.070, Collection of Sold Waste
Ch. 230
18.080, Collection of Utility Rubbish
Ch. 230
18.090, Collection of Tree Limbs and Yard Wastes
Repealed by Ord. No. 763
18.100, Request for Collection of Bulky Rubbish
Ch. 230
18.110, Method of Collection
Ch. 230
18.120, Frequency of Collection
Ch. 230
18.130, Location of Solid Waste Containers
Ch. 230
18.140, Maintenance of Collection Vehicles
Ch. 230
18.150, Permits for Hauling Earth and Rock
Ch. 230
18.160, Transportation and Disposal of Demolition and Construction Wastes
Ch. 230
18.170, Disposal of Solid Waste
Ch. 230
18.180, Duty of Director to Classify Hazardous Wastes
Ch. 230
18.190, Permits Required for Engaging in Solid Waste Business
Ch. 230
18.200, Requirements for Issuance of Permit
Ch. 230
18.210, Permits, Information Required
Ch. 230
18.220, Issuance of Permit and Fee
Ch. 230
18.230, Failure to Make Modifications
Ch. 230
18.240, Renewal Procedure
Ch. 230
18.250, Authority to Inspect for Compliance
Ch. 230
18.260, Failure to be in Compliance
Ch. 230
18.270, Appeal Process
Ch. 230
18.280, Motor Vehicles to Display, Permit Numbers
Ch. 230
18.290, Officials; Duty to Make Rules and Regulations
Ch. 230
18.300, Unlawful Acts or Practices
Ch. 230
18.310, Service Charges
Ch. 230
18.320, Penalties
Ch. 230
18.330, Bonds
Ch. 230
18.340, Severability Clause
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Ch. 19, Development in Flood Plain (Ord. No. 598)
Art. I, Statutory Authorization, Findings of Fact, and Purposes
Ch. 415, Art. I
Art. II, General Provisions
Ch. 415, Art. II
Art. III, Administration
Ch. 415, Art. III
Art. IV, Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction
Ch. 415, Art. IV
Art. V, Floodplain Management Variance Procedures
Ch. 415, Art. V
Art. VI, Penalties
Ch. 415, Art. VI
Art. VII, Amendments
Ch. 415, Art. VII
Art. VIII, Definitions
Ch. 415, Art. VIII
Art. IX, Forms
Ch. 415, Art. IX
Ch. 20, Building Code
Ch. 500
Art. I, Adoption
20.100, Building Codes Adopted
Ch. 500, Art. I
20.110, Inspections
Ch. 500, Art. I
Art. II, Private Sanitary Sewer System
20.200, Adoption of Standards
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.205, Pipe
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.210, Manholes
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.215, Manhole Placement
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.217, Design Standards, Construction
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.220, Pipe Laying
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.225, Testing
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.230, Casing Pipe
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.235, Contractor to Protect Existing Utilities
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.240, Backflow Prevention Device Required
Ch. 700, Art. X
20.245, Standards and Specifications
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.250, Availability of Standards and Specifications
Ch. 700, Art. XII
20.260, Infiltration Sources Prohibited
Ch. 700, Art. XII
Art. III, Permits for Residential Constructions and Remodeling
20.300, Building Permits
Ch. 405, Art. I
20.305, Occupancy Permit
Ch. 405, Art. I
20.310, Penalty
Ch. 405, Art. I
Art. IV, Setback Lines
20.400, Setback Line Requirements
Repealed by Ord. No. 818
Art. V, Privacy Fences
Repealed by Ord. No. 901
Ch. 21, Subdivisions (Ord. 563)
Ch. 410
Ch. 22, Zoning (Ord. 614)
Ch. 405
Section 22.100, Application For Building Permit
REP, except as noted below:
Section 22.100(2) and (3)
Ch. 405
Ch. 23, Taxation & Revenue
Art. I, Office of City Collector
23.100, City Collector Appointed
Ch. 115, Art. IV
Art. II, Tax Collection Agreement
23.200, County to Perform Assessments
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.205, Tax Billing Created
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.210, County Bills & Collects for City
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.215, City Access to Data
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.220, County Remits to City
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.225, Ad Valorem Property Tax Rates Fixed by City
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.230, County Collector Responsible for Collection
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.235, Bill Creation & Collections Services
Ch. 130, Art. IV
23.240, Termination of Agreement
Ch. 130, Art. IV
Ch. 24, Adult Businesses (Ord. 717)
Ch. 630 (except as noted below)
24.270, Application to Existing Businesses.
Ch. 25, Deposits, Fees and Charges
Art. I, From Chapter 1 — General Provisions
25.010, From Section 1.010 — General Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. II, From Chapter 2 — Sunshine Law Policy
25.110, From Section 2.370- Fees for Retrieval and Copies
Ch. 120, Art. I
Art. III, From Chapter 3 — City Administration
25.120, From Section 3.820 — Surcharge to Court Costs for Training of Law Enforcement Officers
MC; see Ch. 125, Art. II
25.130, From Section 3.830 — Additional Municipal Court Costs
MC; see Ch. 125, Art. II
Art. IV, From Chapter 3A — Boards
25.140, From Section 3A.175 — Reference to Unrecorded Plats Prohibited
Ch. 400
Art. V, V: From Chapter 4 — Elections
25.170, No Fees
Art. VI, From Chapter 5 — Offenses
25.180, No Fees
Art. VII, From Chapter 6 — Water and Sewer
25.200, From Section 6.100 — Meter Deposits, Meter Connections
Ch. 700, Art. III
25.210, From Section 6.130 — Use Rate Structure
Ch. 700, Art. III
25.220, From Section 6.135 — Billing Regulations
Ch. 700, Art. III
25.230, From Section 6.315 — Building Permit Required for Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Ch. 700, Art. V
25.240, From Section 6.405 — Classifications of Building Sewer Permits
Ch. 700, Art. VI
25.250, From Section 6.750 — Penalties
Ch. 700, Art. IX
Art. VIII, From Chapter 7 — City Property
25.260, From Section 7.180 -Grave Opening/Closing — To Add Urn
Ch. 140, Art. I
25.270, From Section 7.190 — Cemetery User Fees
Repealed by Ord. Nos. 875 and 892
Art. IX, From Chapter 8 — City Licenses
25.280, From Section 8.030 — License Fees
Ch. 605
25.290, From Section 8.320 — Violation/Penalty (License Tax/Electric & Gas Utilities)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
25.300, From Section 8.610-Violation/Penalty (License Tax/Telephone Service)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
25.310, From Section 8.630- License Required (Cigarette Tax)
Ch. 605
Art. X, From Chapter 9 — Alcoholic Beverages
25.330, From Section 9.220 -Number of Licenses Required, Fees (Intoxicating Liquor)
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
25.340, From Section 9.295 — Limited Permit to Sell Malt Liquor, Who May Obtain, Time Limited
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
25.350, From Section 9.400 — Number of Licenses Required, Fees
MC; see Ch. 600, Art. I
25.360, From Section 9.490 — Violation/Penalty (Non-intoxicating Beer)
Repealed in Statutes; preempted
25.370, From Section 9.540 — Violation/Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XI, From Chapter 10 — Nuisances
25.380, From Section 10.210 — Penalty (Motor Vehicles/Noise & Disrepair)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
25.390, From Section 10.255 — Violation/Penalty Motor Vehicle — all other)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
25.400, From Section 10.330 — Cost of Mowing Recoverable by City
Ch. 215, Art. II
Art. XII, From Chapter 11 — Particular Occupations
25.410, No Fees
Art. XIII, From Chapter 12 — Health and Safety
25.420, From Section 12.125 — License Fees (Cats & Dogs)
Ch. 205, Art. I
25.430, From Section 12.135 — Impoundment Fees
Ch. 205, Art. I
25.440, From Section 12.320 — Violations/Penalties (Minors)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XIV, From Chapter 13 — Manufactured Homes
25.450, From Section 13.125 — Punishment and Fines
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XV, From Chapter 14 — Motor Vehicles and Traffic
25.460, No Fees
Art. XVI, From Chapter 15 — Miscellaneous [Numbering, Salvage, Pools]
25.520, From Section 15.340 — Penalty (Numbering of Buildings)
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XVII, From Chapter 16 — Fire Limits and Construction Regulations (Reserved)
25.530, No Fees
Art. XVIII, From Chapter 17 — Private Drives
25.540, No Fees
Art. XIX, From Chapter 18 — Solid Waste Management
25.550, From Section 18.220 — Issuance of Permit and Fee
Ch. 230
25.560, From Section 18.310 — Service Charges (Solid Waste Management)
Ch. 230
25.570, From Section 18.320 — Penalties
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
25.580, From Section 18.330 — Bonds
Ch. 230
Art. XX, From Chapter 19 — Development in Flood Plain
25.590, From Section 19.600 — Penalties for Violations
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XXI, From Chapter 20 — Building Code
25.600, No Fees
Art. XXII, From Chapter 21 — Subdivisions
25.610, From Section 21.020 — Provisions/Complied with Before Recording Plat and Sale of Lots
Ch. 410
25.620, From Section 21.270 — Penalty for Violation
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XXIII, From Chapter 22 — Zoning
25.630, From Section 22.180 — Violations/Penalties
Superseded by Ord. No. 859; see now Ch. 405, Art. I
Art. XXIV, From Chapter 23 — Taxation and Revenue
25.640, No Fees
Art. XXV, From Chapter 24 — Adult Businesses
25.650, From Section 24.060 — License, classification and fees
Ch. 630
25.660, From Section 24.230 — Penalty
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Art. XXVI, From Chapter 25 — Deposits, Fees and Charges
25.670, No Fees