For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Is food waste, including animal, fruit and vegetable wastes of materials used in cooking, serving or storing of food.
Is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. The City of Sturgeon employees or anyone acting on the behalf of the City are exempt from this Chapter.
Is all solid waste, including garbage and rubbish.
Is solid wastes consisting of both combustible and non-combustible wastes such as metal, plastics, glass, bedding, building materials, tires, synthetics and other similar materials.
No person shall permit or cause the open burning of any substance which releases toxic emissions, including, by way of example and not as a limitation, the burning of tires, paint and paint products, motor oil, plastics, carpet or foam. Except as otherwise specifically permitted herein, no person shall permit or cause the burning of garbage, animal carcasses, refuse, trash, rubbish or other like material that emits foul odors at any time. Any type of waste prohibited by State Statutes.
All burning paper, cardboard and untreated wood products shall be free of garbage, rubbish or refuse materials.
The burning container shall be located at a safe distance from any structure, not less than fifteen (15) feet from a neighboring house or structure, and not less than five (5) feet from any boundary line.
The burning shall at all times be attended and supervised to ensure that the fire is controlled.
Determination By Fire Official. The fire official may prohibit any or all container fires when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous or whenever such fires are (or could be) offensive or objectionable due to smoke or odor emissions. The fire officials shall order the extinguishment, by the land holder or the Fire Department, of any container fire which creates a nuisance or which either creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation.
Building materials, except untreated lumber.
Construction debris.
Tires, tubes etc.
Hazardous waste and other kinds of waste prohibited by State and Federal agencies.
Wet yard waste: yard waste with enough moisture content to cause to smolder in lieu of burning with a flame, as to cause a noxious odor and/or create a health hazard to the community.
The burning shall at all times be attended and supervised to ensure that the fire is controlled.
The Mayor or the Fire District Authority can invoke a temporary burning ban due to public safety and/or climate conditions.