[CC 2010 § 8.010; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008]
A merchant or business license shall not be issued to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years, except that such a license may be issued to a corporation authorized to do business in the State of Missouri regardless of his or her age.
A merchant or business must be located within the City Limits of Sturgeon, Missouri, or a merchant or business must provide a service within the City limits of Sturgeon.
[CC 2010 § 8.020; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 6838-25-2008]
A merchant or business license may only be issued upon written application made by a qualified person or corporation to the City Clerk and payment of the established license fee to said Clerk. The application shall request the following information:
Legal name of business.
Physical location of business.
Business telephone number.
Business owner's home telephone number and/or cellular phone number.
Nature of business in specific detail.
Full name of applicant(s).
Applicant's date of birth.
Indicate if applicant is a United States citizen.
Applicant's drivers license number.
Applicant's home address.
Mailing address.
Indicate whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any violation of laws or codes other than minor traffic violations in this or any other State and provide details.
Indicate whether or not this business will discharge any wastewater into the City sewer other than from restrooms and describe if the answer is yes.
Indicate whether or not they are in debt or obligated except for current City taxes.
Indicate if they are registered with the Missouri Secretary of State under Fictitious Law Indicate if they have been issued a Missouri Retail Sales Tax Identification Number.
A merchant or business license application indicating a new business to be started within the City limits of Sturgeon must be approved by the Sturgeon Board of Aldermen.
[CC 2010 §§ 8.030, 25.280; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008; Ord. No. 759, 1-23-2012; Ord. No. 860, 5-23-2016]
For each classification or type of business that is listed in "specific detail" on the application submitted they shall be required to pay the license fee or fees that are applicable according to the License Fee Schedule.
Antique shop
Auctioneer (no license required)
Auto repair and garage
Auto repair
Auto salvage and junk dealer (with fence enclosed)
Automobile agency and sales
Beauty shop
Bowling alley
Circus, dog and pony show
Clothing store
Drug store
Dry goods and merchandise store
Farm implements and equipment dealer
Feed and produce store
Flower shop
Furniture or appliance store
Gasoline bulk dealer
Gasoline filling station
Gift and sundry shop
Grain elevator
Grocery store
Hardware store
Hawker (per week)
Hawker (per year)
Insulation sales
Insurance agency/company (office in City required)
Locker plant
Other businesses not otherwise listed (and authorized by State law to be licensed by a Fourth Class City)
Peddler (per week)
Photographer (per week)
Photographer (per year)
Pool and billiard hall
Printer (including printing office)
Real estate broker (office in City required)
Secondhand store
Shoe store and/or shoe repair shop
Television, radio and appliance repair shop
Tent show and carnival
Tobacco, wholesale
Undertaking parlor (funeral home)
Variety store
[CC 2010 § 8.040; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008]
All merchants, business owners, or corporations conducting or operating a business within the City limits of Sturgeon, Missouri shall be responsible for acquiring and maintaining any County or State licenses if so required by the issuing authority and provide such copies to the City Clerk to be retained by the City of Sturgeon.
Each applicant for a business license under this Chapter shall submit a statement from the Missouri Department of Revenue pursuant to Section 144.083.4, RSMo., stating no tax is due, which statement is a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of a City business license. The statement required by this Section shall be dated within ninety (90) days of submission of the business license application or renewal application.
[CC 2010 § 8.050; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008]
All licenses issued by the City of Sturgeon shall indicate the name of the business followed with the applicant's name and address, indicate the amount paid, the type of business or businesses that are authorized, the beginning and ending date of the license, the date of payment and shall be signed by the City Clerk, City Collector and Mayor with the City seal affixed. The license shall also bear in the lower-left corner the receipt number followed with the date of payment.
[CC 2010 § 8.060; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008]
All licenses issued by the City to any merchant, business or corporation shall be posted in a conspicuous place in their business.
[CC 2010 § 8.070; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008; Ord. No. 759, 1-23-2012]
Each business license shall be issued for one (1) calendar year, except for those particular one-day licenses or one-week licenses set forth in Section 605.030. Each annual renewal business license applicant shall apply for and shall pay for the required license in January of each year, and such business license shall be delinquent in February. Each new business license applicant shall apply for, pay for and receive the required business license before doing any business in the City, and shall receive any required approval from the Board of Aldermen before doing any business in the City. All annual business licenses shall be issued for the calendar year, are non-transferable and shall not be prorated on application for a partial year or upon cancellation.
[CC 2010 § 8.080; Ord. No. 264, 8-24-1964; Ord. No. 417, 2-23-1981; Ord. No. 683, 8-25-2008]
It shall be unlawful for any person, co-partnerships, corporations or associations to exercise carry on or engage in any of the foregoing occupations, trades business or agencies within the City Limits of Sturgeon, Missouri, without having first obtained a license as provided herein. Anyone violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of an ordinance violation, fined and punished accordingly.